Will Brazilians miss being the center of attention or will they be happy that it's over because of the shaming?
Will Brazilians miss being the center of attention or will they be happy that it's over because of the shaming?
first option
next week nobody will care about us
nice proxy US, unlike you Germans are nice people actually
It's like vacations, it's great for a while but you get homesick at somepoint.
Was fun while it lasted.
Bit of both. It was not nearly as bad as everyone predicted but i also want everything to be normal again. The next few months should be pretty important for BR history so we should stop the parties.
both tbqh
What shaming? It was pretty average olympics, maybe the booing was a bad thing. But i also want it to end because i'm tired already
Not so fast monkey
Youll always be remembered as booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Yes please.
Nah not really.
Next terrorist attack you will remenber about arabs and completly forget about us.
Booing contestants, empty stadiums, tourists being robbed, volunteers treated like slaves, pools looking like Flint water, sea filled with garbage and the list goes on...
I ain't missing shit senpai
Well maybe the feminine volleyball games and the polska javelin-throw angel
Our best result ever, pretty proud tbqh.
Pretty good for a 3rd world shithole that only cares about football. And we will maybe get two more golds
looking pretty good desu
>list goes on...
Miss this meme desu
They have the absolute disaster of the Paralympics to get through yet, venues closed, travel grants unpaid and entire nations at risk of being unable to get their athletes there. Not to mention they've sold literally 12% of tickets lmao
We have no problem with that, we're not fags
You forgot the body parts which floated up on the beach near the volleyball venue and all the cops who got beheaded while trying to clean the place up.
How will the olympics affect Brazilian tourism?
Will it go up (which was the primary point of hosting that shit in the first place I guess?), down or not have any relevant effect?
>only cares about football
Only cares about murder, rape, and robbery.
Think of the milliards wasted for that shit.
Miss the attention of course. There is no shame because Brazilians always have a preconceived overly optimistic notion about this kind of stuff not matter how bad it was.
It will probably increase insignificantly or not at all, press has been pretty much mixed but word-of-mouth from people who visited might increase our popularity a bit.
No effect desu.
The military will be pulled out after the games and Rio will go back to gangland.
How do i know?
They made interviews and pools with the tourists and 87% said they would definetely go back. But time will tell.
Despite what the world might think, tourism ain't a very big thing in Brazil despite we having a lot of shit for people to visit.
Probably it will not change a lot, but word of mouth from people who came will be good. The Japanese in special heard so much shit from American media and discovered they actually like it: japantimes.co.jp
>Germans are nice people actually
Famous last words
Tourism from European/USA will decrease a lot
tourism from south american countries will continue the same
best allies
I want to end because I work near a stadium where this shit is happening and the police is fucking everything. Fuck the olympics and fuck the police.
I loved the World Cup.
If only we didn't choke at the volley competitions.
>fucking everything
t. pothead
What about the male volley? Is it over?
Daily reminder that Rio is a big shithole even for brazilian standards and the worst tourist trap of all.
>tfw won a bunch of meme medals like pole vault and boxing but not the hyped ones
drug dealer detected
>posts picture of Niteroi
Same shit.
t. favelado or pothead
I do believe that it will stay the same. The negative press is usually countered by word of mouth of happy tourists and it has been like this for ages. Tourism will drop and rise again on Carnaval like every other year.
As a Carioca, I am glad it will be over soon because I can't stand to have gringos getting wasted on my doorstep (I live near the Olympic Park).
Are the Americans behaving like animals there?
I actually prefer the World Cup. For me we could held a World Cup every fucking year, with less stadiums.
Actually, I believe that most of brazilians don't care for Olympics, as we can see for the booing culture.
t. traficante
É só pagar sua parte para a milicia :^)
It doesn't affect. Very few visit Brazil.
Closing streets because they want and fucking the traffic. Stopping people and making everybody lose the bus. Putting a "no stop" sign in the place where we used to park.
I'm luck I don't have to go there everyday and my job is, mostly, in another neighborhood.
t. faggots who can't stop sucking police's dick
Não entendi o seu comentário, Hue. Traduza.
