for fuck's sake!
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A billboard depicting violence in general is poor taste.
What were they thinking!?!?
>EVIL VILLAIN chokes female hero
>this is promoting violence against women
Joke's on SJWs, as the ad is merely coming down on schedule. SJWs are typically too stupid to realize how the marketing world actually functions, so FOX can kill two birds with one stone by saving face while running business as usual.
So if we don't see bad things happening they wont happen?
Is En Sabah Nur gonna have to choke a bitch?
Wait, is it wrong that she's getting choked because she's a woman, or is it wrong to think that she isn't an equal, so she should be getting choked like any other person?
I've lost track at this point.
I want to spunk in her cunk and also ding in her thing. You all want the same you friendless faggots
I agree
>I want to spunk in her cunk and also ding in her thing.
Hear hear.
Well, as much as I hate the whole SJW shit, that ad kind of does send weird messages. I don't care about fictional violence against women itself, but the title "Only the strong will survive" is a pretty fucking bad choice for that particular image. I don't really see any bad intentions here, but Jesus Christ, how does stuff like that even get printed?
how many fucking threads are you butthurt sperglords going to make about this
This, dessoo. They act like the billboard was going to stay up for weeks and weeks. That's not how it works. There is no real victory here.
Pretty sad how S-JeWs are in such a fever of desperation that they have to reach this hard
>"I'm dumb"
That's literally all you had to say.
Apparently big companies have no choice but to bend to the will of any celebrity that complains extensively about a billboard. This billboard is nothing that shouldn't be set up in plain view of everyone.
When did telling someone to shut the fuck up become such a massive difficulty?
But it's coming down on schedule. FOX isn't being made to do anything outside of a superficial apology to "appease" the social media crybabies.
do you actually think that billboard does a good job of advertising?
its a movie about mutants with superpowers and they chose to show a generic choking scene
Still bad that they had to apologize.
more like former tv star, then the vocal minority picks it up.
that makes it worse. someone needs to tell them to just shut up. superheroes fight bad guys and sometimes get beat up. it would be sexist to exclude her from that and treat her differently. it would have been very easy for them to defend
>women are your equals you fucking manchildren
>wait, WHAT? How DARE you have a female character that isn't perfect!
How long before these fuckers just start getting gunned down in the streets?
But violence against men is perfectly okay?
I think what's interesting about his is that in a way, this is what they were aiming for. I'm sure they didn't necessarily need the twitter outrage, but the poster most likely showed a woman in distress to make you immediately feel for her, and elicit a powerful protective emotional response. They said "In our enthusiasm to show the villainy of the character Apocalypse" meaning they know how this comes across as villainous, and is designed to at least mildly upset people. It's just that now, when something mildly upsetting happens, everyone has to complain about it on Twitter.
>make movie about superheroes and super villains
>one of the superheroes is seen getting her ass kicked
How is this problem? Seriously if she were beating down a villain no one would have said a thing.
Never. Because they are going to make guns illegal in America before long.
They didn't have to. They were just acting in the interest of smart PR. If the situation was different and the billboard was to remain up for months or something, they wouldn't have responded to any outrage, knowing it would die down in a couple days.
FOX is an old company. They don't give a shit about crybabies online. They just know those people are easy to play, so they played them.
At this rate, they'll have to apologize by giving X Men back to Marvel.
>They didn't have to. They were just acting in the interest of smart PR.
This. People here are so naive that they actually think that FOX is in any way a victim of the SJW wave. They made this gray zone poster to get publicity, they knew that it will eventually piss somebody off. They got it, now they are rowing back to mend their image back together as good as possible. Who won? FOX got their publicity and some feminist cunt got a few clicks. Give and take, it works.
I see a known villain choking a known "hero" (in this iteration.) I'd say it was conveyed quite well and does an excellent job of advertising.
>its a movie about mutants with superpowers and they chose to show a generic choking scene
You don't know a thing about roadside billboard marketing. It's evident.
it's also freed advertising since their poster will be in the clickbait circuit for the next few days
it sounds badass and makes you think lots of heroes are going to get killed by this scary dude
so false advertising, but good advertising still
>known villain
Just ignore them, they are just saying edgy shit for attention.
Don't say shit like this. Its fine to portray either.
>let's forget men that are victims of abuse because they're not allowed to defend themselves
What did he mean by this?
Well, muslims are. They are allowed to beat, rape, and murder women as well but they aren't white so no biggie.
What a shit and confusing chart. Well (You) tried at least.
