Be at the club

>Be at the club
>Feel a tap on your shoulder
>Turn around
>This guy starts to pee on you
>What do?

neck myself because i'm brazilian and live in the toilet lands

Is there a fucking rabbit in his trunks?


Cock his gun if you know what I mean.

nah m8 that's 100% pure bred american lap hog

>tfw no penis vein poking out my speedo

Point a gun while boo'ing at him. Ask for an apology, like the one written by the USOC.

American """"""lap hog"""""" is awfully lumpy.

I'd be like: whatever

take out my penis and pee on him at the same time

why don't you study it closer and see what else you can learn

Behead him in the name of Allah.

Sword fight

I'd like someone else to study it and show me exactly where his balls begin and his dick ends, to be quite honest. His crotch is more confused than Donald Trump at a UN convention.

I would get down

I bet you would hue

>memes already?
this faggot not even deserve to be a meme

Dang the Brazilians are already shit posting with proxies.

Pee on him right back. My piss is the only gold anyone would be giving him anyway.

that looks like a short soda can

i-is he a chode?

be calm, he's obviously retarded. He doesn't know better.

He has a massive cock.

it looks short and wide, like a soup can
lel tf?

Deck him

What do I look like? Brazil?

Damn, I came here to defend the boy Lochte, but then I saw he stuffs his speedo for no reason.

Guys just a pathological liar it seems.

Return the favor.

Get down on my knees for the Olympic champion and taste his golden shower.

It's shooped m8.

>Pfftt not executing the poo counter manoeuvre before he taps.

"why is it violet ?"

Ask him for compensation for property damage

He's got a little cock m8

it's shooped m8.