Actresses that Hollywood promotes as beautiful
Actresses that Hollywood promotes as beautiful
Parker Morris
Justin Martin
Xavier Stewart
Grayson Gomez
she's kinda cute but her smile isnt
Jaxson Nelson
>implying hollywood does anything without test marketing it first
Samuel Reyes
Xavier Wood
J Law
Amy Adams
Gal Gadot
Anne Hathaway
Kristen Stewart
Emily Blunt
Anna Kendrick
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Chloe Moretz
Rosamund Pike
Lupita Ongobongo
Lincoln Hughes
strong list
Nicholas Nguyen
Now that's how she's supposed to smile. Not show her glorious xeno teeth.
Honestly, Ridley is neither beautiful or hot, she's just cute. Nothing impressive.
Adam Butler
who the fuck thinks maggie gyllenhaal is beautiful. bitch looks like droopy dog