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brian eno's logic about trump IS dumb as fuck so he deserved it
fuck off with that tim and eric shithead
>Disrespecting one of music's greatest living artists because he voted for someone you dislike
Tim why
>man who owes his career to eno tweets angrily about eno
Isn't gonna go well
eno >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hecker
why though
will tim "virgin" hecker ever make anything close to another green world or here come the warm jets? don't reply
literally who is this boring cunt
>don't reply
but he already has, drop your trip in shame please
Who the fuck is tim hecker
Speaking of which, wasn't Hecker's butt buddy Ben Frost working on a collaboration with Eno? Whatever became of that? I was super excited when i first heard about it
Hi Tim
What did Eno say about Trump?
Also as an ambientfag who's a pretty massive Hecker fanboy and who always thought Eno was very overrated, gonna have to go team Hecker on this one
>but he already has
strike one
strike three, hit the bench fool
said trump was needed to wake ppl up if Hillary won things will be the same and no revolution will come
he likes that the systems getting destroyed or something
a c c e l e r a t i o n
If anyone actually read Eno's statements, it's clear he is anti-Trump. His views are actually intelligent and well thought out. He basically thinks that if Hillary had gotten voted in, the government would have continued operating as usual and no changes would be made in the obviously flawed system. But since Trump is in, people will be encouraged to get off their asses, get involved and informed on politics, and hopefully make some change and re-structure.
Hecker is coming off as a fucking idiot commenting on something he clearly does not understand.
>perhaps my ironic internet babyspeak will mask my impotent rage
It ain't working, Tim. NEVER forget that Eno is directly responsible for EVERY musical idea that has ever passed through your head and your entire career is based off Eno's genius.
>people will be encouraged to get off their asses, get involved and informed on politics, and hopefully make some change and re-structure.
this wont happen though or atleast it doesnt look like it so far
both are wrong; Trump is good.
it's an optimistic thought
people might march in the streets a bit, but until they start putting bullets in the brains of their masters, nothing will change for the better
so, trump's disaster will go uncontested and become the new normal
it's amerifat, after all
ebin opinion you have there friendo :^)
>people will be encouraged to get off their asses, get involved and informed on politics, and hopefully make some change and re-structure.
not gonna happen for the majority. ppl are encouraging trump to fail on purpose just to prove he sucks
no idea why
back to Sup Forums, classcuck
I get where Eno's coming from but Trump completely fucking up the country is way too high of a price just to make Americans "wake up". Also it's too optimistic to the point being arguably a little naive.
Surprising lack of Sup Forumstards in this thread so far
>but Trump completely fucking up the country
obama already did that though
i think its reasonable. i mean what else are we gonna do?
nah, Hecker is sying that it's easy for millionaire Eno to be like hell yes lets fuck shit up when there is absolutely no danger for his livelyhood etc.
>everyone I disagree with is Sup Forums
Hecker is probably the biggest hack right now.
>giving a fuck about other peoples opinions
>spelling trumps name wrong is a form of rebellion
i fucking hate this world jesus christ
he deleted the tweet already. lmao
HES ON Sup Forums LMAO
Oh shit, Brian Eno's one of those "anything that fucks with the neoliberal status quo is good cuz it's boring and I wanna seem intellectual" dudes.
How do you guys think trump will fuck up the country? Inb4 social issues like abortion or gay marriage, I mean like destroy the economy or something
I'm broke as fuck dude
Richfags would be the ones who ultimately suffer.
He's heteronormalizing sexual assault and misogyno-racism, he's already done unspeakable damage, what will the European think? Think about it.
back to tumblr
I mean, the neoliberal status quo IS shit.
because the notion that to get something better, the world needs to burn is stupid af. nothing good comes from breaking down and being destructive
>implying that's a bad thing
Either USA hits the jackpot or they fall into yet another great depression.
drake is seriously one of the ugliest people I've ever seen
>trump went bankrupt with a casino
not liking the blackjack odds on this roulette throw of the dice
>nothing good comes from breaking down and being destructive
being this wrong
Can someone summarize that Guardian interview for me?
If only Tim Hecker had an ounce of talent and didn't keep releasing the same album over and over, the next one more watered down than the last...
