Gonna name my band "Mandatory Abortions"

Gonna name my band "Mandatory Abortions"

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those are some gorgeous soles desu

thanks OP just nutted to your pic

Let me guess, you're gonna be a shitty 'RAW AND ENERGETIC' grindcore band that people will defend just because you did it all in one take and your '''''deep lyrics''''' about gutting people?

I'm gonna name my band "You Gen X" pronounced "Eugenics"

God, I wish I had a woman.


i can be ur woman

but i'm a guy tho

Do you at least look like a woman?

I saw a topless woman for the first time ever when on vacation in Hawaii with my parents. AMA.


can't own a person lad

nipples? juicy?

>can't own a person lad
t. person that has never traveled to saudi arabia

why do women like that always prefer niggers, tho?

Yes, she had nipples. They were pink and lighter than the rest of her breasts' skin, which was heavily tanned and a little burnt.

did you get a boner


nah jk this some elliot rodgers shit

A partial one, yes, probably about 40%.

>implying I'm a man

Not me, get out imposter reeeeeeeeee

you're an idiot

can't tell if you're a feminist who doesn't appreciate my sarcasm or a neckbeard who thinks women aren't objectified

>can't own a person lad
I know this is a shitpost but why do SJWs get upset over possessive figures of speech?
No man alive would get triggered by a woman saying "My man", but these feminist bitches throw a fit.

Where is this beach?

I'm not gay btw

In French it's possessive. You say my woman (my wife).

I have a feminist girlfriend who had a problem with possessive figures of speech back at the beginning of the relationship.

I get it. Being a woman and a feminist, especially one who is particularly sensitive and emotional, it is easy to notice the remarkably high number of relationships defined by actual possessiveness.

Particularly if the woman is single, a man using possessive terminology can be taken as a hint that he will be possessive in a relationship, which is usually toxic.

It leads to assuming the worst, and therefore taking a turn of speech too seriously.

i'm a centrist who thinks you're an idiot

Describe her breasts in detail


>hint that he will be possessive in a relationship, which is usually toxic.

oh so she wants to fuck around while having a bf. how modern. and how cuck of you.

>not being a cuck in trumps america

fuck off my board faggot

>there is no middle-ground between possessiveness and being a cuck

I'm sure the women are flocking to you bub

it's all cuck and games and then your woman hits 31 and suddenly its all commitment and women's marching.


I mean I get it. If you're not attractive you'll get milked for everything you got and then some for just a sniff of V.

But those women get old and undesirable. And that's when they march.

you know men care about physical attractiveness way more than women right?

> those women get old and undesirable

case in point

>I have a feminist girlfriend
How do you manage to be in a relationship with a person who believes in a toxic ideology

Name it 'Pro Choice Living Arguments'

Feminism takes many forms, most of them not toxic.

She's a great gal and full of talent and love


oh so instead of completely fucking around she selects a certain group of guys she's free to fuck while dating you

>most of them not toxic

feminism inherently ends up making women more miserable

Why is that

No. We are monogamous. But at the same time we're not possessive.

>unironically using the word "toxic"

I'm yanking your chain dude relax lol
>don't touch the toxic waste
Wow what SJW propaganda go touch the nuclear fallout

pressuring women to get higher education (and debt) and enter the workforce en masse working 40+ hours a week does not give meaning to their lives. It was under the guise of "independence is better than cooperation with men." Western women are more depressed than they have ever been, and they're also contributing to the labor force in record numbers. What a coincidence
should be Mandatory Abortion

>stuck in a memehole

there's a local punk band in Chicago with that exact name

>a man using possessive terminology can be taken as a hint that he will be possessive in a relationship
This raises a lot of questions. Like "What is possessive terminology to a feminist?". Like when a man says "I wish a had a woman" or "I wish she was my girlfriend", is that really indicative of a possessive relationship when women are just as prone in saying the same thing?

>which is usually toxic.
What do you mean by "toxic"? There are many women that are okay and want to be treated this way and it can be a perfectly healthy relationship. And I'm not talking about being bloody slave, I'm talking about woman who's okay with being "someone's woman". May also traditionally cook and clean for "his man". Pic I guess related.

>Feminism takes many forms, most of them not toxic.
If she believes in Rape culture, patriarchy, safe spaces, "listen and believe" in terms of rape cases, then it's toxic.

>interpreting it literally

anyone who really gets triggered by the phrase "my girl" or "my man" should kill they are self. That's just retarded social skills

I really came in here to shitpost but then I realized actual Sup Forums was on here so I decided to stay and probe. So I've kind of been half shitposting half probing

Speaking of probing
what you are framing as "cooperation with men" is actually "dependence on men". If you actually believe that women's lives are made worse for having the freedom to explore their own career options and support themselves financially then you need to leave your bubble and engage in real discussion with educated people.

Your argument is slightly more plausible if you are suggesting that freedom has a negative impact on both your average man and your average woman. But to suggest that it has a negative effect on just one gender (namely not your gender, but the gender you want to mate with), you need something definitive to back up your point.

just an awful, awful thread.

Hmmm I wonder if higher education and getting a job working to death has to with anything...
It's not like a certain something is making everyone fucking miserable and depressed

Blame this fuckwit

It was a shit topic to begin with tb h

>is actually "dependence on men"

no really it's more like cooperation - the man depends on the woman to pull her weight and contribute to their mutual survival by: cooking, cleaning and raising the kids and shit. This is an invaluable contribution to the relationship and gives way more meaning to women's lives than being a wage slave. I'm describing two ends of a spectrum, being the involvement of women with men.

one of the key tenets of feminism is the liberation from/rejection of men, which is a dumb fucking concept to begin with considering the resources men amass and are willing to part with if a woman just puts on a pretty face for him. I wish I were a woman and had the option of marrying some rich beta and sit at home changing diapers for 45 minutes a day


The patriarchy treats women as property, and thus property must be abolished. Personal property, no.
Victim blaming, objectification, trivializing rape, denial of widespread rape, refusing to acknowledge the harm caused by some forms of sexual violence, or some combination of these is that itself. God it's not like prison rape and war rape isn't a fucking thing.

i dont know where this thread is taking my headspace but i am 100% not into it or participating in it. just thought i'd pollute the thread with this comment because fuck it you can suck my ass if you want to.

