What was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
I fapped to this, is this ok
it gets a little weird toward the end man. if you can fap to a woman getting the shit kicked out of her, you might have issues.
Me too
Women like that anyway you beta.
What fucking problem?
He had a decent technique.
>Homosexual man
>Rapes a woman
For what purpose?
I did as well came well before the beating scene
the fact that the entire scene is one continuous shot makes it all the more visceral
i used to use it as a finisher when I'd get stuck fapping yknow just click on that scene and blam splat instantly
OMG I was just joking you fucking deviants
kys scum
To establish dominance.
he couldn't control his horny level
He's a sex criminal, do you think it matters who he fucks? Once you're dealing with fugly street trannies it's not of much concern where your dick goes
>Extended discussion about a Marcus describing how his best friend cucked him
The whole train ride makes me uncomfortable, why are they so open about it?
Do you think they were both so revved up after this that they went and fucked in a trailer later?
I think she was dating the main actor at the time
Answer is still probably yes
I don't even care about anal sex but the scene was hot as fuck
He had to check her fluids
>why are they so open about it?
Welcome to France.
not pictured: taste
>Accompany your ex-fiancé and her bf (your best friend) as they proceed to talk about their sex life and mock your inability to pleasure the woman, while you laugh and go along with it
What did Gaspar mean by this?
Everyone of you edgy pieces of shit who thought this shit was hot need to have the same thing happen to you, or your mom, or sister.
So did I, user
But that's rape.
I think the purpose of it was to show what a cuck the guy was and the contrast of where he ends up. Not that his ex and BFF were being hateful or anything but that he'd be totally fine with that situation and not bitch about it.
Then he snaps and bashes some guy's face into burger meat with a fire extinguisher.
he had a sexual emergency
I mean this guy was a real jerk.
Who are you kidding? Everybody knows all niggers are rapists.
I fapped to it more times than I can count
I'd love to watch that too
When has a giant faggot ever raped a white cis woman?
Holy shit lol
Italians are white you bitch
t. giuseppe
t. neckbeard
The actual woman in question
He love bad bitches, and yeah he like to fuck.
>niggers migrate to Italy
>they're Italian!
Okay so all the shitskins spread throughout all of Europe are the nationality of the respective country?
Many timer, and I love that one movie where the women is raped over and over. Last house on the left??
What's your favorite rape scene in a movie? I've jerked off to this so many times it's not even funny
>that way uncle bully sneaks into her room
>that way he covers her mouth and gently tells her not to fight it
>that way her eyes widen, she struggles for a bit, and then just lies back and accepts it
>that way she sits in the bathtub the next morning, crying, trying to scrub herself clean
>that way the floor and her nighty are covered in blood
I feel terrible but god damn they shouldn't have made it so hot
what movie is this from?
shitalians weren't white before then and they sure aren't white now
Stop bullying the spaghettoniggers they're alright lads
i like the scene from the last house on the left remake
Well their women are still hot as fuck and have way less shitskin tendencies.
Fuck off albanian/ROMAnian
You think this movie's rape is bad? Wait until you see this
They were getting very boring after the 3rd one.
Just like real life, then. ;_;
what you mean 3rd one?
Anyway my point with this movie: women who get groped; calm the fuck down! This girl was taken as a sex slave until she decided to end her life due to not being able to live with the pain it caused her even though she was able to escape.
Any women who gets sexually touched and believes she has had the most horrific thing ever done to her - just fuck off you don't know true pain
I thought I could hang til this one.
like a drinking problem, he had it solved
At least he got what he deserved.
Who was in the wrong here?
Was it rape?
His boner.
Usually these "what was his fucking problem?" threads make me cringe, but for some reason this one made me laugh.
His problem was he wanted sum fuk.
as if women don't fap to this all the time
No he didn't, they beat up another guy
I vaguely recall a rape scene but I don't know where it's from. It was a guy who had bent a girl over a log in the woods and was forcing her to tell him what a slut she was and how much she liked it. Anyone know?
Is this Once Were Warriors? Is it any good? Not just the rape scene but the movie overall.
>rape is unjust, therefore those who enjoy fictional depictions of it should be raped IRL
There's that SJW logic we all know and love.
After the 3rd rape scene, it got boring. They showed like 20 fucking rape scenes in a row
Literally internet hearsay carried by the fact that people didn't bother to fact check against a scene in a movie. There is no historical basis to this whatsoever.
Why do I wish I was her when I am a straight biological virgin male currently seeing a psychiatrist for feelings of gender dysphoria?
Dudes they were married from 1999 to 2013.
huh maybe trannies really do have female brains
its all right
im from new zealand so ymmv
'cause u fagget lmao
He made her open her mouth and say, "OINK!"