What time is Death March 2016 on tomorrow?

What time is Death March 2016 on tomorrow?

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8 am

It's 4pm on the west coast and also where i live, how the fuck am i going to watch this?

7pm glorious EST

I am fucking HYPE

>running through Brazil streets

So half of them will get kidnapped right?

midday in bongland

day booked off work, obviously

AM m8

So what happens if somebody is caught running? Do they have to start over or what?

Hope you'll enjoy your 1 day off wagecuck, that's already half of your holiday allowance for the month

>google says 6:00
>doesn't specify AM or PM
>or timezone
>Just a fucking 6
thanks google, very fucking useful.

>tfw work tomorrow

with all your free time you should work on some better memes

They will run around barra da tijuca
Really nice and beautiful area of Rio


>Not being independently wealthy

What channel is it on in the US?

Is it even on at all?

11pm Friday night. Doesn't get any more comfy.

Is this shit even fun to watch?

I'm not sure, so if it isn't use bbc.co.uk with the Beebs extension for Chrome

It starts at 4 AM and Im going to be on the road for a good portion of the day

Can any bongs tell me if the BBC will hold the replay of it on their site?


It can be dramatic with the paddlings and cheating

I can't wait for Death March 2020.
>Athletes collapsing in front of anime characters in Akihabara

WHAT THE FUCK, i wake up at 11am everyday

I guess you'll have to deal with the jew stream of NBC m8.

It's fun after about 3 hours.

I hate to be wagecuck that have work at 7am, but at least can watch most of the race with Sup Forums so half full glass I guess?

I am expecting fucking superlative screencaps and webms from you assholes that get to watch it while I'm guzzling coffee so I don't misdiagnose a pnuemothorax for angina tomorrow. Yeah, I mad. That's the one fucking event I wanted to catch more than any other. Being a resident sucks hairy monkey balls. There better be a great goddamn thread up when I get off at like fucking midnight.

>tfw sleep like a sloth
>tfw won't be able to wake up in time

>Oh no, I'm a doctor. My like sucks

How long is this going to last, i'm thinking about waking up 2 hours into the race

It doesn't get good until like 3 hours into it

he is not a doctor, he is a resident, he is living hell for now.

>obviously doesn't know any doctors

Yes. My life sucks right now. And it'll probably suck even more once I'm out of residency, get rolled by a golddigger that shoots out a couple kids and spends all my goddamn money and then divorces me after she picks up a fucking Radiologist with the tit job I paid for working 60 fucking hours a week.

>pic related when my gf of 6 years decides last week she's tired of dealing with me trying to be a doctor
I really need some goddamn sleep.

By the way? That pnuemothorax-angina thing? Actually happened.
>so, what? you came to the ER with a little chest pain? why didn't you call your primary care physician?
>really hurts...
>left side? shooting pains? here. have some nitro tabs, a pat on the head and sit on your lazy ass while I schedule a cath. I don't suppose you actually have insurance?
>nurse, unable to decide whether to display horror or sick fascination on her face: I really think you need to read the chart and perform an exam, doctor.
>no, I'm sick of this bullshit. every goddamn day they come in here with no insurance and tummy ache (leaves exam room)
Aaaaaaand that's how you graduate from worthless shitbag ER doc to getting popped by the DEA for withholding after the investigation plus a shiny new felony and some jail time.

>Have to run errands in the morning

Might get up a bit earlier so I can tune in.

And if they aren't they can lie about it

How long does it take to finish?

They get DQed.

3 hours 40 minutes

This is for the Eastern Daylight Time, so the American east coast.

I'm basically going to miss the whole thing.

Just great.....

8pm here lad

There must be a reason theyre having it so early. Perhaps theyre expecting lots of deaths and want to minimize the attention. I'd better wake up to watch it

they do it early in the morning to avoid the hot temperatures of the afternoon and evening


there will be doc

i will ensure you get your daily dose

im legit about to stay up for this shit

should i do it lads?

I am, I'm worried it's been too overhyped though

Me too

What are some good movies on Netflix for me to watch?

>People are unironically excited for 4 hours of people walking fast in two straight lines

Not sure why you idiots hype this up so much. Yeah it's fun shitposting about it on spee, but the event itself is unbelievably boring.

