Go to 'Americans' folder

>go to 'Americans' folder
>see this
really makes me think

That looks more like mensturation to me.

>have this saved in a special folder
really makes you think

>go to 'Brazil' folder
>realize I don't have one because caring that much about another country is laughable when you live a comfortable life in a civilized nation
>boogie to the mcdonald's drive-thru on my rascal scooter

Life's pretty good desu

it's free bleeding m8

americans love that shit, it liberates them

I have a Brazil folder but it's just Zika viruses, "boo and lose" memes, and crusted poo napkins

>go to 'Brazilian' folder
>see this

Really makes you think.


>having a folder dedicated to citizens of a country you likely have never been to

that really got the ol neurons firing in my head

That's period blood not poop

Either way I'm hard

>they don't /freebleed/
Wtf did I get transported back to the 1950's?



No for respect at all for this 3rd world cesspool.

>go to 'Britbong' folder
>see this

Really makes you think.

irony: the post

Really makes you think, don't it?

>having a folder dedicated to a country

holy obsessed

>go to my Americans folder and select a pic
>filesize too large



more like photoshit LMAO

you cheeky fuck

>Peruse through my Great Britain folder.

Good post


ITT: ameriloos are 3rd world


Do we have a special folder?

I'm glad you have a folder dedicated to us :)



I only have a handful of images that aren't 7-1.