ITT: Deceptively good album covers

ITT: Deceptively good album covers



Most prog

In what world is this a good album cover?
Disney Girls, A Day in the Life of a Tree, 'Til I Die, and the title track make up for it
That's their second best album faggot


You r a insufferable twat

I know

That's their best album faggot



the only thing worse than that album art is the album

that album art is fucking cool, is it any good?

always been a sucker for space album covers
shame it's reportedly bad


Macbeth in space with dank fucking riffs.

But this album is also good

This one hurts

could anyone share this?

this album is great

This one too

Not that this cover is that amazing or anything, but I really wish the album was more fun sounding.

Every fucking bowie album.