I don't understand how I should hope to attract a mate by showing them something impressive someone else has achieved...

I don't understand how I should hope to attract a mate by showing them something impressive someone else has achieved artistically.

get your cock out?

You don't. Musical taste is something you put up with after you're already together.


Women are a meme. Don't worry about them. They're not worth the effort nor time.

this image showing you've already done it and been rewarded repeatedly?

thus the sweating.

>put up with

This is probably accurate. The first time I hung out with the last girl i tried to date she played me girlfriend by modern lovers in my car. So whats that supposed to me. Also she never texted me back.

and what am I supposed to do with that, Einstein?

what about men?
Are you saying sex is a meme or literally women?

but i like memes

sex is a spook

at the bottom of the Sup Forums.
an ad...
it reads;

This is next to an attractive asian girl.

I don't know who to trust.

People in general are a meme, and sex, like everything else, succumbs to normalcy and tedium in time. You only want it because you've never had it.

Now I've never had sex myself, but my beliefs on the matter still stand to reason.

but i like spooks

I've had sex.

It's about how compatible your tastes are, not being impressive.

sex - talk about aesthetic. all art, all music, even the word, its sexy, what can you say, it all leads to sex. without sex, art doesn't work.


I should've said you only want it because it's in short supply.

But maybe we're just different people. I imagine the closeness and intimacy is much better than sex, and I still suspect I'd get bored with it.

true. this is true.

I understand. And you are right, closeness and intimacy is wonderful.

talking to women for the purpose of attraction is not about the showing them something, it's for the emotional arousal experienced from the comfort and rapport you build with them

Love is the gift of the gods. You're missing out with your post modern primal obsessions.

fourth post best post. focus on making money, bettering yourself. don't fall for god's greatest meme

How thw fuck would you know if you've never had it?

Stirner is such a hack. Realistically you should kill yourself considering his own method of thought renders everything a spook mixed with the fact that the human mind can't actually perceive or understand anything as it truelly is.
Read Wittgenstein if you actually have interest in philosophy. Or just have some dignity and admit you use nihilism as an excuse for your own comfort and pathetic, slug life.