How is it in any way confusing? Are you retarded?
Your replies are not as much worth as you seem to think they are.
(You) keep replying so (You) keep fishing them with your shit chart that (You) though (You) were so clever to put together
Learn to chart dumbshit
Can you be a bit more specific about which part of the chart triggered your autistic outburst?
streaming Apocalypse @
come by and hang out and chat :)
Deadpool is up next I think.
Can you be more specific where I triggered yours?
Reminder that there are people like this one on Sup Forums too
kek why are (You) so mad at the chart?
>Can you be a bit more specific about which part of the chart triggered your diagnosed with a meme disorder outburst?
What did he mean by this?
Posting this just for you.
In case anyone else wants to fill it out.
Its fucking undecipherable.
How can anyone understand how you are supposed to read it.
I have a shitload of social justice warrior friends on my Facebook feed, and no one has even brought this up. This is almost certainly just a marketing tactic by fox, and you fucks are eating it up
When you realize that Demolition Man wasn't just a horrible Stallone movie, but a horrible and accurate prediction of the future.
Isnt mystique supposed to be a bad guy
he means you have resentment towards your single mother
not with jennifer lawrence playing her!
If only they knew the context of why Apocalypse was choking Mystique.
Apocalypse is the kind of villain everyone else piles on because he'll just fuck shit up for everyone if you don't
So she's just a troll right?
What girl doesn't like to get choked? Amirite fellas!
Not him but this is obviously what it should be. Why the fuck does the character's race or orientation matter. Everything's shit now.
>caving in to SJW
this is the future you chose
> Imagine if it were a black man being strangled by a white man, or a gay male being strangled by a hetero? The outcry would be enormous.
Literally the comment that lead to Fox apologizing
So there clearly is some kind of correlation between race, gender, sexual orientation and if it is okay to choke someone.
I'd say seems fairly accurate.
"I don't want your suffering, I don't want your future!"
What's the deal with Mystique being a big ole hero now anyway?
Like she's not even an anti-hero, she's just straight up brave, compassionate, friendly, a completely terrific person beloved by everybody she meets.
SJWs into ovens when?
I understand that, I'm saying that it's bullshit that we have to pander to this crap. Which is why I said "Everything's shit now" Fuck man, I want the main priority of directors to make a good movie, not appeal to the mass public. Is that too much to ask? Fuck
marvel cucks on suicide watch
Holy shit, it's Correct the Record!
I'm gonna get shit for this but this time they were right. I mean its just poor taste. This scene I'm sure is fine in the movie but when you decontextualize it and present it on billboards across the street along with the phrase "only the strong survive" just sends a fucking awful message. Imagine your mom has been abused by some fucking piece of shit or your sister and then they see this fucking billboard. They are gonna feel like shit man. Its like if for the promo of American History X they chose the scene were Norton curbstomps the black guy. Its just fucking tasteless, stupid and counterproductive.
>he means you have been red pilled on modern western women
I know right? They're fucking terrible.
Is it weird that if I read "only the strong survive" I don't think it in any way implies women won't survive?
Is this real?
>the west
Shut your mouth fuckboy #Enough @FBI
Of course not, I just mean that it was a really poor choice of words and images. To be honest I'm thinking that maybe they did it on purpose jst to crate a media buzz
The mutants in the x-men series flip flop sides and personalities all the fucking time. With the (reset?) from the previous film, it wouldn't be as strange to portray her as a her a hero now.
not even once
>a really poor choice of words and images
I really don't see it.
My first thought was them trying to advertise both JLaw and Isaac and to show how big of a threat he is.
I genuinely don't see any implication about race or gender or sexual orientation ANYWHERE.
I hope they do clone sandra bullock desu
That sign is a bad influence on kids. My wife's son saw it and immediately started choking his dad's girlfriend.
If my mom or sister has survived the abuse, then they're obviously strong -- strong enough to see that billboard and keep going.
Actually, my last two girlfriends were both into kinky, submissive sex, but neither of them liked being choked. It was kind of a bummer.
>I really don't see it.
Of course but someone who has experienced abuse is the first thing that he or she is gonna see. It's not a matter of feminism, its a matter of common decency. You don't advertise a movie about the holocaust with mass grave images on a billboard, or a movie about a serial killer with dismembered corpses on broad daylight.
Then it wasn't real abuse, these kind of commercials trigger ptsd on real abused women.
>these kind of commercials trigger ptsd on real abused women
What does not?
Ok Magneto chillax
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