So why was this forgotten about a week after it was released when everyone was saying it was a masterpiece?
So why was this forgotten about a week after it was released when everyone was saying it was a masterpiece?
>So why was this forgotten about a week after it was released
it wasn't.
it's right up there with wreck it ralph and zootopia.
It was ok
It wasn't? A good movie, but extremely overrated.
All of the reddit generation "masterpieces" have an incredibly short shelf life. As soon as the next flick that rotten tomatoes shilled is relased they forget all about the last film that "changed cinema forever".
It is safe and predictable, just like everything out of pixar from Up onwards. The movie plays like a checklist of things that need to happen in a movie with few surprises.
It's almost like it's just marketing or something.
Also go back to Sup Forums
You go back to Sup Forums you capeshitter retard.
Just another disposable "cultural experience."
Riley was a whiny cunt and the lack of villains just makes the hero Joy seem stupid and inept.
Literally no one is likable in that movie.