/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

/ergg/ edition

"How do I learn to play guitar without getting a teacher?"

Guitar chords and inversions

String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):

Music theory:

Hal Leonard's Bass Method:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout

Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick

Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar

Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene

Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav

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worst thread in at least 5 threads.

superstrat or les paul

alright posting again

alright fa/gg/ots.
i wanna learn swing guitar. mainly rhythm so don't sperg out about django or charlie or wes.
giggle only results in books people want to sell or jazz lessons in the style of djanog/charlie/wes etc.


Spend some time on bass, it'll help improve your sense of rhythm. Try playing along to blues and jazz tracks.

Can you guys tell I've been listening to duster lately?


Chet Atkins

To be fair I'm not sure why people think bass OR guitar are difficult.

anybody here adjust intonation themselves? if i were to do it on a strat, would i just need a screwdriver and a tuner pedal? i don't need to touch the allen wrench things, right?

I can tell you've been sucking a lot of dick lately.

please try jazz or funk bass and then tell me bass isn't difficult

I've heard of fanned frets, but this is ridiculous


cute but out of tune

yes you do

You adjust how close the sadles are to the fret board. You need a 1/10 cent tuner for that. I got a sledgehammer pro custom off of amazon for 35 that is 1/10th cent accurate don't get the stanard pro it has a rattle and uses more expensive batteries without nearly as long of battery life get the pro custom.


you do not use a screwdriver for anything. You're not touching the truss or undoing any bolts. Use an allen key to adjust the intonation at the twelfth fret to match the tuner.

in big band swing, bass has his own work for him, as well as the pianist. guitar is in it's own "cubicle" as well even though they are in the rhythm section together.
aside from that, lemme elaborate

i want to learn jazz, specifically swing music, around the 20's-40's. i want to learn about the chord progressions and common keys they would use.

i think of him more as a rockabilly player, but technically you're right

The flashy parts of guitar definitely require you to be awake.

That's what I thought maybe at first but I just don't think so.

Now I know why girls play bass so much.

Tune the string to pitch, Play the 12th fret and compare to the open string (using tuner and your ear as well). If the 12th fret is sharp, tighten the screw on the back of the bridge. This pulls the saddle away from the nut making the length of the string from the saddle to the 12th fret longer therefore making the string flatter than before. If its too sharp, tighten the screw to do the opposite. Just make sure if you have to make the 12th fret sharper, that the saddle actually moves forward and youre not just pulling the screw backwards out of the bridge. If it does this, just push the screw in with your finger.

True, I won't disagree with that. Especially if you play on an upright. Upright bass is much harder than guitar, but fretted bass guitars were explicitly designed so that they could be picked up quickly by guitarists.

Yeah, just tuned to DADAC#e without doing intonation afterwards cause its fine in standard

what are you talking about? i would be using the screwdriver to adjust the scale length on each string. i was under the impression turning the screws in pic related with a screwdriver would either bring the saddle closer or further away from me, depending on which way i turned it

does n (upstroke) over > mean either up or down stroke picking?

thanks user

ur just jelly of my sick gear

I think > means its accented

> walk into rando guitar shop north of LA. Wannabe greaser owner organizing shit
> see signed guitar but not sure who it is so i ask
"By a band called (nobody band from 80s)"
"Not familiar"
"Theyre older than you are. Was a little thing called rock n roll"
And i walked out

This has been 90% of my interactions at music stores in LA

ah, makes sense. totally spaced that. cheers.

>being in california

theres your problem

Me neither, the basics of both are really simple and practice will do the rest.

imo that's kind of a strawman argument, you can take the most difficult part of any skill and say the same

"awake" isn't much of a task though.

You gotta stay woke

>imo that's kind of a strawman argument, you can take the most difficult part of any skill and say the same
it's as much of a strawman as "bass is so easy!!!" when you're just talking about play root notes on a punk tune. i mean even the bassline on "is this it" by the strokes is sort of hard to get perfectly right with rhythm and attack, etc.

but jazz bass is in a whole nother league


Im from far north california. No one gives you their bullshit story up there at least. Generally better people too. Or at least a lot fewer

jazz anything is in a whole nother league then regular playing

Yeah but in comparaison to other instruments, bass and guitar have the bar set really low.

no they haven't, what the hell are you talking about. i play piano, drums, and trumpet and none of those is harder than playing guitar. do you even remember trying to play an F barre chord for the first time?

i mean if you're comparing it to instruments that just have a stupidly high learning curve (violin, oboe) then yeah it's easier to pick up, but at a high level of playing every instrument is difficult


anything is difficult if you tell yourself it's difficult. you set a wall in front of yourself when you say shit like that

Freddie Green

Does anybody else think this new cuckman looks cool?

>i want to learn about the chord progressions and common keys they would use.
Get a Fakebook and / or Realbook and learn how to play these chord qualities:

Minor 7
Major 7
Dominant 7

and you'll be well on your way.

