So, can we all agree that Croatia is among the best sports nations in the world along Spain, USA and few other, even our dear neighbours Serbia. Croatia is dominating in some sports even we have less than 5 million people and shitty conditions to train. I personally invite you to my beautiful country for a vacation :)
So, can we all agree that Croatia is among the best sports nations in the world along Spain, USA and few other...
But I'm already here
I myself am decorated karate european champion. This is a bottle of rakija which i regulary drink while i'm watching UFC :))))))) Rakija is good for your blood pressure and shit.
>best sports nations in the world along Spain, USA
we're shit and they're just swimming paddles
These are one of the BEST european basketball players, and i'm proud our shithole region has such a athletes :))))))))))) SPIRIT OF OLYMPIC GAMES TOOK MY SOUL.
>being self-hating faggot
I live a few km away from genocidal maniac Pavelić's grave, I'm still surprised Franco got away with everything he and his psychopathic friends did.
Yeah, this grave is shamefull and even more the fact that this grave is some kind of tourist atraction for Croats when they visi Spain, but what can we do? Nothing. Smash that grave for me please :))))
Fuck I am so proud. Really good job, even basketball players got pretty good and I have high hopes for that team. I am excited as fuck for boxing since I am an amateur boxer myself.
Saying we are one of the best in the world is a bit of a stretch tho. But we would be a pretty tough opponent in almost all relevant sports and that feels good
how about i smash your face?
pls, tractor off like rest of your people did
aaaaand filtred
Congrats, neighbors. We also did ok, but nowhere near as you this year. You have more golds that we have all the medals lol.
ajde reci mi to u facu majmune. slomit ću te na pola
gratz on being better than serbs :^)
That can't be Croatia, the """""beach""""" isn't composed of a million small stones
We have sand beaches on our islands m8. You just have to find ones among our 1244 islands :)
Hey Croatia bro,
is it safe for tourists there? Will I be kebabed if I go there?
How's the weather and food? I can google it but I'd rather here it from a local.
everything will be ok unless you're nigger, muslim, orthodox, gay or other lgbt shit, jew, asian or fat
he knows whats up, shitty stone ´´´´´´beaches´´´´´´ and lazy rude ´´´´´people´´´´´
>inb4 ´
No kebabs in and on our beaches and towns, only bosniaks, but they are good i suppose. I recomend Hvar island if you ever come here. Weather and food are always good, Italian tier see food. Pic related
So if you're a straight white cis Christian male. Thanks for stating the obvious
Its safe mate l. We dont have sandniggers here. Food is good weather a bit shitty these days. Come spend your shekels
we don't have kebabs we have very little gipsies but if they chimp out (which is very rare) they get dealt with promptly by locals. Food is great here imo, but be careful with the prices and always ask for receipt in restaurants because some faggot owners&waiters overcharge gullible tourists. Women are beautiful
Croatia get good.
We fucking rek you per capita.
>notice me big strong westeners
if there's one thing I'd change about my country it's this pathetic mentality
>liking sand beaches
enjoy your cancer
gorgeous m8
Wow. And I always thought Croatia was a shithole like Romania.
Landlocked cuck
You have no say here
Croats and Serbs are some of the worst """people""" in Europe
t. Azim Muhamedhadziahmetovic
Can you check a muay thai leg kick?
t. Abdul Uyghur bin Seefour Bomma
Thanks Yurop bros.
i'm from Scotland m8.
there are literally more muslims in both of your countries than mine.
no, you're from UK
there's no country called Scotland
>getting destroyed by a country that doesn't exist
oooh, that mist stung
>fruit brandy
>Rakija is good for your blood pressure and shit.
it's also good for numbing down your pain and sense of worthlessness
Congrats and no bully pls
>attention whoring
Just stop
>one chance in life
>born a Croat
Mother, thank you. I will kiss God and my brother and I will die here.