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Nice triplets

Crashing this plane big guy

Same to you sailor


This makes no sense without sound


Nice goat.

How is the Witch, people like it or hate it it seems.








>The oscar for best visual effects goes to...






what movie is this?




Not a movie, it's from season 2 of Fargo.












>Seriously, would vote for this guy


cool how you never see the camera in the mirrors

O, didn't know they made that into a movie.

i don't remember this

did they make a 3rd season of that shit

Most overrated movie ever?

Not sure, that's from the first season though.



>How is the Witch, people like it or hate it it seems.

plebs hated it for the lack of jump scares and old english but it's 8/10 grusel kino









we need more shows like this, maybe i will rewatch the pacific


She more white then black

not according to American retarded rules

Even under american standards she would of been a mulatto which has always had better standing then blacks.

>would of

Why is she bleeding? Did Johnny throw a phone at her face?


Spiers come on fuck


Even under american standards she a mulatto which has always had better standing then blacks.*

Fixed for autist

she threw the phone at herself right after his mom died.

What 1970's tv show is this?

>better standing then

whats that from?

Postal: The Director's Cut


Fuck off grammar nazi.


would make 1/16th black kids with.

I really like the lighting in this scene







Outside of
The Pacific
Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter
Saving Private Ryan
Das Boot
Bridge too far

What are some other must watch WW2 films?


I'm mostly not in to the darker ladies, but she's quite lovely.

Best flic from the last 1O years



Such a good movie
>Even better books


I wish you could buy a complete series of this on DVD

What's the movie?

I believe it's formally a theatre

Dracula (1992)

is that who i think it is??

Thai Kick!

Bram Stoker's Dracula

>What's the movie?
how many vampire movies with keanu reeves, winona ryder, and anthony hopkins do you know of that would require specification?