"You can fire your arrows from the Tower of Babel, but you can never strike God!"

>"You can fire your arrows from the Tower of Babel, but you can never strike God!"

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


That no matter how hard you try, you cannot harm a God (AKA Apocalypse). It's really not that hard to undertsand user

That it doesn't matter how advanced humans get, they will never equal the heights of mutants.

v = the square root of ((2*m*g)/(ρ*A*C))

I will send it to /sci/

I dont understand why the 3 other horsemen didnt leave then and there. He literally just starts shouting shit at random. They didnt see wtf he was doing, just heard him screaming about rocks and slings.

Well they might as well have said, "no matter how high you build the tower of babel, you can never hit god"

i dont know
i have not finished watching the camrip yet

But there's no poetry in that

That was to emphasize that he had been under rocks, sleeping for a few thousand years, he didn't know shit about modern society even after that TV-info absorption trick.