This made me uncomfortable/depressed. The guy is addicted and thinks he isn't because he was able to go 30 days without it.

He just seems sad.

t. mormon

I get what your saying, but if it in no way negatively effects his life, he enjoys it, and it's helped his career enormously why would/should he stop.

He is sad. He's the saddest most late to the party fucking sycophant I've ever seen. His whole show was laughably bad even having stanhope, joey diaz and even jack black on his shit.

poor guy didnt even smoke until his late 20s and he still latches on to DUDE culture and pretend actual stoners give a shit about strains or what the fuck you're smoking out of

and i want to punch his left eye to make them both match

If your whole purpose in life is consuming drugs and talking about consuming drugs it kinda shows how shallow you are. I mean anyone can smoke weed, he isn't even particulary funny.
Also it causes cancer and a number of respiratory diseases which means your death will most likely be suffocating for 2 weeks.

I didnt say he had to stop, its his life

Why though? Probably give himself time to sober up and ask himself why he needs to get high/why doesnt he enjoy sobriety

Eventually he'll realise he is depressed and he needs to work on that before relying on perma medication

But....but....weed doesn't cause cancer!!!! Weed cures cancer!!!!!!!

Haha it's so sad some people actually believe this.

he is very particulary funny ... thats how he manages to live like this ... he's very successful in what hes doing

think again, kid

You don't have to be good in order to make money. Granted he can be "funny", but he is in no way a comedic genius. Many people can be "funny".
The people who watch his show wouldn't watch it if its topic wasn't weed. That is its main appeal, which is my whole point. He isn't that funny, but his (shallow) topical humor makes money.