Now this is too far.
Now this is too far
This fucking bitch.
>Lochte, Feigen, Bentz
Germans with german morals.
The way she writes looks like she's shitposting on Sup Forums, kek
>""""""""""""""american""""""""""""""""""" journalism
>It is irrelevant whether it’s true.
American media really is something. Reminds me of the way they treat Trump. Or anyone to the right of Noam Chomski in social issues.
They would have no problems smuggling the yanks out in secret if they really wayed to. The usa has its greasy fingers in every south american hole.
probably they could but that would bring their international reputation even lower
>stay obsessed rest of the world
I really don't think they care much about that.
well people that sell their culture of multiculturalism, globalism, capitalism and other shit cares 2bh
>Which is good. But unless he’s hiding out in the U.S. consulate, he still needs an escape route. Now, Bentz and Conger, too.
>A burro-for-hire to the Argentina border perhaps, and then a spot on a military chopper? Maybe they can borrow USA Basketball’s boat for a few days. There are plenty of canoes and kayaks still around Rio, too. Grab one of those and start paddling.
What did she mean by this?
A US military chopper in Argentina? What? Isn't their base in Colombia or Ecuador?
>bring their international reputation even lower
>Can the U.S. get the swimmers out, that's what Americans care the most about. Because if they did file a false police report, in Brazil that is apparently a lot worse than shooting at a bus with people on it.
Same mad faggot from the other thread. Stay jealous, loser.
Is that whole article ironic i cant tell
I feel like Americans watch way too much movies.
We can afford televisions and Blu-Ray players.
>paranoid amerifat sees same people in different threads
take your meds, jamal, and try not to shit yourself or pee on the walls
You guys still use physical media?
>country so insignificant there's rarely more than one poster with that flag
Yeah, no. Nice try faggot.
>physical media
What did they mean by this?
We use whatever we want Brazika.
Of course. Why wouldn't you want a higher quality image and superior sound to take full advantage of your $10K home theater system.
I think it is and we've been all wait, he is pumping other articles with mental gymnastics. This is clickbait shit.
Next time someone goes to the USA, party, drink and fuck a bunch of woman, get hammered, enter a gas station store, break everything inside it, pee all over the place and when the cops show up, say that everything happened because you were robbed, then see if they will believe you and let you out of their country.
Yeah I'm sure he would be fine with it were it the other way around
The police killed 8000 criminals in the last 10 years, so they have no morals to arrest an asshole American. Is that really her argument?
>a Brazilian judge ordered Lochte and U.S. teammate Jimmy Feigen not to leave Rio
Imagine being stuck in this shithole for the rest of your life
Lmao america sucks sometimes sorry brazil bros. I fucked a chick from your place and she almost broke my dick so I respect you urchins
I know, it would almost be like being stuck in Paris.
As in kinetically or virally?
>implying it's not the greatest city in the world
Dont do this. Rude.
Not really. The entire world adopts the US entertainment culture regardless.
Rude and true.
>It is irrelevant whether it’s true.
God Bless the 1st Amendment.
Quiet, animal.
Have you ever been to Rio frog?
>calling Americans animals
Kinetic. I was not ready for the way she threw her ass on me. I was used to dead fish, so I'd just pound away. when she went back on me it fucking hurt, I wasn't ready for that shit
We must get >our boys out of this favela and poo bin ridden hellhole named Brazil
So be it if we need to flex our military muscle and bomb them back to the stone age...Brazil never left, though, so I doubt you'd be able to tell the difference, anyway
So is Brazil going to give them a life sentence or some shit? Seems like it
I mean it's Brazil. Who gives a shit what they think?
Isn't lying. Your cops full on execute thiefs in the streets and just go ham whenever they want. They are corrupt as shit. How is this news?
Honestly the swimmers were probably shit faced, made some trouble, and then guns WERE pulled on them.
They are just embarrassed because their country is a joke and even some dumb ass jocks know it. They'll make a big scene, pretending the Olympics weren't a fucking disaster for their shithole of a country, and eventually fine the dudes 100 brazilcoins which is like 5 USD