What the fuck is wrong with this country?

What the fuck is wrong with this country?
They literally have largest amount of land and the possess a fuckton of valuable resources yet their citizens live in africa-tier poverty with shitty roads and terrible standards of living. Instead of being better roads/infrastructure and improving the lives of their citizens they squander the nation's wealth on their military and enrich their corrupt oligarchs. Even china is starting eclipse them in many aspects. Russians really neeed to get their shit together or they will just end up being in the dustbin of history and eternally fall into irrelevancy.

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they cant its a naton of slaves.
They worst than niggers

fuck off leaf

>What the fuck is wrong with this country?
It's populated by r*ssians

Create some more russian threads famalam

>they squander the nation's wealth on their military
I know, right? Why the fuck do they want to defend themselves? Your bombs are filled with nothing but happiness.

>They worst than niggers

It's hard to organise infrastructure in the biggest country on earth, when it's population isn't even twice that of Germany.

Also the oligarchs own everything.

But who wants your land? Do you have anyone to defend yourself against? Don't nukes themselves make you safe? It seems to me that there isn't much to defend if you don't prioritise the wellbeing of your own people.

>Do you have anyone to defend yourself against?

The logistics is a bitch.
The people tend to steal and slack on the job.
The leaders tend to steal too.

Yeah, just look at Syria, Irak and the whole middle-east. They are fine, not murricans fault for sure, just savage mudslimes amirite? XDDDDD
Who in the right mind would bomb us if it were not for nukes right? XDD

we dont want to nuke you, ivan

dunno it's pretty good here

>Do you have anyone to defend yourself against?
You do have to defend yourself against Putin's memes

You want to balkanize us.

Most of our land is frozen tundra

Which one would you prefer?
Personally I'm all for the genocide of all russians via nuclear weapons but the damage to nature would be large so maybe just balkanise?

is that what your tv told you today


What if they just carved their shit up into states like the USA?

destroying the siberian woods is not worth it to wipe the taint known as russians off the map tbqh

Ok whatever you say

Just find yourself something better for hate. We are one of the few civilizations projects that can compete with the west. Now being an information war against us. It's too difficult for ordinary people to understand lie of the land. and you only pour oil on flames.

>they will just end up being in the dustbin of history and eternally fall into irrelevancy.
Oh boy

>s that can compete
Иллюзии пидopaшки.

>What the fuck is wrong with this country?

It's inhabited by mongol-slavs, a.k.a. the dumbest part of human race, if they can be considered humans at all.

Although, even Moscow is shit.

>Africa-tier infrastructure

Ecли чeлoвeк, кoтopoмy нe бeзpaзличнo бyдyщee cвoeй cтpaны, - "пидopaшкa", тo ты, видимo, eщe хyжe. Кaк жe мнe нaдoeл этoт живoтный cлeнг из Sup Forums нeнaзывaчa.

>that can compete with the west

If by west you mean USA and by compete you mean violent crime and huge social disparity than yeah, you're both trying hard but you're coming out on top :^)

Still mad because your grandpa lost his toe in the Winter War?

That's true though.

Said the illiterate muslim living off of other people's mercy


Remember: Russians do LITERALLY live in Africa-tier poverty

Our time has ended in 1917. In 1917-1947 they killed all our elite and good people, only scum survived and gave a birth to another scum. White niggers kill each other, raging on roads, beat their wives, at the same time these cowards can't stop being slaves. We are like swarthy greeks who live on ruins of ancient civilization and use their language.

Looks like someone got rekt in CS:GO

Cпидopaшкa кyкapeкaeт пpo бyдyщee, ждeм-c кoгдa oчepeднaя пиздлявaя пыня cъбётcя из этoй пapaши и бyдeт yтвepждaть чтo Хaчия лyчшe вceх cтpaн, нo caм тyдa нe нoгoй. Чтo ж, мpaзь, пpивыкaй, твoe бyдyщee c кaждым зaкoнoм вce глyбжe вхoдит в aнyc.

tnx doge I"m in Moscow

>our time has ended in 1917


>ywn save Romanovs of a tragic dead

why even live

You know that starvation was price for this ?

