
no belgians allowed edition

Other urls found in this thread:



Is Poleaboo gay? Why would he being arrested for harassing some girl if he's Paki tranny?


Join my """"""""""""""british"""""""""""""" discord

Listening to Blackpool grime


White people have a disproportionate share of wealth -> Hey, they earned that money rightfully, they deserve it, maybe other races are the ones not working hard enough.

Jews are overrepresented in media and politics -> OMG we must do something!!

anti-life edition

are we not using the yank thead even though it had precedence?



gonna do an ol' 'cide

much prefer this thread

Kek, he's going full out Goldbergstein

in for a good night lads

yeah, fuck the yank

>black cunts in my old job would help each other but not help me
>lithanian cunts would help each other but not help me

yet you are fucking happy to come here and enjoy the benefits of a non-shithole country

So what's your argument against it? I'm playing devil's advocate

i'd help you as a fellow racist

good post. plus the other thread is just those mongs arguing about abortion. rather leave them to it desu


This incident made me racist my white brother

bet newcunts don't even know what sage is

miss ID: Heaven desu

Don't see any advantage in being tall

machine poster on the right


awful thread that

antisemitism is what bitter inferior goyim resort to when they fail

girls will have sex with you

Abortions are painful though
so much blood.

need to spaff on her humble mounds desu

hey lads I know you're comfortable here but there's a thread made by a yank so if you could just pop over there that would be nice

Who is going to win?

helps you pick the best fruit lad


hmm yank thread with the tedious abortion debate or this one. tough call.

they seem pretty deceitful to me, post one of her in normal clothes

might do a cheeky late poo

>You're in on a friday night

Literally nothing you say could hurt my feelings.

yanky yanky yank yank

alright well besides that, nothing else could upset me.

wasn't really thinking youd sink that low

she has a decent sized pair of tits why are you trying to make and issue out of it reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fukof

closing this thread

fuck off its shit edition anyway

How can I catch back up with gaming lads?

Barely played anything since 2013, dunno whether to make the jump to PC gaming (finally) or get a ps4

yeah for a nip she's nice, would grace her with my penis if she let me

I'd call this decent

If you're 21 or older and you still use a console, your a filthy embarrassment.

From someone with a PC+PS4, I'd just get a PC since you can do more with it. There are some decent games coming out for PS4 though but most are multiplat with PC anyways. Just look at what games are coming out in 2017 and the best ones that came out in the last few years with a quick search, you probaby haven't missed much imo.


ah yes, an unpaid volunteering job which requires a bachelor's and 1 year experience.

PC gaming intimidates me tbqh, having to learn how to play games all over again would just depress me

as ucht dé
horrid slag

It's easier than you think mate, plus you can use a controller if you want to, mouse and keyboard is still better though.


you dont like slags m8?

ps4's basically a $500 bloodborne machine


I feel. I was a Sony console user for a long time, but the adjustment isn't as bad as one might think

This guy said what I was in the middle of typing

bright rainbow of mult eye culturalism at work

only slope ones

this 2bh

Looks like all the runts are in the other thread.

Anyone ever met a celebrity?

Seen colin farrels car with him in it but couldn't see him sadly

How much should I be looking to spend?


Liking the speed of this thread, very comfy, as it should be

seen prince charles and one of the irish presidents

just bumped into them didn't plan it

I saw Deirde in B&Q once I think, it was some actor from corrie or some shite anyway. Grim I know.

seen the queen 3 times
met james nesbit

I saw ardal o'hanlon once and shouted abuse out the window of the car while waiting at a red light, he had a big beard but I knew it was him

Why abuse a priest?

>Belgium still exists

new trainspotting seems alright

Saw Craig David in a hotel in LA once. Was in the pool with some fit bird who kept diving in.

Its post-modern

absolute fucking weapon!!


i'm 5'3" and have had 799 girlfriends

We can help with this.

this proves my point again, just be yourself lads

I don't know. Whatever you think you want to spend, I guess.

we've had doublethreadposting like 6 editions in a row now

It confuses and infuriates me and it must stop
where the FUCK is yanny

alri, post willies bois :333

imagine being so pathetic you have a pornfu

janny is going to blow his LID when he sees this

Pretty much a non-thread


im not gay

waifus > pornfus

all in here lads

anytype of fu desu

I don't use the nomenclature or subscribe to the culture as i think it promotes virgin-walking behaviour and traits

Business idea: JF fuck off to that other thread and leave the rest of us in here.

how do I get janny bf to freely shitpost all over Sup Forums?

you already did that twice in ww1 and ww2, but those fucking eternal anglo shits just can't handle us being independent from those filthy frogs.
We will never forget wilhelm II's kindess by giving us the first Dutch-speaking universities

prove it

Tony Blair, a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Everyone's here

First thread



I could body everyone here 2bh lads

considering flooding Sup Forums with /brit/s

So mummy may wanked Trump off?