
Ayy yo niggas ahaha wassup nigs

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haha maisie


>i clearly said no rasheed

That's exactly what a turbo rasheed trying to stay under cover would say though

watching jumanji

sgarn cunce

wish i was dead

pogue mahone

Is jumanji related to chimpanzees?

nah it's a film adaption of a childrens book about a magic board game created by african slaves to get revenge on the white man


the gf

life is quite disappointing

nah it's alright


i thought lyme disease was a curable complication of a tick bite

Why is France so shit?

All these fucking Afghans want to come here instead, why?

My brother literally came into me quizzing me asking "who's the prime minister of the UK?", then proceeded to tell me he thought David Cameron was still in charge

He voted leave, not actually all that surprised

Superliked a girl earlier today but she hasn't liked me back yet

She's just busy, right mates?

the problem is that it's never constant, it's always good or bad
the problem is that the bad times are quite rough hahaha

you're going to need to just trust me on this one i'm afraid lad. i'm very honest. all my wives say so.

>My brother literally came into me


apparently once you have it it can come back later

not gonna lie i feel quite sick (nausea)

people find it quite hard to find work and life is actually quite grim

becus isa kingdom



Bosnich just described the first half as very tight and very enjoyable

now im depressed that i never got ptp

what does any of this post even mean

reckon i should pay a last visit to the 'rents before i defenestrate myself


why would you throw yourself out of a window?

might blow my own bollocks off with a rat shotgun lads


fuck off billionaire with your ten dollar words


explain what confuses you

don't care

nothing to do because everything is boring and depressing. only here because of habit and I'm sick of it anyway. might be time to call it a day on the so-called life.

>people find it quite hard to find work and life is actually quite grim
Literally the same here, I think its because France seems very unwelcoming after already being heavily saturated by central africans and arabs, so over the last century all the public/social services have gone to shit

to die lad

>Defenestration is the act of throwing someone or something out of a window.
>The term was coined around the time of an incident in Prague Castle in the year 1618, which became the spark that started the Thirty Years' War.
>This was done in "good Bohemian style" and referred to the defenestration which had occurred in the same city's City Hall almost 200 years earlier (July 1419), which also at that occasion led to war, the Hussite war.
>The word comes from the New Latin de- (out of or away from) and fenestra (window or opening).
>Likewise, it can also refer to the condition of being thrown out of a window, as in "The Defenestration of Ermintrude Inch".

Czechs like to throw people out of windows it seems.

>Literally the same here
not in london lad, I'm living with a couple of euro immigrants and they tell me that if they get sacked in the morning they'll have found another job by the afternoon.

FOC (fuck off cuck)




You dun kno

it's what gives life excitement though isn't it?

always another challenge to overcome

why do brits say mean things about us when all they seem to do is complain that life sucks and that there's no sun on their little island

really enjoy the stereophonics

might be my new favourite band

squealing and squirming

it's called banter


only got 2 tabs open rn

think that's a new record for me

10 for me

I'm a Jew but my dad isn't

is my dad a cuck

>see a wh*te
>always with some literal 2/10 pig

SCREECHING at these rejects

fuck off kike

the holocaust never happened but i wish it did


the women usually win in that situation

Had a really good chat with a colleague who gets bullied by the workplace about his work at the works night out

Then asked him that he was a Freemason and what 33 was about and he was like "lets go get a drink"


all asians are 2/10

it's official: i've made a cup of tea

bit rude

same for me lad

feels good 2bh

no one cares fag

need a nice DNA vessel to expel some of my DNA into

what's the plan today lad?


have a wank
keep half an eye on the soccer

one of my uni modules has two assignments. one accounts for 25% of the final mark and the other obviously accounts for 75%.

i got my mark for the first assignment so how do i calculate what i need to achieve a first in the second, which is 70%.

call up the chinese takeaway and order some food
(at about 5pm)

make some peng food

do a poo soon

well i just edged for 4 hours, it's 5 am now probably gonna go to bed in an hour or so, might have a quick peanut butter sammy before sleepy time

wew, new PSU installed in 34 minutes
and everything's nice, neat and clean
job's a good'n

nah lad you did it slightly wrong


well the LED strip isn't working any more, but it was fairly garish 2bh


Seriously in love with Иpa Cмeлaя, lads

what does a vagina feel like

>he can get into berghain



bags of sand

The Tesco man comes today lads
So hungry

Bag of coins

>he can't


see. you buggered it up. gonna pay for that further down the road.

>having any LEDs in your PC case
Tasteless runts

i'm trying to recreate the feeling of a vagina if i could just get some fucking help

compare it to a fruit or something i can stick my dick in


What will he be delivering?


My 3D waifu 2bh

What is she? A really dark churka?

there was some infopic that used to be posted on Sup Forums
something to do with a sponge, glass and rubber glove?

bags of salty milk

Feel the inside of your cheek

Try get your dick in there

From Tatarstan or something

might be similar

holy shit I found a way to make a butthole out of a rubber glove. You blow it up but leave the middle finger inside, seal it off with a rubber band and then tie the fingers in such a way that it creates a hole. Oh my god this actually feels cool

Dip a coin in some salt and then put it in a bag of milky sand

Crimea river.

I think
(70 - (first mark/.75))/25