The first 3 hours are boring but made more interesting by how ridiculous the whole thing is and how seriously the announcers take it.

and how awkward the whole thing is

I was watching the badminton bronze earlier for exactly that reason, the cbc announcer sounded like she was announcing a dogshow and it was hilarious

>not opening another window and watching the rhytmic gymnastics qts at the same time

>race at 1am
fuck, it's worth it to stay up though. plus tomorrow's a holiday, based scheduling gods

Man, I will be sleeping during the whole thing, I might wake up to see the end. Does this "Pit Lane" bullshit apply for the olympics too?

Last Chance U. do it now

thats the point nerd

What's Hawaii like?

Uhh, I don't think it is.

I'll probably catch the last 30 minutes or so when people start to really exhaust themselves.

Literally 7pm my time
Literally prime time on a friday night
Literally perfect

Are you black scrubs or white scrubs?

Oh shit, I have to sleep for at least 5 hours
Wish me luck not oversleeping lads

>50 km walk
>31 miles

Wew lad where do I sign up I could win this shit event

rascals aren't allowed

Honestly though, is walking for 31 miles REALLY that hard? Even if you took it slowly with breaks, you could easily clock it in 12 hours.

hawaii sucks if you don't surf. no good bars, terrible cultural scene (we've convinced ourselves that white boi ska is a reputable form of musical expression), racial tension everywhere, emaciated landscapes, brain drain society. oh also fucking chinks as far as the eye can see. plusses are hot chicks in bikinis, nice beaches, and great weed, but all that shit runs out quick.

>warmer than it was in London
>fucking 90℅ humidity

It's going to a good one senpaitachi

It's very doable if it's not a race.

Okay I will watch what time is it on for the West coast United States pst

Went up there to surf Pipe, I don't think I've been to anywhere with more titty bars than Oahu. Gave Vegas a run for its money!

Pretty much a Japanese vacation spot though isn't it. Was crazy to see how many of them were there.

Maui and Hawaii were super chill, really cool place once you get away from the tourist shit.

I don't know about you but most humans aren't able to do that, even slowly.

These guys are doing it in an awkward fast-paced stance and most of them won't pass the finish line.

It's like going from the English channel and coming back about half way.

what time for NSW?

What are some Sup Forums approved Death March songs to listen to while watching? My picks:





9pm champ.


Pacific a shit

Atlantic Ocean best Ocean

Is this Sup Forums's favorite event?

How many will die of Zika?

>Not listening to actual death marches


>going to be at work

fuck this gay earth

Just 3 bong away lads.

I literally finish work as it starts so I'll be home in time to settle in and watch some people die.


3 hours away Central time

How much longer do you guys have to wait?

>starting at 9pm on a Friday night.

Haha, who's got the shitty Timezone now rest of the world?

>tfw it starts at 7pm
couldn't have asked for a better time desu

thanks m8

>2 hours away wtf 3 am to watch guys walk around I need the Stu pickles pic

We use Wagner! Scares the shit out of the slopes. My boys love it!

>9:00pm start time on a Friday night.

B-better cancel all my Friday night plans, haha r-right lads?

>tfw death march 2016 starts at 6AM local time
>tfw it's 3AM, already drinking

Drinking game rules for this lads?

7am start time masterrace. Helps that I'm NEET. Gonna be making a big ol breakfast, hit up Dunkin, and cut my dogs hair in the living room while I watch


if you see someone run, you take a drink

RIP in peace user

I'm a boring shit but I'll be mixing colors while I watch

>implying ill be doing any work today at my wagecuck facility

Just like every day, am i right gang?

All memes aside do you think Dominos would be the way to go for later? Kicks off 9pm where I live.


Supposed to meet up with some friends for a party in Glebe and some other friends for drinks in Annandale. Flat out told them "nope".

Dominos a shit. I prefer to order like 3 small things of Chinese for variety at 1/2 the price, like lo mein, dumplings n soup

What about Thai?

Might do some pad thai now that I think about it

barra music

That works. Or get pizza n wings from local joint. Dominos is overpriced cardboard