Post American """""humour"""""

Post American """""humour"""""

The best comes first

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The first episode of the UK and US versions of The Office.
The American version makes my arse close up.
I cringe every time at the part where Michael Scott says "What?" out of the blue. Look at how forced and deliberate it is, like at least Ricky Gervais' line was at least believable, like he's trying to break the awkwardness. Michael Scott was just reading a script that told him to say "what" out of the blue.
The US Office is one of the better American shows, too. That's saying something.

No one does cringe humour better than the British. It's what we do best and it's not for everyone.

>american comedy
>at least one joke about poop, or piss, or a baby pissing on its parent's face when changing the diaper

But where is my canned laughter?

The English one makes me cringe because of the harsh realism and awkward dialogue. In other words, it does its job.
The American one makes me cringe because of its predictable acting, unrealistic storylines, and shitting in the mouth of the mockumentary format.
The UK Office looks and feels like a real deal documentary, as if the BBC really went to this paper office and filmed the goings-on. It's not confined to episodic storylines like the American version, where each scene exists to advance the plot.
The American one has the comedic value of the Big Bang Theory, but happens to be set in an office, and it doesn't have a laugh track, so the Redditors get to feel smart for still being able to figure out when they're supposed to laugh.

When do we nuke them

>American ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''comedy''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

The Office is alright t'bh. 1970s SNL was God-tier.


The American Office has 188 (one hundred and eighty eight) episodes. That tells you all you need to know about their need to make money through advertisements.

Yeah, I much prefer the UK model of TV series over the American model. Quality > quantity.
It's just so much nicer and more genuine to have decent shows, like Father Ted, The Office, and Fawlty Towers to have short runs, if that makes sense. American shows that have eight seasons of 24 episodes each just seem cheap, saturated, and commercial, like it's more of a churned-out product than a show. Idk.

What on earth

Married with Children was the best comedy ever made

Prove me wrong faggots.

seinfeld is shit but l like it

Classic Simpsons is also pretty good


>le I dont like my wife

so funny!! xD

How do those kids not know how to play video games realistically?

Fucking hate this show

My local TV station increased their afternoon news to one additional hour, and instead of removing this fucking shitfest they took out Modern Family. Ended up finding a channel that airs Walker Texas for two hours.

Malcolm in the Middle is probably my favourite American comedy to be honest. It's also a show that stayed decent right through, instead of being beat into the ground, like Two and a Half Men.
Curb Your Enthusiasm, and seasons 1-9 of The Simpsons are good too. I can't wait for Season 9 of Curb this year.

I didn't realize it was cut (for some reason), in the original Lois (their mother) comes into the room and tells them to "stop playing those videogames, they are too violent!", so they start watching regular tv and as they get bored they start fighting over the chips and beating each other up.