Sup Forums.... this is so dangerous

Sup Forums.... this is so dangerous

I am falling into Arab/ MENA/West Asia Cultures....
Will this turn me into Muslim someday? But their culture(historical buildings, foods, their own loyalty to their religion) so much mesmerizing

I definitely like their surface figure but still feel reluctant to their religion. How do I do ?

Other urls found in this thread:

there are better religions to devote yourself to

>(historical buildings,
Turks used Greek architecture and spread it around the muslim world. That's why you will find so many dome mosques.
> foods
Turks took Greek food, renamed it and spread it around the muslim world
> their own loyalty to their religion
low iq
a lot of hypocrisy

Christianity is undoubtedly the sexiest religion, hombre

But their buildings give me the fantasy-like feeling as if I'm into ElderScroll Morrowind.

No, I'd say It's more like Markas in Skyrim

t. ikibey

>posting the hagia sophia as an example of arab culture
cheeky cunt

>Odanı topla dediler.

Thats Sultan Ahmed Mosque you dumb fuck mongol.

>Turks used Greek architecture and spread it around the muslim world. That's why you will find so many dome mosques.

Turkish scum please, the Arabs were in direct contact with Byzantines since the time of Muhammad, that's why Islamic architecture was influenced by Byzantine and Persian architecture, not because of some ugly steppe barbarian Turkish scum.

Look at Dome of the Rock, it has the dome and was built before the Turkish scum even migrated.

arab world has rich culture and history but currently 90% people you meet from their countries are either utterly retarded or just refuse to take another point of view once you meet some people from there you will stop being fan of their culture fast

Post Muslim architecture and art mour.


are you Greek?

>t. literal steppe mongoloid
oh i am laughing
restoration of constantinople from dirty roaches when?

No worries pal, a closer examination will wake you up pretty quickly.

99% of MENA is dirty and smelly with stupid, lazy, and arrogant population.

Same like your cousins then eh, Semite?



Unfortunately yes, Arab Jews plus Palestinians brought a lot of that here.
But unlike Muslim cunts where they only get poorer, lazier and dumber, here the gap between European and Arab Jews is slowly closing.




this is a favourite.

You can study a culture without becoming it. Yes? Have you not studied history and yet remained yourself?

gap is closing even between arabs and western world, you failing to see that is the other story


lol israel is also arabian sooo..

oh, that migt not be good news ;_;

Is that so? And you're basing this on ... on what again exactly?

The Hamula (clan) mentality is as strong as before, the anti-intellectualism is even higher than in the 20th century, even more support for radicalism instead of pluralism, so where exactly this gap is closing again?

from the general trends in the whole world -- only some african countries are still fucked to a greater degree
I doubt that arabs in west bank have it much worse than israelis, or croats for that matter, so you don't take it as an insult
We can go by the facts too, mena countries have falling fertility rates(stabilizing population growth) which then means slowly improving situation for women.
Education enrollment is improving as well as literacy - not to talk about richer countries where half the kids study abroad on thehigh quality universities
and their economy is growing, not very fast but considering wars,conflict and myriad of other issues you can still see they are moving in positive direction
I never get why people think that situation was better anywhere 50 years ago, how can you even get to logic of that being the case.

lmao, unironically drink bleach you neetshit.

Undeniably fucking Awesome. Literally. this is supreme degree awesome

You don't get, do you...

A worldwide rise in quality of life got nothing to do with their own exploits. Thanks to China, and a more globalized economy we have a lot more stuff to buy now, and a lot cheaper than ever before.

The improvement in quality of life in non-oil MENA is simply a side effect of the global trend, and not because they became "better".

And the fact that a lot of rich gulfies go study abroad is only reinforces that there's absolutely nothing for them in their homeland.

Meanwhile a vast majority of poor "peasants" will continue to remain dumb rabble living in their own filth. Literally medieval Europe.
Unless this mentality changes, MENA will never get good, but there's no this change in sight.

>Says the guy whose religions is suffering from an evergrowing orthodox population that lives off wellfare to study torah and pump out babies.

he's right, (You) know...

Turkey should conquer Syria, Iraq, Saudi-Arabia, Jordania, Egypt, Libya, Algeria and Tunesia to make the Mediterranean safe again.

Liever Turks dan Paaps

And I think it's good when those areas are controlled by an European capital for diplomatic reasons. Arabs are willing to serve the Turks I guess and not non-Islamic Christians. The Netherlands share a 400 years old relationship with Turkey, so that's fine.

Iran makes the best church

Here is sheikh zayed grand mosque
It's pretty amazing

Shut up filthy Ukrainian.

Meant to post this pic, but whatever



y-you from jordan too ?