Cardinals vs Chargers LiVe
first for cards
pick machine Palmer is back.
Offense looking Shitastic. Only the presason right...> OOOF.
>cards superbowl chances
Brandom Williams is a bum. Everyone will pass on him all day every day for free big plays.
Calm yourself nigger
Im fucking used to losing, but doing it as a favorite is embarrassing.
>that pick on palmer
Kek my sides
Another pick. What a fucking shit show. Nice to know we have jack shit behind brittle ol' Palmer.
This season is a disaster waiting to happen god fucking dammit.
>the city of Carson Palmer
>Arizona picknals
My sides
I don't know why I bother feeling hope anymore.
Dude relax its just fucking pre season. It literally means nothing
this Marco Polo commercial always makes me laugh
Church the faggot is back. Nice.
Yeah. Almost as big as a bust as dj Humphries but at least Williams wasn't a first round.
chargers more like fumblers am I rite
bosa is bust
you're right guy bad QB play never transfers from preseason to regular season nope never
>tfw you're on your teams forums and it's ran by Reddit tier SJW jews
I just said Bruce Arians isn't the god everyone thinks he is and I got a 48 hour ban.
Church, what forums do you use? I'm about to leave forums.azcardinals forever.
At least Arians is a better coach than Whisenhunt was when Cards fans were hyping him up as the second coming of Jesus.
It was 2 drives dude fuck off
>hurr if you go undefeated in pre season that means you'll make the playoffs!!
Your logic
Finally found a thread. Jesus fucking christ. Use a proper pic for the thread op.
>im too dumb to search the catalog
>on mobile
Fuck off
Yeah I use both the official forums and reddit. But Im mostly a lurker. Funny enough my pessimism isn't welcome.
Nice link you paki cunt