Post ur billies.
Rate/hate, you know the deal.
Post ur billies.
Rate/hate, you know the deal.
Your mother just passed away, you're trapped within a serious heroin addiction, and are contemplating suicide
you two are sad because of a girl
Sorry forgot to do the thing
You're sad but trying to find your way
Sup Forums nu male
reddit nu male
nu male
introverted, but can get obnoxiously loud
checked. you are a sad man, just dont follow in ian curtis' footsteps. check out iggy pop's the idiot, it was spinning on his record player when he hung himself.
insecure, but deep down you have niceness in your heart.
saddness is like a fix 4 u and u need to keep getting sadder and sadder music to maintain the high
i love that todd rundgren album
you hate small talk because the only things you like to talk about are extremely specific/esoteric
I love the idiot actually. And thank you. Nice julien baker and godspeed btw.
last 4
Try Carissa's Wierd
Oingo Boingo
don't they diddle kids
only ironically
Listening to Songs About Leaving now
Thank you for this holy shit
Actually I'm in the process of courting a girl and I'm doing quite well.
This is actually the happiest I've been in a long time.
You're the nu male, buddy.
hehe memes XD
you smoke menthols
Patrician taste. Take my body.
You would like the movie True Stories. It was written by David Byrne.
See response to OP.
Looks like I have 4 albums to listen to.
Happiest in a group of no more than 3.
State School. Loves lyrical wordplay and is not satisfied with the banal; the everyday.
Addictive personality but personable.
Untamed earhair will be your downfall.
Anxiety issues. Procrastinator.
I like you and that's all that's all my opinion is worth.
last 4 I listened to
Nice Julien Baker bros.
Recs: Stafrænn Hákon - Kælir Varðhund
From Indian Lakes - Everything Feels Better Now
Dead Can Dance - Spleen and Ideal
Only listens to Sup Forums recs
reliving his glory days in the 90s
has thought about suicide, but never seriously considered it
wishes he would go to parties more, but too insecure to go out
>listens to the beatles unironically
I thought you said the Beasties and got triggered.
good albums
what is the bottom left? I love the other 3
guessing in grad school
cool guy
not him but Pixies-Surfer Rosa
>owl city
I listen to owl city nearly every day I will without hesitation say that Adam Young is my favorite musician.
>posting Owl City on Sup Forums
you're brave, user
Someone who does cocaine
Ready to commit suicide at any second
Chill guy. Probably smokes weed
Smokes a lot
Has a close relationship with his mom. Cries himself to sleep too often.
Is intensely fascinated by space and the universe. Constantly going through an existential crisis.
Coffee addict
Takes walks
A cool dude.
>probably smokes weed
nah, shit's expensive
you're probably a bit effeminate, but don't care how that changes how others see you
>takes walks
you wish you lived in the city
>you're probably a bit effeminate, but don't care how that changes how others see you
Holy shit. I mean, I am, but not in a trap/gay sort of way. I just have a bit of "gay voice"
Since just guessing your personalities is getting old, I'm going to switch it up a bit. I will instead assign a Seinfeld quote I feel most correlates to your taste.
"I think the worst part about being blind would be not being able to tell if there were bugs in my food"
"On the one hand he's smart for building the rocket but on the other hand he's dumb for double parking"
"His whole life revolves around Superman and cereal!"
"I feel like I've lived two lives. My pre-mousse, and now I begin my post-mousse"
"Well, birthdays are merely symbolic of how another year has gone by and how little we've grown. No matter how desperate we are that someday a better self will emerge, with each flicker of the candles on the cake, we know it's not to be, that for the rest of our sad, wretched pathetic lives, this is who we are to the bitter end. Inevitably, irrevocably; happy birthday? No such thing."
"I've never been happy. In college, maybe. Those were good times"
"I know what you said about me, Seinfeld. I know you badmouthed me to the execs at NBC. Put the kibosh on my deal. Now I'm gonna put the kibosh on you. You know I've kiboshed before. And I will kibosh again."
"I could have been a millionaire! I could have been a fragrance millionaire, Jerry!"
I only know one of your albums, man.
"People on dates shouldn't even be allowed out in public"
>I only know one of your albums, man.
Which one?
Drive Like Jehu.
Kek extremely high quality post, well done user
kinda sad that I don't know any of your albums so I can't guess arbitrary shit about you
That's okay, man.
whats the album on the floor on the left
Flying Saucer Attack - Further
many thanks friend
not great at guessing personalities but i like the positive thread so far
And we like you too. That Roy Orbison album is amazing. It really should be one of the all time classics.
It really is something special. So influential yet so criminally overlooked most of the time.
I'm assuming you've heard "Sings Lonely & Blue"?
No, actually. I only just recently listened to In Dreams on a whim cause that scene from Blue Velvet was on my mind, and got blown away by the whole album. I'll have to check that one out, thanks!
You're gonna love it. The archetypal sad boy album
Sorry, I'm already falling asleep so I didn't reply to everybody.
You like to be alone.
You don't have a nice emotional life.
You're one of the few persons on Sup Forums who can get a girls.
You aren't good socially because you hate to talk about things you don't REALLY care about.
The funny guy in your friends.
Nothing to say.
Most of the time you're bored.
You sing indie songs with your friends.
Sometimes you wish you had a worse life just to see how could that feel.
Introvert and a little arrogant (give me a quote, please).
>(give me a quote, please).
Sure thing!
"Why do I always have the feeling everybody's doing something better than me on Saturday afternoons?"
This is quite accurate actually (thanks dude).
>Sometimes you wish you had a worse life just to see how could that feel.
ye, e.g. sometimes I wanna have a girlfriend just to see what heartbreak is like
no problem my man
hope you like it
What's the one against the wall?
The Great Santa Barbara Oil Slick by John Fahey
Has called Donald Trump a racist around his friends.
Hates high fidelity
Would get along with
Hasn't read a book since school
Goes to bed 8 p.m on Fridays
Used to have a gf and still masturbates to her facebook pictures
Slightly overweight
Drinks wine in the dark
Uses a dvorak keyboard
Vapes weed