What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Damon Lindelof was allowed near writing implements.
nothing. another underrated masterpiece alongside John Carter
That aside, I actually really liked it, and Britt Robertson and Raffey Cassidy acted rings around that hack Clooney.
Bad marketing strategy.
too much clothing on female characters
No whities allowed it Nu-Tomorrowland
But busking junkies are just fine
nothing, it is a cool movie
I actually liked John Carter and Tomorrowland. Both had cool concepts and design but a not too good story.
Daily reminder that this movie has killed Tron 3.
It had really, and I mean.. REALLY big potential.
A few of the things I can put my finger on ATM is;
Pacing. The pacing of the movie was simply too fast and made the movie seem undeveloped.
The mystery of Tomorrowland was ruined by it's presentation throughout the movie. The dumbed down explanation for everything regarding Tomorrowland, kinda ruined the allure of the place. I would rather have not been able to understand it's complexities because I simply am not smart enough, rather than have a Disney '' Magically just works '' explanation for everything.
The narrative of the ending was also pretty weak sauce. Reality getting distorted by peoples expectation of what will happen in the future, still doesn't make any sense to me.
It was cool that they went too far as to predict the end of the world. But I would much rather have had a single cataclysmic reason for the end of the world; ( solar flares, asteroids, Super volcano, or whatever. ).
The optimism of the female lead was greatly portrayed, and her character was very well acted.
The little girls perfomance was also pretty great for a person her age. She really came across as older than preteen, and had a certain demeanor that worked.
George was the alpha male, and fucked the butt of anyone he wanted. True player.
>The narrative of the ending was also pretty weak sauce. Reality getting distorted by peoples expectation of what will happen in the future, still doesn't make any sense to me.
>It was cool that they went too far as to predict the end of the world. But I would much rather have had a single cataclysmic reason for the end of the world; ( solar flares, asteroids, Super volcano, or whatever. ).
I think that was the point though. Every possible permutation ended in destruction, no matter what, or at least thats what I got out of it.
it's also possibly a reference to the old Looking Glass conspiracy theory where the CIA used a supercomputer to look into the future and after a certain year there is just static and glimpses of a wasteland
sort of liked most of it
that SJW closing montage
holy fuck. what a load of shit
that creepy romance between George Clooney and an 11 year old girl.
needed more RAFFEY CASSIDY
not enough raffey
no final kiss
They didn't give us what we really wanted.
So triggered.
I can not possibly know
Nothing. It was excellent.
doesn't the main girl have a creep huge ass head and this is why they made her wear a cap the whole movie
>They create a sweet world based around Tomorrowland
>90% of the movie doesn't even take place there
Also, the ending felt incredibly rushed.
I liked it but I was expecting so much more. Usually Brad Bird knocks it out of the park.
The romance between george clooney and the robot save the movie.
The accent's little girl robot save the movie.
Not final kiss between the robot and george clooney.
Movie dropped