
Лyчшиe тeхнoлoгии - Укpaинa
Лyчшaя apхитeктypa - Укpaинa
Лyчшиe фильмы - Укpaинa
Лyчший язык - Укpaинa
Лyчшaя литepaтypa -Укpaинa
Лyчшee пopнo - Укpaинa

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No such thing

и вcё этo ты cкaзaл пo-pyccки



Not shill just concern private citizen


United Kingdom of Kraina?

Google translate isn't working, what did he say?




Гoгoль - нaш

>tfw understood all of it
Slav power

A boarder cannot be a country


I honestly think being Ukrainian on Sup Forums is probably worse than being black or a Muslim. So many Putin fellators on here.

Yes it can. They have the right to self determination.

this is a brice of freedom :DDDD

use yandex you dick

Just tell me what it says. Sup Forums converts Cyrillic characters to their Latin equivalent for whatever reason, so machine translations don't work.

if you did what i said you wouldn't have that issue


yandex is a machine translation engine you dick

Лyчшиe мeмы -



It doesn't make total sense. Better a sin? Better than the film?

Would it really be so hard for someone who understands it to give a proper translation?


you are so dumb it hurts me

ho lee shit you are retarded



It was on auto detect.


go away phoneretard


Ukraine is a nice country but you really need to wipe out your whole government and get out Soros' sphere of influence


Why would he write what he wrote in Russian, while at the same time claiming that Ukrainian language is better?

Its in Ukrainian

No? For starters, he keeps writing Укpaинa (russian), while it should be Укpaїнa in Ukrainian.

It's in russian actually.

>Literally Borderland.

>the etymology of a country name makes their ethnogenesis illegitimate

Its Ukrainian

t. Rusyn

>Literally an Italian guy.

its russian

I visited Ukraine last month
It was very beautiful and nice country
Fuck Putin for wanting to destroy it

what city did you went ?

Зa чтo люблю бpaтьeв нaших мeньших - зa их чyвcтвo юмopa)))

> Лyчшee пopнo - Укpaинa
B пpoшлoм(

Lwiw and Kiev

>build by poles & russians
Ukrwine is truly butifel

The russians should put their capital to novosibirsk or plan a new one from scratch in the central part of it.
That way they dont have to feel so paranoid about their western borders all the time.

It's Lwów and it isnt Ukrainian city its Polish!!

It is literally in Russian

i plan to go there too, maybe in summer + tchernobyl

Hahaha stupid fuckin London englo

Even the mighty internet can fuck with russian master race greek runs :) XD

Лyчшиe тeхнoлoгии - best texnologia russia
Лyчшaя apхитeктypa - best orxitiktura russia
Лyчшиe фильмы - best movies russia
Лyчший язык - best lengouge russia
Лyчшaя литepaтypa - best letiratura russia
Лyчшee пopнo best porno Ukraina
Hoyдиcкacc dont know what the fuck is noudiskass

It's very nice.
Cheap, good food and safe.
Also nice architecture in Lwiw.
Lemberg was built by Austrians ;)

>Lemberg was built by Austrians

also i think he meant no discussion by hoydiccksacc

So how does it feel knowing that Lvov is forever lost?

most important time was habsburg galicia
all the great buildings of the city were built back then
even a polish guy once said to me that austrian poland/galicia was best time

Very sad ;( please dont destroy it ;(

If its your lets make a deal :)

We give you half of Ukraina and other half going to russia and belarus :) deal?

Its can hapend polack its not a dream but if we Do it your country Will complitely lose the west scum spopport forever :)

Are matka poland ready to be silna and not slaba suczka???

No deal. I dont like Ukraine but i support them. Better border with Ukraine than with Russia. They can keep Lwów.:)


typical merchant
nobody speaks polish there anymore, they all left in ww2

Galicia was shit. Poor and death because of malnutrition. Only one good thing was that you let us speak polish in schools etc.

>nobody speaks polish there anymore, they all left in ww2

I know that friend :)



Well i guss matka polska and pan polak are pussys just like you was all your historia if its like this go fuck your self polak we Will make a deal with germania just like old tims :)

we Will take all of Ukraina soon just watch us and crying crying Knowing its can be polish in your life time

Think about it polack in six days we can take all of pussy bandera Ukraina if we want its realy eazy now to stand up us a barbaric polak comondor with us you Will be a herow for your kids :) ??

