What is the Nintendo Switch of music?

What is the Nintendo Switch of music?


kanye west- tlop

american football 2

Mr Bungle - Disco Volante

Abbey Road

>Shits fucked but lets see if we can make one last grand hurrah, for old times sake.

except abbey road is good

>Strawberry Jam = Gamecube (they're both objectively the best)
>MPP = Wii (The one everyone has played with/listened to at least once)
>Centipede Hz = Wii U (hardcore fans liked it, but it was received mostly lukewarmly by the general public)
>Painting With = Switch (The one that makes you wonder where it all went so wrong)

>Strawberry Jam = Gamecube (they're both objectively the best)
good lad


3DS is Feels
DS is Campfire Songs

>Gamecube (they're both objectively the best)
lol gamecube aint shit except for melee and RE4

>lol gamecube aint shit except for melee and RE4
Holy shit, you've never played gamecube have you

Wish people would give this thing a chance
I'm not even huge on Nintendo, but I'm sick of people saying this console's shit and is going to massively flop before it even comes out.

Super Mario Sunshine
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Luigi's Mansion
Kirby's Air Ride
F-Zero GX
Mario Kart Double Dash
Metroid Prime
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Super Monkey Ball
Legend of Zelda: Windwaker


>2 hour battery life



came here to post this

the new slowdive coming up

actually true

Death Grips

What is the Catch 22 of music?

Is the controller meant to look like a lopsided eyed puppy?


Yeezus sold a lot though but I can see this argument if you dislikd both albums.

>Their best and most patrician.
Fuck it's all adding up

STGSTV is objectively the best
Strawberry Jam is second though

No, but you might be interested to know that didn't stop /trash/ from making porn of it.

why do people hate Switch? I think it's pretty neat...

I've been out of the loop for a long time, but that picture looks like failure to me.

all garbage


to explain all the reasons why people hate it I would literally have to write a post bigger than Sup Forums allows

Dude if you think Metroid Prime is garbage you are objectively pleb.

>tfw bitterness and cynicism floods the videogame industry
Thank god I dropped out of them

Nah, it's just Sup Forums this time. Nintendo is still bright and happy. RIP Satoru Iwata, though.

>tfw Sup Forums makes you hate videogames
>tfw that switched my interest to Sup Forums
>tfw joy is back again, mildly

Sup Forums is one of the worst boards on the site so you made a good decision

>Luigi's Mansion
Why tho

>muh heatseeking Oddjob hat


That Flaming Lips album where you have to play 4 discs at the same time

Although I would compare them with their latest release

probably the best answer

same, friend, same

Fight me in real life.

Isn't that Let It Be
you ignant

Switch looks fucking good my man

get the fuck out

Zaireeka, and it's a great listen if you do it properly

Fuck you. I liked that album.


>those SJ and PW ratings
>even remotely accurate

Double dash is garbage compared to mario kart 8, or even the one for wii.
