What do you think of Anzus recent weight gain?

What do you think of Anzus recent weight gain?








Hnggg muh dick

where did these come from

She looks like skinny fat type aka 0 muscle mass

anzu ---------> bin

user, you should be ashamed of yourself for creating this thread.

>still zero tits

you are saying it like it's a bad thing

>shoulders WAY broader than waist
>vulva a bit TOO puffy

wew lad

She's finally embracing th T H I C C?

Muh D I C C.

Would still pump the semen demon.



anzu was thicc in her teenage years


Anzu is trouble.

that's her? oh shit I've never seen her ass
it looks very good
I think it's cute she's gaining weight if that's true

>tfw anzu is getting in bar fights

I've been decieved
fuck you op

>that's her?

I wonder if there are pictures of Anzu being decadently inside Mosques.


Don't forget the photoshop to hide the signs of anorexia.

love delicious flat chest?

Excellent taste lad, me too

Speaking of mosques, it seems like that forced joke got shilled on reddit so much that it now shows up in google search.

shut up bird