>does anyone actually find this attractive?
that's twiceshitters for you
take a bunch of mildly attractive girls and make them pretend that they're ~le quirky xD~ and let the autists fall for the personality meme
RV members look too caucasian
dropping RV
post your favourite kim
i luv me sum healthy bitchez
this is what men want
believe in jiyeon
don't reply to me you stupid goblin BITCH
shame about the sleeves
I'm torn between kim jiyeon and kim yerim [lim kim not the red velvet wrecker]
in what world does this look caucasian
im a nip, i want 2d
T-ara train doesn't stop
she's an asian who likes cock
she's a cockasian
feeding exy
i've watched that webmeme over a million times and never noticed this. nigga you gay.
forgot your lisa
>picks the one member who doesn't look caucasian
this pic deserves a pulitzer prize
I do
they're covering her pits, how could you not be annoyed by that?
why don't you just project your weird gay fantasies on the gaypops like the other homos
this is literally worse than Lisa
reminder that cub is beautiful and that bullying her will result in a jype lawsuit!
>girl likes cock
looks kinda like babysoul
they're cute sleeves man what's your problem
I hope so
if they disband I will kill myself
and its current with full makeup and styling
>[+469][-32] I always thought like that too .Park Jinyoung is so strict on KPOPstar, but once he makes his own group, it's so so..
but swedes aren't asian
did you mean finland?
What if this outfit malfunctioned on stage?
I really can't believe she agreed to wear this.
i finally posted MAMAMOO & Red Velvet, im good for an entire month now.
Caheyoung's new hair looks bad
sue me
kek, i thought because her sleeves look weird. but yeah shame about that, i don't think i've even have pit pics of her.
the other user does have a point...
loona yeojin is a thirsty cockslave
if that's how you want to rationalize your preoccupation with dicks then fine
the tyranny of pit obscuration by the sleeve menace must be stopped
jyp mediaplay waiting to happen
> underage south-korean pop idol has nip slip on live tv
>people make fun of lisa when nayeon exists
Lisa lives in sweden too?
nobody gives a fuck, you can't see a damn thing
seulgi's preoccupied with my cock right now LOL
looks pretty sturdy to me mang
also Kpops wear safety shorts & tops always
notice how there are nearly zero nipslips in Kpop
post lewd Jiyeons
who do you think makes fun of lisa?
baby hands...
> people make fun of nayeon when babysoul exists
AOTY incoming
it's all hwagoddess' fault
I make fun of them both equally thank you
youre both autistic
How many more months do we have until Twice's dating ban is lifted?
yo mate this pedoposting is funny and all, but there has to be a line, and i feel like, whatever is, 14 is a bit below it.
until late 2018
might post some webms later.... maybe.. we'll see okay
babysoul is cute
top kek
RIP Sweden
They're probably already dating now
>Lmao what IU isn't much better than Jihyo if at all.
Twiceshitters on OH everyone
fucking larping as white people
2 of them have confirmed boyfriends
was hwayoung naked
13 is when you START to get into pedo territory
tfw RV isn't safe on OH either
twice fans took over
If she asked me to marry I would say yes
aigo everyone gathered for grandmas birthday
lena dunham
i think she looks pretty cute, ya bunch of meanies
shhh, dubu and I don't wanna make it public yet
Is Choa even interested in dating?
twice is hated on OH
gotta be a baitposter
i know of sana and me, but who's the other one?
go back to OH
yeah but only in dating me
a real angel walks among us