This is the ultimate language, don't you think so?

this is the ultimate language, don't you think so?

Nop, hang urself weaboo

Arguably yes

No, pretty shitty

Why are there 3 alphabets, remove chink and use only kana

Korean would be better

T. Studied weeb for 4 yrs

Take a hike! Wanker.

>Studied weeb for 4 yrs
>use only kana

>4 alphabets
>extremely hard to learn
>ineffective for handwriting as well as typing
>limited amount of speakers and areas of use - no reason to put effort into learning
>all the speakers are hostile towards foreigners - even less reason to learn


I know quite a few hundred kanji, but I find it pointless. Where as Korean is just a single phonetic alphabet

Neither Hiragana, nor Katakana, nor Kanji are alphabets.
Japanese is a shitty language because of its limited syllables.

First time learning japanese I also prefered japanese with only kana, but later I realized you can actually read japanese faster with kanji rather than without it. Now I feel more comfortable read japanese with kanji rather than only kana, it feel like reading kid writting if they only use kana.

Did you guys actually learn alphabet properly? The way I see it you guys seems too depend on kana even when talking in english

We learn it a little.
Though that will be a standard education program in primary school since 2018.

At present, American will leave from Japan more and more probably.
Other foreigners will come to Japan in stead of them from now on.
They will trade between Japan and their counties, and we will preserve their work.
For that, we will use English as Lingua Franca more and more.

>but I find it pointless
I'm guessing you never read anything outside of a textbook.

more like this
japanese is the most expressive language

>japanese is the most expressive language
Are you perhaps joking? Isn't Japanese one of the most ambiguous languages?

>At present, American will leave from Japan more and more probably.
>Other foreigners will come to Japan in stead of them from now on.
Why is that?

I see. I agree.
There are many American land in Japan.
Those have been returned little by little.
American are going to leave from Japan.

He's talking about military withdrawal but doesn't know how to express it properly with words because he's a dumb nip shitposter.

>german autism
i don't think the antonym of expressive is ambiguous.
anyway, japanese can be both ambiguous and clear, depending on speaker's intention, though the latter is usually considered to be redundant

Your language is not yours but British.
You are so stupid that shut up.

We should have stopped using this stupid language from when we modernized.
Fuck jap language is complicated and superior to all other languages.

Technically, his language is not British but Anglo-Saxon, it comes from a region in modern day Schleswig-Holstein.


And your writing system is not your own but Chinese.

See? I can do that too.

I see.
That is to say, he was German originally.


Ningen wa, Risei to Ryousin to wo ukerarete ori, otagai ni douhou no seishin wo motte koudou sinakereba naranai.

Why japanese don't use romaji?

Your scripts are Latin's.
We use only characters.
And China was not one country since ancient period.

Your right Japan is slave of China.
I apologize instead him.

Anyway I love hentai. Hentai is the only culture that has originality in Japan. Understand?

I guess this is technically true, but the language has changed so much that the language of the Anglo-Saxons is almost entirely unintelligible to English speakers nowadays. The farthest you can go back and still have untrained native speakers mostly understand what's being said is probably Middle English from ~1400s.

it's the same question as why we don't only use kana. the answer is too many homonyms.
you'd have a hard time reading a sentence like "kisha no kisha ga kisha de kisha shita".

Of course, English is a Germanic language derived from West-Germanic which in turn is derived from Proto-Germanic which descends from Proto-Indo-European.
But still, English is very much Germanic still.
Although I prefer the term "Dutch" as it is the way we always have referred to ourselves. "Germania" is the name given to the lands beyond the Rhine which includes the Slavic tribes as well. *þiudiskaz is the word we should use or its derivatives.

Is this correct???

can you speak Japanese?


It is right.
Those words are 'Japanese-made Chinese words'.

No fucking shit it's everywhere in actual Japan, but I don't see the reason why it exists in the first place

>Of course, English is a Germanic language derived from West-Germanic which in turn is derived from Proto-Germanic which descends from Proto-Indo-European.
Due to our presence on the island for quite some time, there's a whole lot of the english vocabulary that comes from French too.

That doesn't change its core grammatical structure. English is Anglo-Germanic fucked up by French.
The worst part of this is, that French is creol made from Gaul and Latin.

They're all mongrel languages that degenerated from the original, pure proto-Indo-European.

Not really, most changes happened naturally on their own without outside influence.

i can never understand why foreigners focus on the these three division of hiragana katakana kanji

they are naturally just one, one consists of our language

and katakana is only for limited (foreign originated words, name of species) or intentional usage why even get bothered?

Because it complicates shit so much. Add in to the fact that kanji have multiple readings, the fact that looking up kanji is a pain in the ass compared to looking up words in any language that uses an alphabet, and the fact that the three different writing systems have very nuanced specialized usages and implications that not even native speakers can fully convey, and Japanese begins to seem purposefully arcane.