Be Finland

>Be Finland
>Fight war against Russia
>Lose cool locations such as:
>Access to the largest lake in Europe
>Access to the arctic sea
>Your second largest city and the bulk of your industry.
>The location of other fellow finno-ugric peoples.
W-we still won guys

Other urls found in this thread:


You lost ALL of Finland. All of it. Even Åland, which isn't even really a part of Finland.

At least we're not gay


>responding without saging
This guy has been making these bait threads for day. Cmon guys

Yes, you still had a horrible defeat however

Everyone in Finland knows and agrees we lost the war, we are just proud that we maintained our independence unlike every other eastern europian country.

>What is Poland


>get dealt shit cards
>still create a great country through perseverance and hard work
I don't see the problem.

Occupied. Had its borders shifted 100 km west. Completely raped and ruined.

>Finland is shit

>sweden LITERALLY thinks they can shit about ANY other country
top kek, fucking delusional Sven
Finns are mad bros, Swedes are nearly always snobby cunts

>swedes are always snobby cunts
This, Im not sure tho are they so cold and unlikable persons because theyre even more autistic than finns

I've literally never had a bad experience interacting with Swedes in person though, honest to god. Don't judge a nationality based on Sup Forums, my guy.

Why do Finns hate themselves?
I've met many Swedes and Finns. Finns are based and can drink but stay fun and lively instead of getting angry
Fuckign Swedes turn their noses up at a sesh. Even more, they continue to have a stick up their arse the entire time you're around them
It's some weird superiority only they have. Danish and Norwegians don't have it and are grand fun

>Swedes are nearly always snobby cunts

can confirm this
t. knower of swedes

Bad self-esteem.

>Swedes are nearly always snobby cunts
this tbqh

swedes = british
finns = irish

Making fun of ourselves is just something we do

Maybe it's because we lack the arrogant and cocky attitude swedes have

We pity ourselves the most in the world. Every popular song we make is about our traditions of being depressed cunts or alcoholics.

This one's about some couple who fuck up their lives and in the end drive off road an kill themselves. (it's a classic)

I agree
t. taig


>Another great thread, Muhmad

>Danish and Norwegians don't have it and are grand fun
>Danish and Norwegians don't have it and are grand fun
fuck off you cunt

t. Cai-Göran

>Why do Finns hate themselves
Finns are brainwashed to look up to and idolize Scandinavia and the West and despise and hate everything Eastern (and in essence, themselves).


>t cai göran
wat? how?

you said we are autistic so mr.Kang got upset.

Self-hating cuck spotted

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