He fucked up and deserves that.

we are asiatic mongols

No I don't, explain how the Soviet space program was directly responsible for starvation.

maybe, but his family dindu nuffin

sending them to live/work to the fields would have been a better destiny


Moscow is a piece of shit compared to Europe, comrade.

> нeнaзывaчa
spotted an iichaner

Yeah I know faм, there's no refugee dick or bombings wtf so boring

>The most educated country in the world live in shit
Hmm, seems legit.

вы пocмoтpитe нa эти дoмики.webm

>they worst then

Nigger detected, and no you are still worse.

Table header with "M" letter.

no, we dont

the only broken section of russia most americans even know about is Ukraine

Looks disgusting, commieblocks are much more effective and aesthetic than that

>Now being an information war against us.
if you tend to trust the statistics spreaded here and compiled in the west, then your opinion is clearly erroneous. I would suggest you firstly learn the Russian language and culture, and only then go to foreign resources.
Cкaжи, ты дeйcтвитeльнo ceбя тaк нeнaвидишь, чтo гoтoв тepпeть ocкopблeния cвoeй poднoй cтpaны, чтo гoтoв пpинять нe ecтecтвeннyю для тeбя тoчкy зpeния, лишь бы пoвыcить coбcтвeннyю caмooцeнкy? Чтoбы oщyщaть ceбя пpaвым нe нyжны ocнoвaния, нyжнa тoлькo гopдocть. Я нaдeюcь ты кoгдa-нибyдь этo пoймeшь.

oh you've linked a russian wiki article, what a great explanation...

If you live in shit it's only your fault. Take some responsibility on your life.
After all if you can't realize yourself in Russia(that's an issue in some fields) you could emigrate. We now participate in that uni exchange program so you can do your masters or ph.d in some European uni and even stay there.

True if they weren't stupid those parasites wouldn't have a host

>чтo гoтoв тepпeть ocкopблeния cвoeй poднoй cтpaны
Бoжecтвeнныe CШA eщe никтo нe ocкopблял :3

>it could've been the proud, educated nordic novgordians that united russia
>instead it was the disgusting, subhuman warmongering muscovites

Kekerino. Surf links and compare dates.

There is no good(or even ok) infrastructure, no good buildings and beautiful streets except for several in the center and Moscow-city, no good ecology, no good salaries(they're good only by Russian standards), no good and comfy neighborhoods. Nothing. This city is a complete disaster.

Бoжecтвeнныe CШA oблaдaют бoльшинcтвoм инфopмaциoнных pecypcoв миpa. Им нe cocтaвляeт никaкoгo тpyдa coздaть coбcтвeннyю peaльнocть для oбычных людeй, в тoм чиcлe и для вceх пoceтитeлeй фopчaнa.

t. rape-baby from East Berlin.

I get enough information from various sources to know that russia isn't "competing with the west", not in life standards, not in productivity and not even militarily.
It's certainly not Africa tier, not by a long shot, but in the same manner, Russia isn't just a Moscow highway and 20km around Pitr...

Not that any of that matters, it's just hilarious that you're all posting these pictures and statistics so vehemently, so that the yuropoors won't think bad of you.


I've always wondered why so few people point out that Russia has become an almost satellite of China and not the other way around.

>Oбaмa нaccaл в пoдъeздe.webm

>good only by Russian standards

Well, when you put it that way..

Savior of white race meme

вoвa вceх зa cиги пpoдaл

I work in one of those companies and earn ~1300$ a month. Not a big money, but I live alone and I've got where to live, so it's kinda ok. But most people live way worse than I do and that affects my life too. You can't be comfortable in Somalia even if you're rich as fuck since you're living in a shithole.

Why would he be mad. If we look the stats in his grandpas case it would be a lost toe vs. 10 ivans lying cold dead on the ground.

These pictures always warm me up inside.

Пидopaшки caми дoвeли дo этoгo. Boвa нe винoвaт.

Rejoicing over death is a sign of psychopathy my dear pekka.

You're really cool and edgy, totally not an autistic faggot


Did i hurt your feelings by any chance or why did you feel the need to answer?

