
Life Functions Critical edition

Do not respond to Yankposters. Do not acknowledge Yankposters.

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Nothing a Dennis Dart couldn't handle

Will Wolves get a result at Anfield lads?

also >*is pride of the midlands*

the 'f


this thread better be well made you german cunt


I practically guarantee it*

*not a guarantee

is aston villa shit?

hahahaha the yank got absolutely fucking shafted
don't tease me like that



so lonely
so alone

keep posting buses

I'm usually shit at these but this is fucking easy, it's 15.

There's only 1 portion of chips in the last sum.

I wouldn't mind her fucking me up the arse

might do a 'cide

Pretty Effective desu

The last great achievement of British engineering and they're still as widespread as ever after 40 years

bus wanker

wrong thread

It's from the neo tokyo anthology running man

opening 5th cider

how come it's literally 2017 and we still don't have flying cars

i mean bladerunner says we're supposed to have sentient androids by now at the very least

The fastest diesel locomotive ever built


Ahh yes very good

>There's only 1 portion of chips in the last sum.
i didn't realise there was 4 chips in the 3rd panel and counted it as 2

thats why I got 25

i noticed that also and i stand by my answer

what, you thought you were the only one to see that? baka

if you're such a dead eye, then how come you didn't notice that it said x instead of +?


i never even made that thread desu. just funny bait to keep spamming it

shes so brave

what's wrong with this bus?

>Where's a good place to pose for this photo luv'?
>Ah fuck it just sit in front of the fucking radiator and call it a day

Is there any actual basis for Holocaust denial cant seem to find anything beyond "muh changing numbers" and cherrypicked memoirs in old german

>Walk past a park on the way back home
>See a group of about 15 paki/bangladeshi lads hanging out with about 6 white girls who look significantly younger

Should I have called the rozzers?

It's not a true weekend without one of these bad boys

the logistics don't add up




the girl (boy) friend

who is this sperm germ

There is no peer reviewed scientific basis whatsoever.
Then again there is little peer reviewed scientific basis supporting the Jewish claim of death camps and 6 million.


which thread are we in?

>In a preliminary estimate for 2016, the statistics office said the population had eclipsed the previous record high of 82.5 million recorded at the end of 2002, even though the number of deaths in 2016 exceeded the number of births by between 150,000 and 190,000.
absolutely howling, good call jumping ship in june lads

WHY is she SO fukgin FIT

can hear all the normies having fun but it's too late to join in now
think i might just go to sleep
hate my existence

We've just passed into the realm of Gondor.

yet to recieve a (You)


Does it even float?

>not knowing your order of operation

also even if you added before multiplying it would be 60 not 70

why don't the eagle just fly the rings


does she have a dick?

i'll be completely honest i have always been shit at maths, i'm borderline innumerate and i don't know what i'm talking about half the time

Can't stand clump eyelashes like that

(“Adolf Hitler’s Guilt Feelings,” Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 1971, 1, No. 2: 229-249), in which he argues that six million Jews were sacrificed to Hitler’s personal sense of unworthiness and hypervulnerability of the body to filth and decay.

So great were Hitler’s anxieties about these things, so crippled was he psychically, that he seems to have had to develop a unique perversion to deal with them, to triumph over them. “Hitler gained sexual satisfaction by having a young woman—as much younger than he as his mother was younger than his father—squat over him to urinate or defecate on his head” (Ibid., p. 234). This was his “private religion”: his personal transcendence of his anxiety, the hyperexperience and resolution of it. This was a personal trip that he laid not only on the Jews and the German nation but directly on his mistresses.

It is highly significant that each of them committed suicide or tried to do so, and more than a simple coincidence. It might very possibly be that they could not stand the burden of his perversion; the whole of it was on them, it was theirs to live with—not in itself, as a simple and disgusting physical act, but in its shattering absurdity and massive incongruity with Hitler’s public role.

When I travel I travel in style

Would you accept a French (Vous) ?

>tfw too intelligent for BOMDAS

why didn't gandalf just use the eagle to fly the rings to mordor?

Written by: A J Goldstein

Maybe if you tell your bf to stop buttfucking you you'll do your homework and actually get it.


Bloody hell the madman's actually doing it

because tolkein was a shitty hack writer

if it's only one portion of chips then it's 16

too intelligent to save a fucking image properly eh

>grenit chacka



Seems like you won't be making it to Disney world, Ahmed

you are literally gay if you dont like this vid and i mean that sincerely

thanks for the (You)'s lads

15 mate


they started it months ago. anyone who has even been to iran, somalia iraq etc in the past 5 years is not eligible for ESTA anymore

i have dyscalculia, please stop disparaging the differently abled mate

shan't be opening that link
i am literally incapable of feeling affection towards asians

nice bait

you can ONLY reply to this if you're going to world cup 2018

NOT so fast americans

Ah yes, the """men""" of futbol

as a lifelong villa fan, it is truly hurtful to be called a cunt by a real villa fan and have all my emotions dismissed as plastic by real terrace warrior


To be fair there was a whole team of propagandists paid to make up bullshit about hitler

you horrible gay fucking CUNT

/blackgf2017/ off to a great start lads

>lose 2-1 at home to mexico
>4-0 away to literal costa
>b-but we d-d-don't care about the sport

this is the only thnig that has every made me feel sad for england in my life

i'm going to watch bleach


I see you're preparing for war again Island Monkeys

>Newsnight's perspective russian man:
>Dmitrij Lınnık
>literally has no article in english, russian nor in ukrainian wikipediæ
>I can only find him on turtur and facehook

>being formal on te Chung


what did he mean by this

There is just simply no evidence. Not to mention odd logistical impossibilities like the purported burning of 100,000+ bodies in Dachau: with their capacity of cremators in the camp (about 4 man sized ovens), it would've taken over 7 years to complete the work if they were running 24/7.

stopped caring about footy after i took lsd 30+ times

Just ordered something on Amazon and it says it will be here tomorrow. SURELY NOT?