What does the average person in your country think about Donald Trump?

What does the average person in your country think about Donald Trump?

Other urls found in this thread:

people.vcu.edu/~mamcdani/Publications/McDaniel (2006) Estimating state IQ.pdf

Leftists want his head
""""Right wingers"""" pretend not to like him
Right wingers like him

A dangerous clown


That he is crazy and unpredictable

Take a guess

They like him, but question his leadership skills

About 95% of people here and in Poland have mindless slavish Trump worship. Remaining 5% are edgy teens and 70 year old former KSC members.

We either don't care or we love him for his anti-muslim policies.

I think your average bloke would think it's a little fucked if he does turn out to be ""racist"" tho so I wouldn't say we're at this stage.

That's a lie. He's unpopular even in more conservative Slovakia.

typical american

or he will be that

wait for the american tourists acting like him in a foreign country, nothing funnier than that shit

Why is this?

A lot I've heard don't think much of him.

There haven't been many protest her over their leaders in a long time but there were recently.

You don't know Trump?

Better than the monkey.

I would say most of us don't really care too much but many are slightly worried that he will stop the US from being our defence buddies. If people actually looked at his policies he'd be far too right wing for 90% of australia.

WRONG! I'd say there are more people that hate him for his racism than love him for it.

Oh look, it's the Slovak ANTIFA again. this guy's grandpa was probably member of KSC/state security forces and told him wonderful stories about back when everyone had free housing/guaranteed employment and you better not take his pension away.

Every grave stone that goes up moves us a little bit forward into the future.

0-15 believe hes racist and shit media says is true
16-20 90% think hes racist and shit media says is true
21-40 id say 80% still believe the shit
40-99 probably about the same

my country is deluded by flashy lights on tv

Despite Sup Forums Sup Forums cucks spewing alt-right memes, the majority of Americans are against this embarrassing "muslim ban", especially since it blatantly excludes Saudi Arabia, where the large majority of the terrorists from 9/11 came from.

Sup Forums, by the way, has LARGELY been proven to be absolute beta faggots on Shia LeBeuf's livestream, "He will nut inside us". How's this for a mind fuck: the majority of Sup Forums faggots were actually minorities. Those beta cucks not only hate minorities, they hate themselves. Fucking pathetic.

Normies are right in this instance. Trump is a fraud and a joke and will go down as the worst president of all time. Shillary would have actually been better. Fucking sad.


sceptical about the whole Russia thing, other than that positive

Mostly negative, people rightly see him as a dangerous reactionary cunt

"Lel americans are so dumb"

I do but I'm surprised for why Slovakia dislikes him. Sweden, Germany etc etc I understand.

>A lot I've heard don't think much of him.
Yeah tbf he acts like an idiot, even by yank standards. I mean when't the last time you heard of a politician getting into flamewars on twitter.

>There haven't been many protest her over their leaders in a long time but there were recently.
I hate people who do that. Left or right we shouldn't intrude in other countries matters.


those are fine

fuck, this shit board is truly full of Sup Forumsdditors who believe in everything Sup Forumsddit breitbert and /r/donald tell to you is true


Except they are legitimately concerned because of his relationship with Russia, and the very fact that the Slovaks are enemy to the Imperial Bear.

You, as a Czech, should also fear this, as, whenever the relationship with Russia fails (in which, it will likely because Trump's grade school level ego will sour everything), you can expect America to be a nation totally by itself and not an ally to anyone else in the world but himself.

But OK, pretend to know your country, because you likely do not.

None of my grandparents or parents were in the KSČ and they didn't like the previous regime (I don't like it either). Part of my family emigrated to Switzerland and Sweden in 1969.

Kádrovať by si chcel, jebko? A mne budeš nadávať do eštebákov.

The only slightly positive thing I've heard about him is that some find him funny. Other than that people view him as another proof of America's stupidity. I also hold that view.

We think he is not smart and he doesn't have a knowledge about the method of diplomacy.