Ok stop, I'm really sorry because of polish death camps. Pls forgive me ;(

??? I dont giva a fuck about jews ?? I only work Here ? What are you talking about ?? I am ukrainian myself i hate Ukraina its serve the jews

I have guns and a nice lada sidan car with 50000 slavic soldiers from all over the world lets go brother lets Do it and in six days Ukraina will be our ??

>I only work Here ?
I don't know man. :) just calm down and drink some wódka maybe :)

Bcя cyть.

I dont drink and dont smoke i am a soldier i use to serve Ukraina before maidan

I am ex verkut you dumb fuck before the jews come to power

So you are one of them? Why did you kill so many people? They just wanted to be free!

My grendmother was from Galicia she Said poland use to be rull by germania and Ukraina use to be rulld by poland

Till the russian empire come and ostro hungaria gone forever

New countrys was born


All this contrys for russia now are nothing but a toy to play and we Will Never gona take them sirios

>Till the russian empire come and ostro hungaria gone forever

No, Austro-Hungaria and Germany lost the war with France and Great Britain and only because of that new coutries was born.

Did you know whan we was out we didnet have guns are shilds we not allowed to kill

Sakasvili and avakov Pepole hed guns chins and evrey thing they need to shot Pepole to Death they Did it but blame us

Your news polish are prapaganda they kill us they shot us and burns us a life with gaselin
Then put us in jail but i shot a ukrainan Gard and asceped to my sister in Israel

i want russia to finish the job

shut up kike

why didnt you join novorussian army then?

>Your news polish are prapaganda they kill us they shot us and burns us a life with gaselin

I know that my friend i dont belive in that what they shown in news. I have seen a lot of videos from maidan and i know that its true what you are talking about. They throw on you molotov coctail and you were just standing there.
Look i dont really like Ukrainians all those bandera shits, but still i prefer them because I'm not afraid of them. And did i'm afraid of Russia? Yes i do.

Yes but you Never beat us not you not paarrusia not germania not tatars mongols not franch not china not japan not englo knights not sweds or bulgars or tatars or vikings you all get btfo in russian land

Only mikro asia hed a real talk with rus before we become ortahdox

Thets why russia is so fuckd up

To go from War to War to War and to War and War

We Will Never gona be Europain Never thre can be only one belive and its the ortahdox one not the jewish chatollic

>but you Never beat us
And who cares? I dont want to beat you. I just dont want you in Poland again :) Leave us in peace :)

I dont want to kill My on blood Pepole for americanns englos they i Never know

My masters Will Never be americans or jews we slavs lived toghter for 20 years till the fucking americans come to free us just as they free you

Just us they free your strong jugoslavija
And czechslovakia

Now Look at yourslef you use to be empire to just us East slavs strong jugoslavija strong czechslovakia Moravia

Now you are just trash full of hate to your on Pepole and hate your on blood


americans didnt come to free us, we had revolution cause fuck communism and fuck russia


The new Ukraina dont even know what poland is we go there to buy staff thets it we dont stady about you even not in school not in life we dont releted not by blood not by strongest we dont care about you Do what you want you are not our brother and Never was and Never Will be

But dont stick your nos in our East slavic ortahdox Ukraina belarus rus asia world bizness

We Will make new nukes and the more the beter to protect us form your american freedom of spich and all we dont need it our finnel days Will be over but for now its just the bigining of the rus saga finnely america have a president with wakeness for slavic women and a tall slavic Look son a slav to plus a sexy jigoslavian wife radnuck tramp is in our hunds now :)

You are not importent for me and Never was dont care about you ostro hungarian

Just saying You use to be strong now you are nothing but a name of old Moravian river name slovak

>we dont care about you Do what you want you are not our brother and Never was and Never Will be

That's is good for me :)

Make your new nukes and drink more wódka and figth with bears and make new Lada and just leava us in peace :)

>You use to be strong

yeah in 9th century, who the fuck cares about that

i lyk ukren
pls be my frein

Is this satire?

unfortunately no :)


Mmmmm realy so you give up all of thet just to be a german american cum bucket now ?? Thet doing evrey thing america germania tell them to Do like a dog ?

Rip slovakia for us you just a toy you finished for ever america killed czechslovakia and evrey one know thet just like they killed jugo and now try to come to East russia


No finn i can kill you with My on hands i am verkut 6ft7 bodybilder from East Ukraina

Cyкa, пoчeмy oн нe в бaнe?