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Do you bongs have any favorites left besides the triathlon dude

The gooks definitely have some trashy meme medals on the way

At least the Nazi cucks won't overtake us :)

china is going to finish 2nd. Olympics need more parity.

Any day where Hans gets BTFO is a good day

Also, welcome to the >20 gold club

We just literally walked to a Gold medal in the Triathlon.

Try harder world.

Why are Brits so obsessed with Nazis and cuckoldery?

that table is old m8

we've got 20 golds

Mo Farah running 5000m. Plus most of the sailing events haven't finished yet.

how many more medals do you count on? Like 4-5 for us, 3 pretty much guaranteed, the rest based on wrestling results

>USA and Britain being obsessed with Germany

what is new, here

He looked beatable in the qualifier desu

Jade Jones in taekwondo probably

Gold in both football tournaments

The only country more obsessed over you is Syria I guess.

This Anglo dominance is beautiful

>trashtalking when you are sitting in the glass house

what a pathetic country

Nigger long run
Punchy punchy
Kicky kicky
Wind float
Lady stick ball

I can never tell if she's fit or not.

inb4 eurotards start adding up their medals our of desperation to beat us


please cuck the hues in the football finaly, watching their meltdown will be the last redeeming thing about this clusterfuck of an olympics

>inb4 Rotherham

>by Levi Winchester


you are not allowed to use this board as 16 year old

>going into the offense instead of defending yourself
fucking hell, british people are so bad in arguments, it is quite shocking

It's no wonder they say Germans have no sense of humor. You were all for taking the piss when Englel got rekt by a Dentist. However, when we do better than you, the tears start flowing and you go on the defense. Don't start what you can't finish (like 2 world wars).

>it's a "German being antisemitic" episode

This explains it pretty well
It's already outdated though since the prediction had brownlee bros finishing with bronze and silver

That includes you, faggot.

t. Zacharias Goldstein

I will celebrate the day when these two miserable countries are bombed. They are the ill in the world.

Anglos are need to be eradicated.

Don't make me tell Angela about you, or she'll lock you up!

Don't ask again. They are the biggest customer of cuckold porn.

what about walkie walkie?

>europe got more medals than USA
Can't make this shit up

You're lucky we didn't wipe your stinking shit hole of a country of the face of the planet when we had the chance.

I'll be sad the day you get completely overrun by sharia mudslimes desu

Shame what Angela did to a once great and proud nation

We only need to beat you in the only sport that really counts and everything is right with the world, britcuck

so why is the UK four separate nations in football as well as in rugby but a single identity in the Olympics?
makes you think...

Now kill yourself anglo scum.

without yanks and slavs you would not have done a single shit

Nowt like banging another man's wife and making him watch for banter

>being shit at the sport they invented

You literally can not make this up

>66 million French
>64 million in the UK

You don't even have half the gold medals we do, damn your country is such a joke. Just keep being bitter until you need us to save you again, you cowardly fucks.

and enjoy your paki rape babbies, cuck

I spy with my beady eye, another gold medal for the Eternal Anglo.


as If you did anything significant, hahahaha

False number, you are 65.3 millions while we are 64,5 million (without counting our overseas territories)
Nice try Great Doping.

Can't believe Spain won the Muslim integration tournament in 2010.

There are only three UK rugby teams, retard. Northern Ireland is forced to compete in a foreign country's team.

not 1 relevant cycling medal
top kek



Nice trips.

How come the UK are so above and beyond Western Europeans in sports?

They're best rugby, cricket, darts, snooker, cycling, F1, and Olympics country in that region.

Still pathetic on your behalf faggot. We even have third world countries like Wales holding us back.

>Jason kenny and laura trott literally got 1/4 of our gold medals


>nicola adams is fighting a chink in the boxing

a proper six pointer that

>cricket, darts, snooker

Based american bants

Kill yourself, cuck nigger.

>13% Niggers
>25% Latinos
>Race mixing capital of the world
>Cuck capital of the world
>Zionist capital of the world
>White people get beaten up on daily basis
>More rapes as all the countries of this earth
>Destroyer of the white race
>All movies from the United States include advertising for race mixing
>All Propaganda for race mixing comes from the us
>Bombarded countries across the world, so that people flee (Proud of it)
>Fattest people on Earth
>Most niggers outside from Africa

Your filthy country is the mischief of this earth.



That is one angry German.


Hahahahahaha. In 1-on-1 we have torn your filthy country in the air.


Literally 30% of your medals = Scotland.
When England are alone (football, rugby) you are shit :^)))))))))))

>cuck capital of the world

How can that be when Sweden holds the top spot, closely followed by yourself?

bad post

Almost like deciding to fight the entire world was a retarded idea.

Your country is a joke, you can't even defend yourselves. Let us know when you need us to save you again :).

>englel in charge of bantering countries better than itself

Imagine being from a country with less than 50 medals

oh wow that changes everything
and why would you not count overseas departments like you do in literally everything else

>daily mail
good one

They care more about homosexual activities such as cooking and fashion.

well good thing we're all one country, the United Kingdom

Tbqh if you don't have 20 golds by this point you're not a real country

>Scotts/Welsch/Northern irish do something
>Englel : We did it lads
>Englel does trash and is mocked
>Englel : we don't care about this semen slurping sport.


Why do the French suck so much Nazi cock when they were the ones who invaded their country? Also, why do they hate us more than the invaders, who were one of many countries who fought to liberate them?

>count overseas departments

because those are tiny island shithole. Your population overtake us now, you and I know exactly why, but well, you should be proud.

Why you so mad, Satan?

Hail Satan.

Don't fall for the D&C lads. Britain strong.

It's cute when yurps argue.

>It's like they honestly think they matter.


The French are just beta as fuck

It's hilarious how envious they are of us



Fuck off, you snail eating cunt.


Mate, like 40% of French children are Muslims

France is dead. These terror attacks that you suffer every month are just the early stages of a civil war that will finally cleanse the world of your weak-chinned beta male genes

It's cute when you Mexican toilet cleaners argue

>it's like they honestly think they matter

Sorry how many medals do Mexico have José?


>envious of the Great Caliphate

They play in your team, they count for your per capita.

so many euro tears, this is glorious

they look like ants fighting from our lofty position



Actually you're still within our grasp. We got a bunch of people in various finals, 6 golds would be unexpected but not unrealistic.