Ryan Lochte My Story Was Mostly True Tape Edited At Critical Point

>Ryan Lochte did not lie about the "robbery" incident ... and there are 3 minutes of missing surveillance video that will back up most of his story ... this according to sources directly connected to the swimmer.

>Our sources say Lochte and his team claim they were indeed taken out of a cab at gunpoint, but the video doesn't show that because the gas station edited it out.

>We're told Lochte mistook the uniforms worn by the security guards as police uniforms, and he claims during the missing 3 minutes he and the other swimmers were pulled out of the taxi at gunpoint.

>As for his claim the cab was pulled over en route, one of the sources concedes, "That's a problem."

>And our Lochte sources say reports that his 3 teammates admitted the story was a lie are untrue.

>In fact ... Jimmy Feigen just spoke with local news in San Antonio, denying a cover-up and affirming he was robbed.

It begins.

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I think this guy is genuinely retarded.

>changing the story again

you mean this is where it ends


This is actually pretty sad, maybe those black guys really didnt do nothing

Nah, just too many bong hits I think.

funny how he didn't claim this until his sponsors got pissed at him

just the average ameripee

That was pretty evident before this whole situation. Haven't you ever heard the guy speak before?

Just when you think this thing couldn't get get any more ridiculous.


>saying you got mugged is enough grounds to be detained

Arresting people for speech is Euro tier. I thought Brazil was above this.

This story is beginning to get extremely tedious.

I want off Chad Lochte's wild ride

He's afraid of losing sponsors. And he won't admit anything, he's already in the USA, he can lie all he want.

Yeah, I'm surprised that anyone is surprised by this guy's idiocy. It seems to be a well known fact in the US.

should be lochte up

This is literally the biggest case of meming in the history of the Olympics

>wasting the time of foreign police by making them look for an invisible mugger
I thought the US was above this.

We don't really follow random Ameriswims and their public persona senpai

>wannabe chad
>shit """"sport"""" to be """"pro"""" at
>lies constantly
what a piece of shit, hopefully he shatters his femur and cant swim ever again

But they never called the police they just said they were mugged and left.

this is just wrong

Is that why they filled an official report

Kekekekeke, no wonder he didn't want to talk about those incidents at all.

So what or who made him talk about it and thus make up a liar story?

He simply could have shut his mouth, atleast publically.

>U.S. Swimmers Gunnar Bentz and Jack Conger admitted to the police that there was no robbery and pin the lie on Ryan Lochte.

>One of the athletes confirmed that there was no crime. At this exact moment the police can concur that there was no robbery in the form reported by the athletes. They weren't victims of the allegedly crime.

>The athletes lie can be explained because they met a group of girls in the party before the incident.

>The first information on the subject came from a taxi driver who picked up two girls leaving the event. This driver heard from them that they "made out" with the athletes and he reported it to us after watching all the repercussion of the case. If an athlete has a relationship and doesn't want his significant other to know the exact reason why he stayed out all night, he starts to have a motive to hide it.

>The police says that the swimmers presence in Rio is no longer necessary but didn't say when their passports were to be returned.

Sauce: g1.globo.com/rio-de-janeiro/olimpiadas/rio2016/noticia/2016/08/nadador-confirma-versao-da-policia-para-confusao-no-posto-diz-veloso.html

would you file a report with the same police that just robbed you?

LOOOOL the surveillance tape is hours long, you can't edit anything.
Will this fucker stop lying already?

Why did he do it then

That's what I'm confused about, why even make a story out of it instead of just keeping quiet?


>there was no robbery in the form reported by the athletes

think about that statement for a minute

>>The athletes lie can be explained because they met a group of girls in the party before the incident.

It keeps getting better and better.

never heard of him before all this desu

I think he told that lie to his mom to make up an excuse but she decided to tell it to the press and then he just went with the lie

you must be at least 18 years of age to post here compatriot

>What defines me? Ryan Lochte


Not him, but i've watched the interview he said clearly: "There was no robbery" in portuguese.

or maybe, JUST MAYBE, he was shook down at gunpoint by some wannabe cops at a gas station

He is literally the epitome of Chad

Most people don't really follow swimming outside phelps

>Crooked police hold your passport
>Say you can't go home unless you say there was no robbery
>Say whatever we weren't robbed

Wait till they get here. They will stick with original story. They just want to leave that shit hole.

He gets it. I'd suck a golf ball out of his urethra


And maybe trayvon didnt do nothin but what do we know

>"There was no robbery in the way it was reported by the athletes,” Fernando Veloso, the Civil Police chief, said at a news conference.

>in the way it was reported by the athletes

Money was exchanged at gunpoint. It is textbook robbery.

that's the whole reason you would know who lochte is, he's basically the robin to phelp's batman

the first person to speak to the press about it was lochte's mother.
here's what happened:
>mom calls son sunday morning
>he has a huge hangover
>tells her he needs her to transfer cash
>what happened my dear son
>w-we were robbed
>omg my son got robbed
>tells the press
>press asks lochte what happened
>comes up with a shit story

this is what happened. he lied because he was afraid of his mother, not because of his gf. i don't really know what's worse

>no evidence whatsoever

Sure thing m8

Bro, U.S. Consulate is all over this story and they only told them to "cooperate with the authorities". And Civil Police isn't crooked, Military Police is.