They're uninformed snowflakes, contrary to what they call truly informed citizens of America, rightfully disgusted over the vast atrocities that have happened in just one week.

Member when we thought Trump was a joke? Member when Sup Forums believed in meme magic? Well, the people who all saw it as a joke are now disgusted, hence the new and beneficial anti-Trump sentiment here. Let it continue, as this is the healing process.

Not an argument

>me with each passing day on board Trump's Totalitarian Terror Train

Hope civil war breaks out in America


I was trying to vent the frustrations and fears I have, in no way was I disagreeing with you

Because he's seen as unpredictable and unqualified. We know him from the Apprentice his motivational books.

The funny part is, we're preparing before the Trumptards ever will. Resistance movements are taking Kung-Fu classes and learning how to use weapons, and this is how the coup d'etat will go in our favor.

Most Japanese think Trump will become Hentai actor in japan

how was berlusconi for Italy? Was he bad, good, mediocre?

And I view your nation with utter contempt. Enjoy your nonstop influx of Muslims, enjoy your continent committing mass ethnic and cultural suicide, enjoy the nonstop terrorist attacks. Retarded cheesehead.

>mfw all these complaints about Trump don't matter because America is on top and our President is calling the shots.

You're right
EU is stupid hentai continent

This is how I view the average American. A drooling retard, barely coherent, filled with anger, completely ignorant about the facts. A parody of himself.

Calm your mantitties.


Had he extended itnto Saudi Arabia as well, you leftishits would bitch and moan even further.

Get thrown out of a helicooter useless virtue signaling faggot.

This sentiment is why people laugh at America, and quite frankly, you should be ashamed for echoing what Trump supporters' xenophobia is like.

But OK, just be ignorant. You realize Americans are hated for a reason, correct? They are absolutely correct in every way. And electing Trump is the icing on the cake as to why the entire world should laugh at us.

Why didn't Trump ban the Saudi refugees again? Is it because he has business ventures there? Of course!

I've never met a canadian who liked him and I live in a conservative as fuck suburb of toronto that voted harper every election. he's genuinely thought of as a spoilt retarded manchild imo.

Dangerous and unstable racist misogynist fascist, must be stopped at all costs

its a good impression of flyover shitholes, but cities are fairly nice.

america has had a consistent brain drain into california/washington/ny/new england for centuries. you'll observe how genuinely fucking retarded the average smalltowner in america is.



Stupid fucking moron. No matter how many terrorist attacks happen, you will never learn.

I hope Wilders truly makes your country great again.

Actually, we wouldn't be complaining about the Saudis being vetted, because we would only expect it. It just so happens to be that Trump has business ventures in various Middle Eastern nations, and guess what, he did not issue a single refugee barring at all!

And besides, you used a fake news article. How about taking the loss, snowflake?

Trump is not racist
He is true monarch..
You should read Machiavelli "the prince"

Those flyover states are some of the smartest in the union dumb leaf. California is one of the dumbest.

What they're doing is a show of unity. What you're doing is advocating hatred and xenophobia against your former allies because you don't agree with them. All in the name of an orange-faced narcissist, gaslighting you and the rest of the American people. You are the worthless one, not him.

He's talked about raising military preparedness and upgrading US nuke arsenal so I won't worry too much about Russia. Part of reason they got away with everything in Ukraine is that previous president was Neville Chamberlain appeaser.

I don't know every detail of course but we have to simply hope for the best. Obama certainly did nothing at all to stop Russian aggression.

It really didnt take very long for Sup Forums to turn on Trump

hope there's an International Brigade to America when the civil war breaks out


Banning an entire country because the people are dark-skinned? One could argue that it is racist. Could you imagine that if Trump issued a ban on Japanese people for not complying with his demands, how would that NOT be racist?

You are being gaslighted. Wake up before it's too late.


Fucking kill yourself. Islam is by far and large a cancerous religion that is utterly incompatible with western values. You seek to import hundreds of thousands of people that hate our way of life and commit terrorist attacks every month.

