>britbongers blatantly wreck an Asian in cycling
>No DQ
>Asian runs into a white Canadian
Can we stop letting Anglo countries pay off the Olympic committee?
>britbongers blatantly wreck an Asian in cycling
>No DQ
>Asian runs into a white Canadian
Can we stop letting Anglo countries pay off the Olympic committee?
vicious attack by the jap desu
we don't have room for that in this sport
wtf I hate the olympics now
shamefur dispray
>another jap sneak attack
They can't keep getting away with this.
Britain is a disgrace for the world and the queen is a whore.
Really feel bad for the Jap he deserved the medal
Even without contact he would have finished ahead, this Canadian was about to fall over the entire last lap while the Japanese guy charged forward and almost finished 2nd.
>nigger didn't won it
Can somebody explain this to me? At what point other races have a chance?
This. Jap had more energy. Canadian knew it and went for the elbow because he couldn't keep up with him
They wiggle, waddle, and die for 3.5 hours.
think the japs would be used to getting nuked after attacking north americans for no reason by now
The Canadian is such a little bitch but why did the Jap try to pass so close? No need for it.
Anglos are a cancer to the world.
t. worst olympic host ever :^)
Because he was probably tired as fuck and some slow waffle is blocking his way
>post written in english
top cuck
>implying canada was able to militarize nuclear fission
>implying canada can into uranium enrichment
He lost the bronze? I'm honestly disgusted. Fuck Canada.
Otherwise you wouldn't be able to read that, because the only language you speak is english
>racewalking is an olympic sport
wtf happened?
just fuking run already holy shit what a retarded sport
i speak 3 languages mate. but all you third world trash are forced to learn english. lmao
Its the only Olympic sport left.
It's the most hardcore event
Why did the Canadian turn inward suddenly?
Because he was smarter then the Jap
>i know how to say hello in spanish and french, and thank you in german.
>i speak 3 languages
Wtf I hate Queen now.
Honestly I'm fucking disgusted. The Australian fucking ran without getting DQ'd, but this is where the line is drawn? This is some FIFA-level corruption. Takes all the fun out of it.
Good acting
Eternal anglo is behind everything, Evil jews was only a meme pushed upon us by the anglos
Get off weak leaf. A fucking leaf
He obviously weaved close to median.
weak leaf should have gone sidewalk
It was him interrupted Arai's way. Fuck off
Getting DQed in a 3 and a half hour event has to be the worst
>the only language you speak is english
I wonder why that is, hmmm really made me think
u mad?
>Asian smashes into brave Cav, nearly taking him out
>Asian smashes into brave Canadian, nearly taking him out
Why are Orientals so brutal?
This is why I hate Anglos. They're literally the spawn of Satan.
That'd be 4 m8
It's anudda Nanking!!!1
This I'm disapointed he was such a pussy
What is the american women 4x100 being able to rerun when they shit the bed ?
Jason Kenny not being DQed after his false start
The russians paying of the judges in boxing
Your countries are a disgrace.
>Anglos still think they're the center of the universe
Can't wait for a Russian-German-Chinese-Japanese alliance to finally fuck GB up once and for all. The Anglo caused WWI, WWII, and even today tries to keep the rest of Europe and Asia down. NO LONGER.
The Eternal Anglo simply can't keep getting away with this.
Once again, the asians trying to hit brits from behind. Shameful, really.
He was DSQ?
What the actual fuck?
Meanwhile we had a kangaroo for half the race and he got a medal.
You do realize what your flag is, right?
We'll all be united by our hatred for the Anglos. You better ready yourself. Your country will be liberated from those toxic creatures.
>country founded by anglo
>hates anglos
Did this Asian guy also take a dive and pretend he needed an ambulance like a cheating scum?
Anglos ruin the olympics
Why does this "sport" even exist?
Did your phone autocorrect the world 'rule'?
USA is germanic.
These historical enemies are only enemies because of the Anglo, don't you understand? Germany and Russia were friends for centuries, same with China and Japan.
It was only Anglo meddling in Continental affairs in the 19th century that led to WWI, and the Opium Wars led to China and Japan diverging. OPEN YOUR EYES SHEEPLE
It was anglo, then became germanic now it's shit and about to be overtaken as a superpower by the chinese... Really made me think
Shoo roach, shoo
Fuck you Nigel, I'm tired of Anglos posing as the good guys when you're responsible for literally 90% of contemporary world conflicts.
The British Empire was a mistake, America should've been in charge from the very beginning.
Evan "The moment call for helping me mom" DumbRee
>Barely 1/2 of the athletes reach the end
>People collapse and shit themselves mid race
>Many in hospital right now
>Not the most metal event of the Olympics
>biggest wave was in the end of the 1800s
>right before USA would become the world superpower
I'm actually very pissed off about this.
Canada has only 19 medals with doping.
We Japanese has 38 medals without doping.
so we can give a bronze medal for poor country
not a big deal
>>biggest wave was in the end of the 1800s
>>right before USA would become the world superpower
Anglos with a Germanic minority slave workers reached superpower status, hmmm made me think
>that webm
is that a parody?
Why did he protest so late?
>literally the biggest group in america
Anglo delusions. Go back to bragging about how you used to colonize a bunch of tribal shitholes.
Do you care about stepping on fallen leaves when you walk by the street?
Did you see Dumbree was boosting for a while after contact with Arai?
Maybe the Canadian just got an overwhelming waft of Hirooki's sponge.
Dungoofee better watch his back the next Olympics...
She's not the only queen in the world, but i'm glad you think so
I wonder if 2chan had a thread on deathmarch, would really like to see jap reactions
I don't even know what country your flag is without looking. You must feel relevant.
only language worth speaking 2bh
I thought you chinks were good at maths.
All my respect to Arai, dude almost got the silver medal.
IOC is gay.
>walk through hell 3,5 hours
>get DSQ
It was Hiroshima tier.
they don't even have a sports board
× → 3
Anglo countries have always been that way even in cricket its the same, when an australian or english players engage in some bad behavior they term it as banter but when the players from india,pakistan,srilanka,bangladesh return the favor they pussy out, start crying and put heavy fine or suspend players for 1-3 matches or bend the rules to suit them. They don't do this much with the cricket players from caribbean countries because they know if they touch them no more BBC for their daughters and wives.
Did you see the coverage and the bbc commentators today muh dundfee such hardworker muh talented muh sports psychologist and they kept showing that japanese player hitting him repeatedly. Thats how eternal anglo mindset works they are mentally a weak race.
>Jason Kenny not being DQed after his false start
It was a hard call there who was first and also the german guy did the same thing as well, but I agree with you on the rest
>Anglo delusions. Go back to bragging about how you used to colonize a bunch of tribal shitholes
Well abdul, you do know that India and china was pretty rich in that and I wouldn't call them tribal shitholes in that time
Why do people keep shitting themselves during this event?