Hello Beira-Mar
Not him, but what do you think? Rio de Janeiro is to Urinated States citizens what Kavos is to british people.
>I'm *lucky* I don't have to go there everyday and my job is, mostly, in another neighborhood.
Brazilians feel no shame. They will continue to chimp and murder much as before, completely oblivious to the scorn the rest of the world shows them. In five years the Olympic facilities will be crack dens.
This is basically every large city in every country. I've been to Paris, London, Berlin, etc and only Vienna was truly comfy.
All the country side and outskirts/innawoods I visited were awesome. French hillbillies in particular were the most bro like.
>being mad at cops controlling traffic at a huge international event
>being a disaster
Well, the athletes are a disaster to begin with, no surprises there.
> 200 M inhab
> Being at home
> 5 golds
What à shamefur dispray
Don't know about the indoor, but we won a golden medal in the beach one.
>the american proxy poster
tfw when I can finally listen to Bonde De Role, Panico, and songs about Popozudas in peace
Why anyone would visit Canada, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Chile?
>66 M inhab
>listen to a boo
>wave white flags
nobody here even cares about that. we even think it is funny.
That's like saying that New Jersey and New York are the same thing.
best result ever
these medal count bants work with the euro/anglo circlejerks but we don't give a fuck
They'll turn to cocaine to chase the high
my fucking sides
It's a shame, it feels like I shit myself desu.
Having a shitload of people does not really matter, see Mexico and India. What really matters is how developed your country is and how much people actually cares about sports other than the national sport (It's football here)
And there's no special advantage be it at home or away from home, you still need to be good to win.
Hell... I will be there for the Paralympics. Brazil is just awesome there. Hope China don't cut their athletes legs to win more medals though...
Chile? Patagonia idk. Puerto Rico is US territory and the others are close to the US (the same reason Mexico has a huge tourist industry).
>be New Jersey fag from the pine barrens
>even Americans think we're the same
>A Brazilian appreciates the difference
at least they won something
your country on the other hand wanted to give Portugal the chance to win their first european trophy against the host
Chilean chicks love Brazilian guys. ;)
Atleast we use our own athletes. French athletes are mostly people from your colonies. Like that Judo guy.
>you will never free her from the BR monkeys and take her back home to the fatherland
Japanese tourists love Eastern Island for some reason.
Are you Italian-American?
Hon Hon Hon
Mostly British, German and Dutchfags. But I did see a lost drunk burger about a week ago screaming the U.S. anthem like he was a one man crowd.
Been to Chile twice in the past 3 years. And like most Brazilians I went to skiing
Me, personally, I will be really happy, I hate when this country becomes the center of attention and the rest of the country thinks they know better about us, fuck that.
Now after the WC and the Olympics, I hope Brazil can take some years of rest to take care of himself, hather then trying to look good to foreigners.
One more gold medal and we will have had our best Olympics ever.
Best father.
>still being butthurt about it
I guess it worked much better than anyone expected
We will win 3 more golds, keep that in mind.
Usual french bullshit huh? They don't have athletes, then they remember of Algeria and other french colonies. Man... their soccer team, must have more black guys than Brazil.
They do? Probably because it's in the pacific. Australia also has a lot of Asian tourists (and inhabitants) because of that.
Pardon me if I'm wrong, but isn't czuk pronounced similar to choke? Can't make this shit up.
>It's the I-don't-know-French-History episode
He comes from Guadeloupe.
>this triggers the frenchie
i can't wait for the brazillians and americans to leave this board
French oversea territories are fully french, a bit like argentinas Malvinas or Sicilia for Italy
Nah, 'czuk' is pronounced like 'chook'
t. another -czuk
>this isn't the World Cup that makes people care
>it's the olympics, the shit that no one cares
>I need to accept all this shit for something that I wouldn't watch even if they paid me
Kill yourself. People have better things to do.
More like Suriname and Indonesia to the Netherlands.
It will probably will be the same thing, word of mouth may increase the visits next carnival, but thats it. At least most people who came here had their expectations low enough to be positively surprised.
>black people are french, you know!
That explains a lot the current situation of your country.