Trump is not banning Chinese, Indian or Korean immigrants who inlike the mudslimes don't run over people in trucks, shoot random nightclubs, or blow up marathons and buildings.

Fuck you for trying to destroy this country.

And I hope Trump doesn't run your country into the ground.

Who am I kidding, I hoping for a full scale Civil War with livestreaming so I can watch.


Maybe because as soon as he came into power people realized the gravity of the situation they had put themselves into. The man is a lunatic with zero experience in governing anyone, let alone a nation of 320 million people

Saudis are already extensively vetted you idiot. That's why they weren't on Obongo's list. The ban list was not compiled by Trump, but intelligence agencies under Obama. It has nothing to do with business ventures you paranoid leftist cunt.

The countries on the list lack such extreme vetting hence the need for temporary bans.

>posting a map with no legitimate sources

Nope I have family who live in those smalltown shitholes. Maybe 10% aspire to something useful/good in life meanwhile the rest genuinely do not have any ambition or desire to improve their lot. Its completely the opposite in big cities in the flyovers/New England/non-Mexican California/Northwest.

It makes sense that the smartest usually leave for bigger cities while the dumbest stay in their town to pass on their stupid genes while pretending they have some purpose by clinging to patriotism/religion/etc.

>He's talked about raising military preparedness and upgrading US nuke arsenal

And what makes you think Russia won't do the same in return? Russia is no friend to America. They are the enemy. They see Trump as the easy target because they know a nuclear fallout with Shillary in office would be all the more complicated.

And please, Obama didn't do anything to divide the world up you mean? Because that's what Trump is doing RIGHT NOW in the Middle East. You are being played, like the rest here.

SeeIt's just a r/The_Douchebag and nu-Sup Forums thing.

>Is it because he has business ventures there? Of course!

>mfw these retards think US president has the time to do business ventures and shieet

>hatred and xenophobia

No. I have no issue with white Europeans idiot. I am advocating against the white continent destroying itself because of leftist idiots like you that have the borders open with no limit to the most cancerous and destructive religion on earth. I have a problem with white cities in white countries being turned into Mudslime shitholes.

trump is whiny baby.

Here's the source

people.vcu.edu/~mamcdani/Publications/McDaniel (2006) Estimating state IQ.pdf

Make like a leaf and get blown the fuck out.

Americans are more likely to be killed by Christian terrorists or die in a car accident besides being bombed by "Jihadists." Not to mention that ZERO refugees have committed Islamic terror attacks not ONCE in U.S. History. You are being lied to by Sup Forums as if it is reality, when in actuality, none of this happens in America and that you should take note of reality rather than fake news.

Prove it to me, otherwise, you just sound like a completely uninformed, bumbling idiot, suffering from likely Dunning-Kruger and have a severe snowflake complex.


Now this is same guy who in 1980s would have said Reagan was going to start World War III by provoking USSR. Guess what happen instead? Russians knew they can't beat US in arms race and back down. thanks to that, my country and a dozen others became free and Russians finally go back home.

Appeasement never ever works. It's taken by enemy as a sign of weakness.

Ruski enabling bastard or based god.
Depending if you talk to a rusophile or a rusophobe.

>muh fake nooz
>everything I don't agree with is fake news!

>In February 2016, the Obama administration added Libya, Somali and Yemen to the list of countries one could not have visited — but allowed dual citizens of those countries who had not traveled there access to the Visa Waiver Program. Dual citizens of Syria, Sudan, Iraq and Iran are still ineligible, however.

>So, in a nutshell, Obama restricted visa waivers for those seven Muslim-majority countries — Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Libya and Yemen — and now, Trump is looking to bar immigration and visitors from the same list of countries.

Kill yourself now.

Because he's not a politician, he is a narcissistic con-artist who somehow used his gaslighting to take the reigns of the most important position in this country. He is making the swamp even bigger than it already was, Washington is now a byproduct of the corporates, isn't that what everyone here was initially against? That and the Jewish membership in his cabinet and associates? It is absolutely baffling as to why you all still support him after all of this. Even Bernie Sanders, as bas as he may have been, was less cringeworthy.

