Post your music player, Sup Forums

Post your music player.

I'm using Dopamine (Windows).

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Is foobar still cool? Because I use that and google play.

I'm using Foobar (windows).

Functional, imho

That's nice. How did you achieve it?

Hardcore fan, use only windows media player 4 lyfe



tell me about this Dopamine

is it easy to manage large library?

>tell me about this Dopamine

>is it easy to manage large library?
It works pretty well. It has a robust search function and has multiple views/ways of displaying your library.

Supports FLAC, WAV, MP3, M4A - all that bullshit.

It's open source.

Also supports scrobbling natively if you care about that.

> scrobbling natively
very well

> if you care about that
i am extremely autistic about that

i'll probably use this player and "skin" until i die.

Tips on customizing foobar? Downloaded it recently and its not exactly how I want it

Poweramp is for patricians only.

That is some low ass res album art.

how do you get this screen?

Why are phone screens such stupid resolutions.

Just click the now playing track (in the bottom tool bar near the pause/play button).

just using musicbee's compact player, has decent customization for a secondary layout

It's 1080p sideways. Pretty standard.



>unskinned Poweramp

Whatever happened to that one guy that was making an alternative music player that was somewhere between foobar and music bee?

looks nice

Choose either default UI or columns UI, then see what each one can use. Then think of how you want it to look like in your head, and then design it that way.


nice tunes
material design poweramp is the best
is that a google music app?

yep !

i use dopamine too
and use itunes for sync

Oh nice. Didnt know there was one

Yeah it seems like a really cool music player, ill just have to fiddle around with it

well, it's not official, but it works fine, plus you can have it in a dark mode, which is nice. also, native w10 notifications!
forgot link heh

these players itt are too extra

Ill def give it a try. I use google play music alot but the website is garbage

>use dopamine too
>and use itunes for sync
Are you on iOS?


MusicBee is best


>tfw fixed the tagging for my entire collection
Feels good man

nice eno


spotify and foobar on linux is down? so what music torrent site are the cool kids using now?

>tfw fixed the tagging for my entire collection
Feels good man

Any tips?

Got raided by French law enforcement. and are your best bets now.

I feel you

Tips on tagging? All you do is select the album, right click and go to properties. Don't know if it's different depending on whatever Foobar setup you have but that's how I do it in bulk

No album art?

Just wondered if you'd automated it using beets ( or MusicBrainz or something similar.

You did it manually? Absolute madman.

>You did it manually? Absolute madman.
You can sometimes (actually most of the time) get a better result depending on what you're after doing it manually. Especially if you listen to obscure shit.

I guess I just prefer it that way? I don't know, it took less than 5 days to do it so I can't really complain. I'm also terrible at using tools like that so




This is probably my favorite setup i've ever done.

>FLAC fag

Nice, what's your favourite album?

Love my Foobar setup. Recently started using Spotify on free trial and I'm loving it.

you sound like a real dumbass

looks nice and comfy

I want a setup like this

love how the cover is the background


Either The Pod or Pure Guava

320kbps is shit
V0 is transparent and uses better compression
FLAC for lossless, V0 for lossy