Omg she literally owns

omg she literally owns

you can't say SLAY without YAS

she makes my life better

Women's March on Versailles
>kickstarted revolution
Women's March on Moscow
>kickstarted revolution
Women's March on Trump
>makes them feel better about losing
Wow really makes me think

All this proves is that Americans and neoliberal capitalism is watered down corporate horseshit

this board is fucking garbage

>All this proves is that Americans... is watered down corporate horseshit
wow really makes me think

>wow really makes me think
wow really makes me think

*gets slain*

me think


you probably make the same quality of posts in dg threads ya dingus

And yet you won't leave.
Go on, try.

Yeah, it makes you think that you are going to be on the wrong side of history.

in 4 years after he's voted out of office there'll be millions of women at the inaug to celebrate a their massive WIN! :) Tramp approval rating at Bush W. post-Katrina before even taking office. Sad!

ur on the wrong side of history

>Women's March on Trump
>>makes them feel better about losing

Wew lad
The best thing about Trump is the next 4 years of corruption (that are literally beginning before he's even inaugurated) is that while Republican constituents become disillusioned to the brink The DNC will have enough time to flush its garbage, unshackle itself from corporate interests, and reinvent itself.
This is literally the best outcome possible with the choices that were given.
My fire rises.

Because men can't be right?

all the DNC needs to do is pick a young likeable progressive with no baggage and it'll be an easy win. so far i feel like kamala harris is the brightest star but others can obviously emerge in the next couple years. but for now my eyes are on her to see what she does in the senate

Ladies: I'm glad you're getting in shape. Fitness is very important, and marching is good for cardio. America will become a very healthy nation!


No, it makes me think that our society and the people in it are shallow, vapid people who only want to appear to be revolutionary or counter to something because it's cool or hip
Why did the Parisian women march on Versailles? They were fucking hungry, it wasn't some organized carefully planned march with everyone's place planned out like today, it was a group of people who were fucking pissed off because they were starving in the streets and wanted some fucking food. Now it's all virtue signaling, vicarious, masturbatory, and hollow attempts at being a "revolutionary". They have nothing to fight against really, their lives will go on much the same as they did, but they have to make sure everyone on their social media knows exactly how revolutionary and counterculture and edgy and dangerous they are
They want their voice heard, but what are they saying? They're saying "look at me aren't I so good".
It's fucking disgusting

Here is how you make Sup Forums great again

>Complete ban on all political threads
>No more anti (insert genre here) threads plus a ban on derailing threads by taking pointless shots at the genre in question.
>Create a new /waifu/ board for the K-Pop/Grimes/St Vincent fans


I'm tired of people telling me to change myself. I'm not going to walk because of sexist body standards that DRUMPF perpetuates. WOMEN, don't STAND UP, SIT DOWN and fight for positivity.


Look at the state of this board and tell me they can.

>make a new board
>when japmoot is trying to REDUCE boards
uhh you dont get to add boards

>make Sup Forums great again

trump reference enjoy your permaban




you can tell a thread is good when someone is already buttmad in the first posts

the RNC is basically handing the DNC 2020 on a silver platter right but, but don't underestimate the hubris of the DNC officials. i wouldn't be surprised if they chose one of their many clinton 2.0s to be the new face of the party.

What does that mean? A man created 2ch and 4ch, you're taking something a man created and saying men can't be right?

I seriously do not think it is possible to lose to Donald fucking Trump and think "Yes we are definitely on the right path lets keep doing what we are doing" if you have any political experience.

Post this garbage on Sup Forums where it belongs, not here.

we're gonna build a wall and make p4k pay for it

we need a wall to keep (((pitchfork))) out desu

well that's literally what the people who worked on the clinton campaign have been saying

wow really makes me think

except the alt-right is trendy, which history has proven to be ephemeral.

>No, it makes me think that our society and the people in it are shallow, vapid people who only want to appear to be revolutionary or counter to something because it's cool or hip
I mean I don't disagree really.

>They were fucking hungry, it wasn't some organized carefully planned march with everyone's place planned out like today, it was a group of people who were fucking pissed off because they were starving in the streets and wanted some fucking food.
So what? There are revolutions regardless of how well-off and civilized society becomes. That's not relevant.

>Now it's all virtue signaling, vicarious, masturbatory, and hollow attempts at being a "revolutionary". They have nothing to fight against really, their lives will go on much the same as they did, but they have to make sure everyone on their social media knows exactly how revolutionary and counterculture and edgy and dangerous they are
Yet again, I don't really disagree at all.

>They want their voice heard, but what are they saying? They're saying "look at me aren't I so good".
>It's fucking disgusting
I mean I don't really know what this walk is even about so you could be right.

