Will anime kino ever take off?

Pic related, the live-action Jotaro Kujo from the planned live-action Jojo's Bizzare Adventure.

Is the entirity of the Japanese movie goer audience female?
What the fuck is wrong with them.


Animekino came and went with Library Wars.

>"The sources also explain that because Jojo's Part III lacks female characters and is heavily comprised of battles, they're making to sure to cast attractive male leads who will appeal, and keeping an eye on the fan reaction."
They want female viewers and they're afraid females won't see it unless they cast someone like pic related.

Might as well make him a girl.

He's ripped though?

Japs have been making live-action anime adaptations for decades.

Old JoJo protagonists were over 6' and pretty buff. Closer to capeshit than anime really.

Jeeze, people are still starving in Japan?