What happened? Why did he marry a negro SJW?
What happened? Why did he marry a negro SJW?
Dylan Adams
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Dominic Jones
Because he wanted to 'make it'. He took a page outta Sterns book, have a nig around and you can say almost anything without too much backlash.
Austin Foster
love does crazy things to ya.
not that you will ever know :^)
Cameron Butler
Or maybe they just love each other dude?
Leo Miller
There's nothing more alpha than taming a wild beast.
Bentley Wilson
grow up, she's better looking than him anyway
Kayden Baker
like an animal loves a zookeper
Leo Young
sjw jas lost all meaning
Jace Cooper
>you can say almost anything without too much backlash.
surely you mean blacklash?
Nathaniel Powell
Best way to get new material.
Embed yourself.
Black people make for hilarious material, and know he can get more of that and deflect criticism with his black shield