Find qt youtuber who shares a weird common music related hobby of mine

>find qt youtuber who shares a weird common music related hobby of mine
>she has basically no subs
>leave comments of support on her videos
>we start sending messages regularly about said hobby and eventually just chat about other stuff
>become attached like a fool
>she starts getting more subs quickly
>stops sending messages
>never cared about loneliness before but now I'm constantly aware of it

music for this feel?
also mods, pls

What hobby?

they both like to put their fingers through cds and spin them around really fast

Dubs and you post the videos



Shhiiieeet you have to do it OP

You have to do it now OP


OP you must deliver or u r gey

Dubs of divination

if op posts videos, she get even more subs and then his chances decrease even more

oh shit

Do it op, or you gey

Dubs and OP is a faggot who won't post the links

It's TheLoserof08 isn't it

I think op left because as usual, he is fag

dubs confirm

Dubs confirm.


Should have convinced her to quit youtube when you had the chance, OP

Music for that feel? I've gotta go with Have A Nice Life

try connecting with people in person and not through a computer screen you fucking sperg. Who let you out of /r9k/??