Well then he should get rid of all of the useless fucking porn boards, for starters. It's 2017, who masturbates to pictures? Just move /t/ into the misc section and axe the rest. There are a million other better places on the internet to get porn anyway.

my worst nightmare would be Cory Booker. He's not inspiring at all and he's not a progressive. He's like an unlikeable Obama. No thanks. I also don't want Bernie or Biden. Too old, too white, too male. Sounds SJW but a POC or woman will be automatic hype for a lot of people and for a good fucking reason

>who masturbates to pictures?
i dont have headphones

tens of thousands of users use the porn boards

probably 500 people use the waifu threads

weigh the importance here...

>who masturbates to pictures?

Are you serious?

Wow. And this is why the DNC is a complete joke.

>It's 2017, who masturbates to pictures?

>who masturbates to pictures?


Then just mute your sound. You seriously have internet but use photo as opposed to video to jerk off? What is going on in your life?


>who masturbates to pictures?

What in the fuck

What if you're fapping to a model or an artist and they're more attractive in photo???

Nigga do you even THINK?

i hope trump deports you

normie plebe who can only jerk off to videos

The porn boards are good because you can upload all porn, pornsites are regulated and selective.

Women are the sexist ones, they can't see past gender.

I'll die on this hill. I literally have not jerked off to photos in a solid decade. What common set of circumstances is leading all of you to jerk off to photos like its 99' and pornhub doesn't exist?

>You seriously have internet but use photo as opposed to video to jerk off?
What kind of fucking question is this? Why do you find it absurd that someone would jack off to a pornographic image?

>Then just mute your sound
>Implying I jerk off to pics to keep quiet

Pornhub sucks, low content.

>Democratic Golden Age - 4 years
>Not jerking off to JAV exclusively

>What if you're fapping to a model or an artist and they're more attractive in photo???
You mean like a non pornographic model/artist?
I just don't get it man. Once you've been exposed to full HD video and shit how do you go back to photo masturbation?

Not him but I honestly can't recall the last time I masturbated to a picture, just (video) porn.

I agree with the first two but
>Create a new /waifu/ board for the K-Pop/Grimes/St Vincent fans

What if i literally want to the MUSIC of one of these MUSICIANS you mentioned as """waifus""". Should female MUSICIAN discussions be banned entirely then, since all female musicians gets waifued?

>You mean like a non pornographic model/artist?
Typically yes

Clearly I was talking about mr. I don't have headphones. What the fuck kind of problem is that anyway? Cheap headphones cost literally a couple of dollars.
It does, I just went with a common one

relevant to this thread

>who masturbates to pictures?

That's either because you're a pleb or you haven't found good pictures. Plenty to find on /s/

No. You can discuss the music but once it strays into non musical waifu territory (ike 99% of the K-Pop content), it shouldn't be on Sup Forums. The mods would just have to use their discretion.

Anyone else a little worried about when 4k porn becomes ubiquitous? Some things were not meant to be seen in such detail...

>ike 99% of the K-Pop content)
Its funny how these comments always pop up when over at /kpg/ we're about to watch a music show together

Yeah but they're still just pictures.

>I masturbate to still images

>There are literally people living in first world countries still beating their dicks to still photos in the year of our lord, 2017

you do know that people get naked in real life, right?

i understand this may be news to someone from kpg

No, I purposely don't do it. Why would I want to get off to a picture? I guess I could understand it if it's like a bunch of pictures like if you're browsing a Sup Forums thread.

No girl I've been with has been a porn star (I think)
A lot of porn stars only look good in lower resolution, and a lot of really kinky stuff I don't doubt will become very gross at higher definitions.

I already dislike behind the balls shot and I don't think I've ever seen one at higher than 480, the thought of a UHD one is kind of terrifying.

normie go home


Fucking kill yourself you retarded normalfag.

oh, well maybe I can make an exception for that photo.

If not using photos to masturbate like I'm in prison or some shit makes me a normie, then I'm a straight up normie.

>Sup Forums poster a pedophile

beyonce is literally the queen of all black people in Amerikkka and if you don't like her music you're literally racist

any anti-beyonce poster should be banned for violating global rule 3 and be redirected to

Shut up this is a porn discussion thread now.


the fact that you cannot conceive the notion of using pics is what makes you normie

you NEED to have video

nice unironic post m8

this guy gets it

i came

anti-beyonce posters detected
antifa has your IPs racists, you best be hiding

But why?


>Ash Ketchum gets to bang this ass and you don't

If you're seriously so fucking stupid that you can't understand that people might like to jack off to certain pornographic images because they may provide something that some random shitty video off a porn site might not be able to offer, then you really need to drive into a tree.

can somebody already fucking hack pitchfork headquarters and erase everything from them?

>Photo masturbators are this defensive over their bizarre habit
But why?

why, is there a problem?

get woke son

>they may provide something that some random shitty video off a porn site might not be able to offer

>moving pictures can't provide what pictures can

holy kek

>moving pictures can't provide what pictures can
Yes, for example, a painting can't provide what a film can and vise versa.

Well explain what that is within the context of masturbation then?

just send waifus to >>/trash/

Go on the porn boards and figure it out for yourself.

>that analogy

yet again, holy kek

That wasn't an analogy, you retard.