You are more likely to be killed by a white supremacist over a "Jihadist" in America. Suck it up, snowflake.

Racist NAZI patriarchal sexist rapist.
Spain is a pozzed feminazi hell and if you don't bend over for m'lady at every turn you're worse than Hitler.

And I hope for more truckings, bombings and shootings in your countries. You don't get an ounce of sympathy from me. Continue destroying yourselves.

If there wasn't Gorbachev in power, then you can bet the Eastern Bloc wouldn't have fallen peacefully. Any other Soviet leader would've sent in the tanks to quash the revolution. That's why current Russians hate him.

Reagan was an insane maniac.

Then good luck standing up to an imperialistic, barbaric hegemon. The Crimeans would be happy to tell you there stories if they could, but they most likely don't have the same privileges you do to be posting here. Better take account into those actually wronged rather than a snowflake like you, correct?

Not an argument.

gonna be funny when he alienates literally every other nation on the planet and becomes the North Korea of the west.

I don't want sympathy from a yank, everything the eternal yank touches dies.

These next 4 years are gonna be great.

The majority sentiment in this country is exactly this.

>blocking people with legit visas and green cards is literally the same as what obama did
it's not him who should kill himself senpai

most think he's an idiot
a lot don't know/care
a few like him

99% of people have based their opinion of him through facebook articles. I know a couple people I know hate him but can't seem to explain why

>americans are more likely to be killed by christian terrorists

Bullshit. This ignores 9/11. It ignores the Orlando and San Bernardino shootings.

Abortion bombings have killed less than a fucking handful.

>you're more likely to die in an automobile accident

And you're also more likely to die from cancer.

That doesn't mean you should jeopardize public safety even more dumb fuck virtue signalling cunt. Automobiles serve a useful purpose to society. Massive influx of mudslimes that want gibs do not. Because X is more dangerous than Y statistically does not mean that Y should be ignored.

will it finally be the fall of america?

>being this triggered

You might have noticed i'm not american, things going on in your shithole dont have nothing to do with me and frankly. I dont give a shit, i didn''t vote and i cant vote.
Just seeing your bitchass buzzfeed mouthpiece crybabies moan and make shit arguements like "evul nazis making business dealz" makes me smile.

mainly positive. way less kurophile than hillary.

Less people have died in europe due to islamists than than have died on 9/11.

The same could be said about Europe. Lmao when Cucksterdam or some other Western European city is the next target of IRL frogger or shootsmeandblowsmeup.

I find it ironic how you labelled Obama an appeaser. What's Trump then?

>tv celeb becomes the president
>only in america

In all honesty I'm ambivalent towards him. Most people here it seems really, really dislike him. Dislike him to the point of wanting him dead, which is funny coming from people who seem to be hippies.

>zero refugees have committed terrorist attacks

>On November 28, 2016, a car ramming attack and mass stabbing occurred at 9:52 a.m. EST at Ohio State University (OSU)'s Watts Hall in Columbus, Ohio. The attacker, Somali refugee Abdul Razak Ali Artan, was shot and killed by the first responding OSU police officer, and 13 people were hospitalized for injuries


Neck yourself you stupid fucking cretin.

That already happened in 1981.

"He's a pretty cool guy, just like our President."
"what a dick. Americans done fucked up."

Saudis, a country Trump has immunized from the Muslim ban.

An American Muslim

>San Bernardino
American Muslims

See how it's Americans and not "rapefugees" committing these terror attacks? Pick and choose your examples next time before they don't sound entirely wrong.

Everything you are saying is textbook xenophobia and racism, and if you can't see this, you are part of the problem.

Not even a nazi, they had a point at least. He's just angry at things

Mediocre, but for quite a long period

A terrorist attack won't compare to the second American Civil War, which will happen when Trump loyalists clash with the rest.

Only thing I hope for all millions of deaths, maybe even a thermonuclear civil war.