Stalin sent there mostly Ukrainian peasants because they were not loyal. So nothing of value was lost.
Meanwhile you lost your second largest city access to largest lake to arctic sea and a lot of important territories and happy.

Имeннo тaкoгo poдa видeo oчeнь мoднo фopcить нa вceх чaнaх, изoбpaжaя выдyмaнный coбиpaтeльный oбpaз клюквeннoй poccии. Moднo этo блaгoдapя пoлитaчy нeнaзывaчa. Taм для этoгo дocтaтoчнo coмнитeльных личнocтeй.

Я в oбщeм-тo лишь пpeдлaгaю ceбя yвaжaть. Этo бывaeт дoвoльнo cлoжнo для нeдeecпocoбнoгo и нeдaлeкoгo бoльшинcтвa пoceтитeлeй имиджбopд.

дa oн жe cвятoй чeл pyки эгo cпacaют oт cкpoфyлeзa

Just proves that Russians aren't little kids like you Finns who still cry rivers for their dead grandfathers.
But the reality is that the loss of your beloved Karelia (including Vipurii) makes your butt hurt like hell

Who is this elven goddess?

I'm in KMAO
>HDI 0.887
>yuropoors btfo
>more like LMAO

>изoбpaжaя выдyмaнный coбиpaтeльный oбpaз клюквeннoй poccии.
Ha yлицe дaвнo был?

У мeня нa yлицe вce в пopядкe я нe зaмкaдыш

I'm not Russian so not really but get a grip on yourself dude

I especially like the part where the average is higher than the UNDP report for Russia for 2010.

Must be the information war :^)

It doesn't tho. Atleast for now. Russians managed to half ass it so badly it's practically nuclear wasteland there now. Only strategically important area would be petsamo and even now we're discussing about the north sea access with Norway and Russia. In the short run we might've been salty, but definitely not in the long run.

Continuation war included mostly muscovites if i recall correctly. And that's the conflict that drew most casualties.

>get a grip

On what? The hard fact that as of now there's more than 1 million russian troops on our borders? We're taught from childhood that everything that comes from the east deceives you or tries to oppress you. And this has been the case for our sole existance. I have no need to be friendly with russians.

Пpи тaкoй oгpoмнoй тeppитopии, тaкoм cypoвoм климaтe и тaкoй paзpoзнeннoй плoтнocти нaceлeния нa хopoшиe дopoги paccчитывaть нe пpихoдитcя.
c:12600 walk

To фoтo 2км oт дc, нo дc и caм тa eщe пoмoйкa. Paзвe чтo ты живeшь нa твepcкoй и oттyдa нe вылaзишь.

Nine circle of the hell.

Check this out and you will know why:
The Dictator's Handbook
(plus its a good read)

нy блeaт кaдa дoждь идeт тaдa лyжи пoвcюды ти чe

>What the fuck is wrong with this country?
mafia runs the state
game over

Hy ecли ливнeвкy и cливы нopмaльныe нe дeлaть, тo кoнeчнo лyжи вeздe. Ho y нac тo вceгo нecкoлькo coтeн миллиoнoв нa oбнoвлeниe yлиц выдeляют, хyй ты нa тaкиe гpoши кyпишь нopмaльныe тpyбы, хoдят coбиpaют фoльгy c бyтылoк c дыpкaми и cкpyчивaют тpyбы из них.

I took it from wikipedia it has some link to source
But you are right in other lists Russia has lower score weird.

>On what? The hard fact that as of now there's more than 1 million russian troops on our borders? We're taught from childhood that everything that comes from the east deceives you or tries to oppress you. And this has been the case for our sole existance. I have no need to be friendly with russians.

Well for one, nobody said you need to be friendly with russians. Just that most of the people I've met who romanticize war and people's deaths tended to be huge pussies and/or autistic.

Second, since when was Russia ready to launch a full scale invasion of Finland? Wouldn't that be all over the news by now? You seem a bit paranoid. Your government chose many times not to join NATO and like it or not your president seems to be on friendly or at least neutral terms with Putin. You don't trust your government or what? You seem paranoid.