Now did these girls have dicks?

I can only wish they find the "woman" who was partying with them, mama Lochte going to know her kid sucks dick, kind of feel bad for her but I would laugh.

>What defines me? Ryan Lochte

aHAHAHhahaha, I am grasping for air

10/10 autist

new picture of Lochte in Rio

>3 minutes magically missing from surveillance footage
>oh yeah it's right at the time when lochte claims he was held at gunpoint


>And Civil Police isn't crooked, Military Police is.

Do you think some twink swimmer wants to learn all about your history of corruption so he can separate the good guys from the bad (implying that's even possible)

It's amazing how people are still trying to damage control this when there's a lot of evidence and testimony already.

Phelps, Peaty and Thorpe are the only swimmers I know




My god he's just simple minded. This poor guy never stood a chance. No bully pls

>WR holder in 200M and 400M IM
>no one knows my name

>didn't steal his phone
>didn't steal his wallet
>didn't steal his money
>his mates admitted it was fake

There's nothing missing from the surveillance footage lad. It's all there. He is just trying to damage control in fear of losing his sponsors.

We are not doing the investigation alone, the FBI is helping and also the american olympic committee.

If anyone's engaged in damage control it's the Brazilian po po.

>stick with original story.
There are tapes of them chimping mate, there's no sticking to anything.
Mate, I watched the damn interview youtube.com/watch?v=2yEH3oJHVsU
Why would I lie to you? In 2:49:50, you don't understand portuguese but there it is the chief saying "There was no robbery against the athletes", period.

What is up with this guy? Just an attention whore or what?

Btw, it's funny seeing the media twisting things already, amazing.

Alright, so let's see how I close I am on this:

>Hey Ryan, I called, your coach said you were filing a police report. What happened, did you bite another toy store clerk?

>N-no mom I uh, I was robbed!

>Oh no! Thank god you're ok, sweetie! By the way did you get the coloring books I sent?

>Yes mommy.

>Hello Mrs. Locke, we heard your autistic son trashed a Brazilian bathroom, is that true?

>No, he was robbed!


>Hey, shouldn't we call the Rio police department to confirm what ha-


>That's incorrect.

>Oh. Did he at least murder a tranny hooker or get arrested in a huge coke deal?

>Nope. Got drunk and trashed a bathroom.


The media is desperate for some kind of high drama from these olympics.

God he's sexy as hell

he jus a gud boi, he dindu nufin, he was goin to church and getting his life back on track

>has gun on you
>takes your money

>not a robbery

brazil logic everyone. seems it has done well for your shit-hole of a country.

pro-tip: civilized nations handle disputes like this in a court of law, not under threat of violence with a gun on them

Yeah, pretty much, they are trying really hard to make us look bad

Let's say that they have 19 reasons to make you fall in love with them...

>srsly, they are probably 18yo rich college sluts with gringo surnames bragging about sucking Olympian's dick

>people should be free to make rape allegations against people they slept with

at 1:29 in the released video, the timer magically jumps ahead 3 minutes, or are you that easily deceived?

>rape is the same as being robbed
wew lad

Nah it was real cops, this is Brazil remember

See bro, if a delegate from Civil Police calls the press and talks about it, it has 99.99998% chance of NOT being bullshit...


You are retarded. The guard was arresting those drunkards for property damage. After a while, the lowlifes decided to settle and pay for the damages. They were then released.

pro-tip: non-cucked countries actually allow people to defend their property.

Jesus christ, he was paying for the damage that he did, the money went to the owner of the gas station. And the gun was needed for him to calm down and stop chimping out and breaking things. It's much better than beating him with a baton.

You doing this on purpose to get a rise out of me, but you are failing. The evidence and testimony is all there, he can't get away this time.

Filing a false report is a crime in USA too.

>lose to Phelps your entire career

>Become mentally deranged

>yfw you realise that Americans are literally dindu nothing: the country

How the fuck does america have so much crime when no one ever does anything?


pathetic 3rd world shithole

excuses for everything

He never reported it to police he just said he he was mugged and left

Is this a sign of things to come? White Americans embracing the culture of future majority and behaving like niggers? Wew.

>a womans big mouth causes an Olympic scandal


reminder she is literally from Cuba so she is basically one of yours


He did file a report thats the problem



>I'm going to make shit up LOL

to stupid for Sup Forums

I tought we brazilians were the masters of damage controlling but the americans on this board are giving us a run for our money.

Literally "dindu nothing" and "proofs????" when there's a lot of proof already.

>and he claims during the missing 3 minutes he and the other swimmers were pulled out of the taxi at gunpoint.
Except you can clearly see them peacefully getting out the taxi after the guard told them to.


incredibly sad, justifying literally nigger behaviour

but it should be expected from such a shithole

>At this exact moment the police can concur that there was no robbery in the form reported by the athletes
See no report by Brazilian media

>real person
>not a character out of zoolander


Olympic Liar.

t. responsible for mexico
