>Western depiction of Knights
>pillage and rape!
>dude incest lmao!
>Japanese depiction of Knights
>honorable and duty bound
>loyal to their noble King even unto death
Why is the west so uninspiring with their stories?
>Western depiction of Knights
>pillage and rape!
>dude incest lmao!
>Japanese depiction of Knights
>honorable and duty bound
>loyal to their noble King even unto death
Why is the west so uninspiring with their stories?
Because the west are cultural cucks.
western society is depraved, perverted and utterly abnormal.
in point case:
you mastrubate to traps
Because Jews fucking hate themselves (they think they're white), so they write white people to be the fucking worst, which is the total opposite to reality.
could you post some examples of movies or something? you could at least try to make it Sup Forums related
Why can't they be both? Or do you just want romanticized shit that's unrealistic?
>Knights dindu nuffin!
>Japanese knights
To be fair, the typical god fearing knight was known to be honorable and chivalrous, but absolutely brutal to sinners and "evil".
You can show them to be righteous, but to be as dark as what they were.
>implying Sup Forumspol/ even tries to disguise their shitposting anymore
I don't what to tell you that won't make it sound like a Sup Forumslack conspiracy and having it dismissed as such..
Western society loves to criticize themselves and it's history. White and christian guilt is constantly brought up in media. Especially the crusades which were a justifiable response to the Rapid and gruesome expansion of the Muslim Empire raping and conquering throughout the lands.
Japanese are proud of their past, all the good and the bad, they like to own it. They have Japanese pride where as white christian pride is the same as marking yourself as a kkk triple gigga nigga killa apparently.
Since they undoubtedly are proud of their history or question it, it leaves them room to study the West's history and appreciate it for it's tales.
Japanese vidya loves Western and central europe medieval and North American Westerns. You don't ever see the Japanese making film or vidya if middle east Muslim conquests or civil wars because there's literally no honor in any of it.
keeping it Sup Forums related is just as much as your part as OPs faggot