>don't talk to me or my son again about old shit I did in the past
>btw I have a million dollars
>he thinks Haunt Me, Haunt Me Do It Again, Radio Amor, Mirages, Harmony in Ultraviolet, An Imaginary Country, Ravedeath, 1972 Virgins, and Love Streams sound the same.
Hecker is jealous of Eno's godtier ambient skills.
>but until they start putting bullets in the brains of their masters
grow up
Lmao Virgins, Ravedeath, and Harmony In Ultraviolet are all better than Brian Eno's rock stuff. Music For Airports is better though.
Forests self regulate through fires and bloom with life again after. How is human nature any different?
Eno's music was never that good sorry oh and all the albums he produced sounded good but every song sounded the same that is all
another green world is better than anything that turd has ever done. ravedeath is ok but for the most part, it all seems derivative as hell
>thinking you can overcome violence with violence.
it always feels so sleazy when shit artists comment on good ones even if they're wrong (Eno is even right though)
I respect your opinion but you're fucking wrong and I fucking hate you.
Fuck off Hecker.
sorry buds, but the acceptance of violence as a part of life is the next stage for your development
civil wars aren't roses and poetry
>years of consistent job growth
>unemployment going down
>turned the auto industry around
>got Bin Laden
>kept the economy from going even further down the tubes
I disagree with Obama on a lot of things but to say he completely fucked up the country is just wrong m8
There have been people doing this. You obviously aren't apart of it or haven't been looking.
Are you fucking retarded? Do you actually fucking believe that the Nazis lost WW2 because Stalin calmly debated Hitler?
Fucking retarded liberal pacifist cunt.
>zero sources
alrighty user
Well, American people had to choose between two evils and they chose the lesser one. I think that's a good way to look at it.
>deleted the tweet
What a fucking coward
These people are hardly interested in it, it's just so they can skip work and take pics of le quirky signs for their IG and snap. I just randomly searched youtube for a vid and look at this shit
Does this seem revolutionary? Or does it seem like a bunch of mentally stunted "adults" playing in a tree. You tell me
>spoonfeed me
What even are you referring to in your post? There are different laws in different states, different groups that meet, different rallies, marches, protests, etc
Fucking look into yourself and stop waiting for shit to fall in your lap, then complain nothing's happening because you haven't seen it
Trump is only the lesser evil. That's it. He thinks that the climate change is made up by China to make the U.S. manufacturing non competitive. That alone makes him a full fledged retard, just like Alex Jones.
>there is absolutely no danger for his livelyhood etc.
Do people really believe that if the US collapses, they're just completely done for? I can't believe anyone would be that naive. This isn't the 1500's
Yeah revolutions are dumb as hell.
Now pay us, The British, your taxes, you colonial bitch.
>still zero sources
>being an elitist when serious matters are at hands
fuck off troll
you mean like woman marching for "womans right" in a western country wew cant wait for the revolution
>I still can't think for myself
haha keep trolling while america burns idiot
Domestically Obama has been pretty alright, it's the foreign affairs where it gets dicey. Saying Obama fucked the country up is just completely and factually incorrect.
the Trump administration wants to control a woman's choice to go through with a pregnancy. Let me repeat that: the Trump administration wants to control what a person does with their body.
I know you Sup Forums shits love to talk about how terrible the rest of the world is, but that doesn't mean the west is exempt from criticism. Men are still sex hungry savages and the right still wants to punish women for getting abortions.
>I get all news from my racist uncle's facebook memes
>all these anons coming out of the woodwork acting like Hecker is a shit musician
Not him, but did you ever watch the news where there were protests against trump on all seven continents (yes even antarctica) or are you just completely ignorant?
This isn't just going away.
When they are harboring potential life inside of them, it's not just their body anymore
Social issues are more important than the economy. People are more important than their property you moron.
But abortions are morally wrong, they are not efficient in terms of cost and they use chemicals that damage the environment.
Who gives a fuck about a womyn's body.
Yeah man I'm sure you'd feel the same if you were a woman and you got pregnant and decided you weren't ready to have your life put on hold to raise a child, definitely. It's real easy to talk about "harboring potential life inside of them" when you have a dick dangling between your thighs and not a vagina.
game of thrones new season will be airing in a few months
all will be peaceful at that time