>want to be a musician
>buy a guitar
>music theory is hard. what the fuck is a chord or scale
>throw away guitar, no longer want to be a musician
Want to be a musician
when will musicucks learn? your race is calling to you. go to college and get a business degree for god emperor trump
I refuse to learn this bullshit. REAL music comes from the heart, not from some college textbook.
your brain really composed this sentence
you need help
Sigh... You have no idea what music theory really is, do you? Or are you just shitposting for the sake of it?
how are you gonna sweep if you dont know scales?
>How can I speak if I don't know a language
Just play from the heart OP. let it come to you
or r u the type of dipshit to spend 100k to learn someshit you can learn from a friend in like 20 minutes? how about i teach you the scales and you give me the 100k would that work?
>want to be the next arca
>pirate ableton live
>spend hours downloading soundpacks
>open up ableton live and mess around for 30minutes
>get bored
>go fap and resume listening to music