>at a high level of playing every instrument is difficult

oops, forgot to mention
i'm already checking out the freddie green website and i was hoping there were other sources


>pointy cutaway

I'm talking about the absolute bare minimum that's required to play what's considered a "normal" song for the instrument.

Of course you can take the highest level and say "hey that's difficult", but that's not what I'm talking about.

Also just for bragging, I never struggled with the F barre. No idea why.

It's the same shape as one of Dean's LP iirc. I think it looks ugly.

well, i never said i couldn't do it, but it's a fact that certain genres require more technical skill and, in improv especially, theory knowledge. And just because you admit something is difficult doesn't mean you are setting a wall in front of yourself, it just means you know that its not gonna be learnt in day or two.

what's the cheapest way of sending GK3 midi guitar signal to a DAW with VST, i.e. without buying a guitar synth.

>certain genres require more technical skill and, in improv especially, theory knowledge
i agree with you on the improv but there's a wide spectrum of skill/style in each and every genre that ranges from highly technical to mediocre.
take for example rhapsody of fire vs dragonforce. both bands have include techniques that not every band uses. however the guitarist for RoF is a technical player beyond the guitarist for dragonforce

Guitar's midi output into an interface's midi input into your computer

i feel the GAS overtaking me, /gg/.
i can't stop thinking about buying a cheap electric guitar and slapping a full-body hentai decal on it.
or maybe i should get a hot-pink Hello Kitty strat and give it decent pickups.

wish it was as simple as that, GK3 does not output midi but some propietary signal than the guitar synth then convers to midi

I vote for the large sticker. Make sure it's lewd.

i live close to a vinyl decal shop for cars, but i wonder if i can have them make a custom Taimanin Asagi picture for the guitar.

>Taimanin Asagi
I'm proud of your choice user.
Who's it going to be ?
also explicit decals or bust

i guess the skill thing is something i would take back, as there of course are great guitarist doing all type of genres and there generally isn't a limit to how difficult something has to be in order to count as a certain genre.

Do young people today really think that good guitar playing = fast guitar playing

does no one care for feelings in music anymore?

>does no one care for feelings in music anymore?

im producing beats on my laptop old man. go to bed.

Do old people today really think that emotive guitar playing = slow guitar playing

does no one care for speed in music anymore?

it's a tough choice between Sakura and Asagi, but the latter has the most extreme ahegaos and most violent bukkakes, so i'll probably go with her.

>old conservative strong rednecks an autoshop making jokes about hanging niggers and yelling stuff at girls in the street...
>skinny weaboo boy weighting 15kg comes in an asks to print a picture of a japanese cartoon with cat ears shaped like a guitar with a comic speech bubble that says " i love you user, you dont need anyone else but me"...

shit son, best case scenario your whole town is gonna bully you to death. but youll probably get raped in the process too

so that's a no...
weird, i learned what music was at an early age, in my teens.
but well it was different times i also lost my virginity back then
i know you kids prefer to wait till youre 35 or something, well maybe when you become a man youll understand what real music is

the people in these threads are so fucking stupid sometimes i dont know if youre trolling or not

just picked one of these up
what play /gg/?

>young people today
The 80s were almost 40 years ago.

Sakura is fucking boring mate, go for Asagi.
Or Murasaki, she's got a dick.

your guitar

does it djent?

fuck no


nah, i used to be /fit/ and can handle myself socially. i'll just treat it as a joke and holy shit who am i kidding, i'm gonna get raped.

i repeat, when you become a man youll know what real music is

youll see few people over the age of 30 at speed metal concerts, but it has excisted for more than 30 years... ohhh why is that?? mistery!!
could it be that.. mmmm its just a fucking phase people go trough?


just do whatever you like, if you need to get into arguments about speed vs feeligns its because you dont know what you like so you have to channel those feelings into annoying other people

can you please try harder, you're breaking my immersion

post some clyps please

Stairway desu lad

any particular requests?

weird noises with every knob at 10

Are these guitars nice? I think they look good

sounds good, give me a few minutes

super jealous desu




can't hear shit.


so are squier affinity guitars any good? '

i want to get a tele just for some twangy vibes but dont care to spend a ton of mooney on it

what are you doing?

playing my mel9?

He fell for the "make your guitar sound like a down-syndrome midi instrument that people only pretend to like because of tradition" meme

not really

>its another episode of "poorfags hate people with disposable incomes"

excuse me

playing is a strong word

So I'm thinking of picking up an electric guitar, god knows my old hobbies are suddenly dead to me nowadays.

I'll probably have maybe £300 to spare, obviously not expecting something other than a "decent for its price", but I know fuck all about the different types available.

What sort do you guys reckon I should look at getting? I basically want something that, when I get good at it, I'll be able to make it make sounds like that final solo in Leif Erikson - like, mellow sounding stuff?

it genuinely sounds a lot better in person
phone mic is shit

>it's another "blues lawyers buy expensive equipment so they can play shittily on it once a week while actual gigging musicians have had the same gear for years" episode