Americans, be honest, you don't like Mexicans and hispanics because they are ugly, brown and short

Americans, be honest, you don't like Mexicans and hispanics because they are ugly, brown and short.

If they were white, no one would give a shit.

How true is this?

It's true, Mexicans are disturbingly ugly.

However, I think it's the opposite. Every country on Earth enforces it's immigration laws, regardless of the color of the migrants' skin. The ONLY reason leftists get upset at Trump enforcing our border laws and deporting illegal aliens is that Mexicans are brown. If Mexicans were white, leftists wouldn't care.

That picture doesn't do us justice desu. We're not good-looking in general, but we're not Indian (from India) ugly, and we're not autistic.

those are bolivians.
these are mexicans,
both are brown but there's a difference

>but there's a difference

Amerindians look the same, sorry.

They also aren't smart and vote for the left

I would be fine with them otherwise

They vote for democrats?

Republicans need to stop being so religious .if they were only economically conservative more people would vote for them. My dad used to vote Republican but once they started going overboard with religion he jumped ship. Chi btw

Those aren't races you stupid piece of shit.

>hurr durr brown mongoloid indians equals hispanic

Do you deluded retards with your "hurr durr light skinned hispanic" bullshit not know where Spanish comes from, or are you just in deep denial so you can brainlessly cry "racist" and force your "argentina not white" meme faggotry?

Mexican is a nationality, not a color. Who gives a fuck what color they are? Brown, white, black; if they're here illegally, refuse to assimilate, and especially hate this country, deport their asses and any liberal buttfuck who cries "racist" should be punched in the mouth for being a stupid self-entitled hypocrite.

yes, desu. mexicans are central and south american indians who are manlets, unlike north american indians who are some of the tallest people on the planet. they have no potential and cannot be fixed. also they are a lot more violent than we are.

What does that picture represent?

but bongs hate poles

>It's true, Mexicans are disturbingly ugly.

and yet they still take away your grills.

>Americans, be honest, you have the same innate in-group preference everybody else in the world has
Yes. Any more questions?

t. juan julio de la huerta miranda del mar

They are shitty workers and dont like to get educated, Chilean-Americans and Argentinean-Americans integrate and make as much money as your average white american. Mexicans on the other hand are among the poorest ethnic groups in murrika

Every single time and in every single state they are in.

False. Asian countries hate everyone.

>tfw no manletino bf

they don't
here, have a map and learn

Everyone hates cheapo immigrants who steal urr jerbs. Western/North Euros have EE immigrants and we're not brown (inb4 epic jokes)

>muh jobs

The thing is that Mexicans don't give a fuck about what you think, and they'll keep getting into your country legally because Trump is far away from real anti-immigration parties such as Front National or AFD.