Why don't we just give women the freedom to do as they wish and create a culture that supports and idealizes traditional gender roles instead of trashing them?

What is possessive terminology to a feminist
>I wish I had a woman
this can hint of an overly possessive relationship to a feminist deeply entrenched in an activist community
>I wish she was my girlfriend
this wouldn't

>when women are just as prone to say the same thing
a feminist who is straight is not considering this when talking to a potential lover. They are just thinking, is he going to be good for me, and in certain contexts possessive language is a turn off

>there are many women that...want to be treated this way
true, but there are many women that are in relationships where possessiveness and jealousy create a poor relationship. Even the situation where a woman would prefer to have a more traditional role, over-possessiveness is a real problem and (from an outside perspective) super cringy because it is usually a result of a lack of confidence in the man

>rape culture
totally a thing in greek life at the very least

real to some degree

>safe space
focused on too much, but are definitely necessary in some cases (trans people)

>listen and believe
totally agree this is toxic

>culture that supports and idealizes traditional gender roles
Kek are you serious
It's been too fucking late for that shit and that's a good thing.
Either way people do what they want with their lives, and I'm all for it.

The patriarchy is a cultural artifact. It's widespread and systemic. Read fucking Engels.

>The patriarchy treats women as property
Then we don't live in a patriarchy. Women have all the rights and freedoms men do. They used to not be able to own property, but now they have all the right to. There is no legislation or policy in western society that is designed to keep women down. Unlike in islamic societies, which are literally patriarchies, laws where women must cover themselves or can't drive by themselves is oppressive.

you are now aware that civilization arose from traditional gender roles

I should have specified: economic dependence on men

Even in your "marry a beta" example, she is still economically dependent on a man.

In the modern world, a woman is now able to succeed economically enough to amass her own resources and has the freedom to choose how to live her life. Does she want children? Does she want a mate? Does she want to cook and clean, or would she prefer a mate who wants to do that.

The fact is, you are advocating for a world in which men have a role, and women have a role, and neither is allowed to do anything but their given role. And yet you provide no reason to accept this strange choicelessness

>we don't live in a patriarchy.
not legal but definitely cultural

>western society
God just say Canada and Clapistan for fuck's sake.
With violence against women in Mexico and Central America unless you don't give a fuck about them.

really I was just fucking around. Worked too!

>you can suck my ass if you want to.
are you a grill?

Why do faggots need to compare in the first place like fuck off with that bullshit
This isn't a competition

So can't we all just agree that women are awesome and we can all do a better job treating them better and just move on


If that's true, then why are:
-more women getting college degrees than men
-men making up 90% of the prison population
-have longer prison sentences for the same crimes
-men unfavoured in divorce courts
-men more likely be assaulted, stolen from and murdered
-men making up the majority of suicides
-men making up the majority of the homeless population

Just to make my stance clear: I think men and women are equally oppressed to some degree. I think the feminist stance and "patriarchy theory" has zero basis.

>Muh civilization
I don't really give a fuck about that and I'm glad normies truly don't give to shits about it. Glad to see that shit getting tossed in the trash.

not him but central america has so many fucking problems and having a high female murder rate is only one of them. I'd rather talk of the murder rate in general tb h

who cares
the problem is the war on drugs itself, I don't know why people would want even more people in prison
again why would you want for people to be in prison for even longer
91% of the time, custody is agreed upon or settled by parents themselves, usually without outside mediation.
why would you want even more people to be assaulted, robbed, and/or murdered
see above
see above
Women are more likely to ask for and receive assistance from family and friends
Women are more like to be caring for children, which makes them more eligible for state assistance

Jesus fucking Christ I'm sure you think men and women are "equally oppressed to some degree".

We're having some good discourse here but why isn't there sauce on OP's pic yet?

is Sup Forums the new /r9k/?

i like it

It was originally

Then fucking do it.
When America comes and fucks your shit up of course there's going to be more problems.

come on now, if women were getting less degrees and getting assaulted, murdered, stolen from, committing suicide more, and making up a larger percentage of the homeless population, you would find it notable

And the harsh and unrelenting tone you take is not constructive to discussion or favorable for the perception of feminism

Coming from the person who started all this

>the harsh and unrelenting tone you take is not constructive
although I do get that this is Sup Forums and thats just how the talking goes, in this context it isn't helpful, he is discussing responsibly

Okay then do something about it instead?
It's not a vs thing, make an aim to stop it in total ffs.
I find it notable how suicide, having less friends, police states, and whatever the hell may be is going on.
My fee fees were hurt oh no
If someone has an alienation towards it, it's not my fault someone takes it that way

>My fee fees were hurt oh no
>it's not my fault
It has nothing to do with that. It just isn't constructive.

>I find it notable that ___ is going on
So it is okay to ignore the context of gender and the disparity in issues when they do not support your point?

So the wage gap doesn't matter, nobody is getting paid enough


>So it is okay to ignore the context of gender and the disparity in issues when they do not support your point?
Where the ever loving fuck did I say that.
Again I don't disagree with disparity but I don't really give a shit about the gender whatever
>nobody is getting paid enough
You got it bud