Tfw you become so patrician you learned to ignore le experimental xD bias and appreciate the hidden subtleties in pop...

>Tfw you become so patrician you learned to ignore le experimental xD bias and appreciate the hidden subtleties in pop music
>Tfw you outgrow places like rym and mu/mu discord

Where now?

Other urls found in this thread:,,,

another medium


time to listen to pseudoscorpion

it's the final frontier of audiokino

>Where now?


Come and join the real patricians now.

Actually enjoying some music?

What is more infantile: movies or music?

I think movies are way dumber.

Modern classical.

Music, easily

I've been listening to classical since I was a child, mom played in an orchestra. Nothing new there. Most modern classical is talentless self indulgent trite.

The fact that you think you're abandoning one bias only means you're taking on another bias


who is your favorite composer?

you can't outgrow rym - rym is only as good/bad as you are

Its funny how reading books these days is looked as intelligence but if you read enough historical books you see over and over how people that would spend all day reading in libraries were thought of as kind of the couch potato of the day

this, and this post right here is proof of that.

op's a fag

Op said ignore

You sound angry and overly defensive.

Bartok but Tchaikovsky is close second. Unlike popular music, the most famous in classical were often the most adept. Seeing people on mu talk out of their ass about semi obscure composers has become to me what the "I'm not like the other girls" mentality was 2 years ago.

you should probably just listen to some music youve never heard before. Its not like youll ever be able to hear it all in your lifetime.

>Byzantine chants

I've been hearing lithurgical music since childhood also. Maybe not Arabic, but Eastern Orthodox churches often have long ass sessions with hymns throughout.


im just throwing some reccs randomly, thats a good channel for traditional music

Shut up sal

end your life sal

don't reply with some smartass remark either

I'm in the same boat but I still go on here, albeit mostly for sharethreads and recs

You only outgrow this place when you have more important things to do, i.e. a job or a family. Taste in music doesn't change that

Yeah, I get it. Well known must mean im uncultured or "unsophisticated" (bad standards to judge music by to begin with). You like Paderewski, Scriabin, Shostakovich. Other random semi obscure shit you probably scrobble. Maybe you name-drop how its "romanticism" or "impressionistic", as if that means anything. This is the mindset I've outgrown. As I mentioned earlier you've become what 21 pilots/Lana del Rey fans were 2 years ago.

>the hidden subtleties in pop music
for instance?

full-time scholars never do anything except read about non-scholarly exploits anyway

literature is an inside joke circle jerk

>mu discord
lol wut?

This. A lot of Sup Forumstants seem disappointed with their lives but they could easily improve it if they shifted their time over to and also if you have body issues

lol, that's not what anyone said. telling someone to read isn't the same as saying they should devote their life to keeping their nose in a book.

t. illiterate music addict

>either not reading at all or reading all the time
>the world is black and white

stay triggered, illiterates.

You sound angry and overly defensive.

and wrong to boot

>Scriabin, Shostakovich
>semi obscure
I cannot believe one man can be this pleb. Shostakovich is one of the most important and well-known composers of all time. You literally have to be brain dead not to know him and not by some edgy-Sup Forums-teenager standards, but by absolutely everyday normie standards. And Scriabin is known to anyone who has at least some decent musical education. Just stop browsing the board and go educate yourself, before you transform into a complete chav.

Talking to smart people IRL

>outgrow mu
>still posting on mu


Off you go OP.

Alright asshole, so now you think you've got some sort of Swingin' Sack O' Giant Juicy Dick Melons all because you've surpassed your own perception of whatever in God's fuck you think sophistication means.

Well congratulations. You've basically just admitted to everyone here that you are a Hardcore trend-gimp.

Telling everyone you dig the hidden subtitles in pop music but not even namedropping a single1920's big band group, such as Vincent Lopez and His Orchestra (,
no 1890's vaudeville (e.g., let alone 40's re-recordings of 1860's classics (, not even any of the ubiquitous 'piped music' made available on Decca/London Records's catalogue from the early 60's - such as the utterly ESSENTIAL Mantovani - (
( - ...sample that, you musically leprous prick.

You obviously know nothing.
Now, do me a favour, and never post about 'pop music' on this board again until you've at least figured out half of what the hell you're supposed to even be talking about.


this is such a feverish spasmshit of aimless nonsense and amazingly spicy banter.

probably the best post i'm going to read on Sup Forums today.

Yeah naturally you'll say how its totally not that obscure and how I'm uneducated/uninformed whatever. You're trying to avoid a hipster label and it makes you look even more pretentious and see through. To the person that doesn't listen to classical, its not a known name, which is what I meant. It seeks to impress said people but makes those that know left from right cringe a bit inside.

Like I said I've been going to live classical performances since 5. My mom taught me the violin and guitar. Never listened to the radio, always classical or biographies on various classical performers, etc. Etc. Am I special enough now to meet your standards

go talk about Satie on the mu discord or something. Name-drop.

>Must name-drop to establish credibility

Shouldn't you be rating your 1000th Rym album, toxic vain faggot? You really trying to impress me with your artificial random rym-based knowledge of older pop?

I've moved on from muh experimental meme to well produced/recorded music that sounds amazing on top of the line audiophile gear

Trying to impress someone who doesn't even have the slightest awareness of what makes up the essential post-linear hauntological cannon of Pop, especially when they have explicitly claimed to know about this kind of music, would be like attempting to give sign language lessons to a slow worm.

But this comparison is overly generous.
You're more like a dust mite being mercilessly ripped apart from everything you ever thought you understood in the cylindrical sucking chamber of a recognisable brand name vacuum cleaner.

Get with the program or leave.


youre either circlejerking over how much you know about art or youre making art yourself

I know that feel only I feel my place is on rym. It really is a great place to find loads of music even if a lot of users are pretentious shits

I'm in love.


You're all literally ruining this board, I hope you know.