what conclusion should we take after seeing this?
What conclusion should we take after seeing this?
That OP likes to resurrect his own threads?
that spain is a really shit sporting nation?
That Spain are shit at sport.
I didn't know UK sucked so bad back then.
Australians got worse.
Brits started doping in 2004.
>Germany currently on track for their best medal finish since 1996
That the chinks are fucking cheaters.
>51 golds in 2008
>next closest is 38
Wew lads.
wow what a great achievement, considering we have the second most athletes /s
Or maybe because they had a giant government program that ran for a decade to win every possible medal they could. Ofcourse they were doped too, but that isn't news.
The host countries always gets a boost because they are allowed to send more people and are automatically qualified for every event.
the atlanta gap is even bigger
>Deutsches Nörglertum
4th place is completely acceptable behind juggernauts like China and USA
If sports funding improves we can easily be on the UK's level, and they only got their funding improved because London 2012.
Britain started getting on the gear around 2005.
German athletes are also the most likely to be clean. Other countries don't care or even encourage doping whereas we actually try to get rid of it.
Fuck me we got blown the fuck out in Beijing, how did we ever revover
fund sports to do well
Olympics lacks parity.
we got the olympics in 2005 so pumped loads of money+horse viagra into team GB, it really had an effect
Australia needs to spend more on sport and less on foreign aid
Australia sucks now.
Australia needs to ban our shitty handegg codes and focus on actual sports.
or sweep it under the rug.
Netherlands ranked higher than GB in 2000 kek.
The fuck happened in Beijing again?
butthurt wog
cheating ricers
The host nation usually gets 20-30 more medals with the exception of Canada and Brazil
Well Greece didnt even crack the top 10 in Athens.
And Georgia didn't crack the top 10 in Atlanta
>they are allowed to send more people and are automatically qualified for every event.
Wow. Brazil is hot garbage.
I se what you did there
how come you guys suck at your popular sports like rugby, football and cricket? Why no money pumped into those to stop making you guys lose to Iceland?