Serbian final thread

Waterpolo vs Croatia
It's water polo "El Clasico"
They are defending Olympic gold from London.We are in good form.If we win this gold,there is no competition on this planet that we are not gold holders at this moment.
Last games vs Cro
and they beat us last time 7:5 at 2009

Women Volleyball vs China
beat them in group stage 3:0
Final is another thing but we are looking forward for gold.

Basketball vs USA
We didn't beat them for 14 years.(played 3 games)
Last time they rekt us in World cup final.(129:92)
We are good with silver btw

>final days of olympics

Bump. Gonna shit blood a lot before they are over

Serbia stronk

Women Basketball today for bronze vs France

Good luck Serbia, really like you

Serbia BIG country

such a small country yet pretty killer in team sports

i'm proud lads

>one shot in life
>born a Serb

Thank you, God. I love this country.

the memest of all team sports but ok, I'll root for you since you were nice enough to made a thread about it

вyчићy пeдepy

>the memest of all team sports but ok
What sport do you mean? Waterpolo? If yes, I agree.

If you mean basketball, fuck off

ok real talk now

do you guys think we can snatch bronze today in women's basketball?

Waterpolo, yes.

No tbqh, I think we somehow luckied out with Australia (the womens team).

I just want to see we destroy Ustase today. I just wanna se we skullfuck them in water polo.
The rest is just bonus.

have a nice murderpolo, serbia


Jedva cekam veceras.

t. Srbin na odmoru


>Na odmoru u Hrvatskoj
nemoj se ni vracati molim te.


why are my balkan-bros so cringe?

every comment I've ever seen from them on this site is always retarded

>people actually unironically translate memes to their own language
>just nuke us already

this thread feels just like the youtube comments section

Fucking subhumans

We have a medalless faggot here.
Chill out Sanchez

>0 medals
please leave Sup Forums

srbe na vrbe

Seriously tho . i noticed that there isnt any diffrence from thr balkan posters here and these cringey balkaners who post shit like greece and serbia brothers for evet, fuck gayreece , croats are nazi ustasa, albania anceint illiriya serbs are gypsies , fuck you mongol magyar


U kolko sati pocinje memepolo ?

>Serb education

Deset do 11

Proud to be Serb dbi

>0 medals

>1 gold

Serbia....i hate to be the one to tell you this
But you are total shit

you been drinking, albaniabro?

Im drunkk. But im not an albanian. I just hate how childish are balkan postrrres

>>final days of olympics

I thought there was one more day

Didn't know you had one.

but still
>1 medal

>women's volleyball


well, our weighlifting usually guarantees us a few medals and at least 1 gold, but they got banned this year, kek
same with wrestling, but we sent some literal whos to embarrass us

we might get another medal today in gymnastics

>mfw our womens team can beat cro male team in volleyball

>men's volleyball
I thought Slovenes were gay, not Croats.

because we don't try to be edgy, Sup Forums is normie board after all


Boom bitches stfu now
Gratz too