How many Europeans truly believe that the Church is responsible for the crises of modernity (as if it was the only...

How many Europeans truly believe that the Church is responsible for the crises of modernity (as if it was the only reason), and that Paganism is the way out? How much of it is memes?

t. raised agnostic

Is Varg worse than niggers when it comes to we wuz kangz


Nice trips.

No one?

Paganism will revitalize the west

no literally not a single one

>t. raised agnostic

Not entirely wrong.


paganism doesn't have a lot of followers because it's a silly religion

people are just atheist instead

Euros are asleep
I should go to sleep too

>How many Europeans truly believe that the Church is responsible for the crises of modernity and that Paganism is the way out?
a considerable amount of us

>How much of it is memes?
non of it
europeans are waking up

In the Netherlands nobody talks about religion at all.

Christianity, agnostics, atheism. Nobody gives a fuck.
Only Muslims are hated.

Wtf i hate netherlands now

Blame the Moroccans here. Nobody ever talks about Egyptians, Iranians or whatever. Only rarely about Turks. But Moroccans give the Muslims a very bad rep.

My european friends are all pagans.

Our genoration is the lowest christian ever

I hate the Netherlands more and more every day.
Countries like Denmark have some redeeming factors like a fairly active state church and more responsible prostitution laws, but the Netherlands seems to be an irreligious, immoral, do-whatever-the-fuck-you-want, liberal shit hole that idolises sex. Like putting prostitutes in windows like they're fucking purses? It makes me want to vomit, I would never want to raise a kid there.

I'm sure the people are nice enough, but I would never visit that country, let alone go to the cities.

>My european friends are all pagans.

We believe in live and let live. Not harassing others with your bullshit.

Moroccans dont let live so people hate em.

You've got it all wrong - You're viewing things through a moral perspective. The Dutch view things through a money perspective. They care about nothing other than money. They're apathetic towards anyone doing anything in society, provided they don't take their money.

The Netherlands is a giant swamp full of Jews, but at least the Israeli's have some sense of morality. The Dutch just have avarice and conformity.

It's really funny that those were all British stereotypes circa 1900. Those, plus an obsession with sports. Read some German scaremongering texts from back then, it's pretty interesting

>Paganism will revitalize the west

That's not how it works.


Or as people here say: vrijheid blijheid (freedom is happiness).

Makes sense. The Dutch invented the modern corporation.

They have one of the most based political parties in Europe though, and one (if not the only) true traditionalist party. They have a few seats in their Parliament even.

They support theocracy, traditional values, maintain that men and women aren't equal and that women should stay at home. They also support the death penalty and oppose general degeneracy that's rampant in the Netherlands. 5/5 breddy good

They also control some cities yeah.

>going back in time is good
Hey I mean is it so hard to like freedom without degeneracy

Dutch tv reporters go there if they are in need of fresh memes.
For example they ask people if they like homosapiens. And everyone says no. Or if their child is a homosapien. :')

If it's a Roman Catholic theocracy then I'd be happy.

>maintain that men and women aren't equal and that women should stay at home
I agree, to an extent. I think we really need to do something to maintain traditional families and ensure babies are being born, but I don't think women should be banned from working as such. I'm not really sure what I support exactly, but I agree that men and women aren't the same.

>They also support the death penalty
I'm not opposed to the death penalty in itself for some really bad crimes (as per Catholic social teaching), but I wouldn't support it being used extensively, or if there is a chance of rehabilitation.

>oppose general degeneracy that's rampant in the Netherlands
Sounds alright in general. I'll look at them some more. What's their stance on abortion? Same sex marriage?

For now it's looking like PVV will win the upcoming election though.

>What's their stance on abortion? Same sex marriage?
They oppose both.

Oh yay!
I just looked them up and it turns out they're a Calvinist party (I am a Roman Catholic), but they still seem to have the right idea. They have bugger all seats in the various legislatures though.


It will literally burry it
you fucking mongoloid

They want to ban women from politics. And from voting. And you wont be shitposting on Sup Forums on sunday. As even their website goes down on sunday.

What do you think their stance on abortion is lol. They probably dont even want condoms.

> They want to ban women from politics. And from voting. And you wont be shitposting on Sup Forums on sunday. As even their website goes down on sunday.

Ah okay, that is extreme. Protestants are a mixed bag I guess.

> What do you think their stance on abortion is lol. They probably dont even want condoms.

As a Catholic, neither do I.

You can't go shopping selectively in the bible.

The idea of "sola scriptura", that every part of Christian belief must come from the Bible, didn't arise until the 16th century.
I follow what the Catholic Church teaches, an institution that predates the Bible itself, let alone the idea that what the difficult-to-interpret Bible says = the ongoing papacy, always present to guide the Church.
The Church derives its authority from an event that is recorded in the Bible.
So I'm not picking and choosing from the Bible, I just believe what is taught by the Church Christ founded.


>choosing a nigger desert Jew religion instead of your own
Cucks desu
Pagan yurop is best yurop

>any form of government with morals that aren't absolute

If wanting stability = neckbeard, then I'll take the neckbeard.