Tfw no gold medal ever

>tfw no gold medal ever

where you from bitch the moon

The problem is you play the same sports as China who will almost always win.


>not knowing that the Moon is another Ameriican state

stfu, you arent even close on being the cucked world champion

>you will never represent Malaysia and drown in pussy after you win their first gold medal

And if sepak takraw introduced at Olympics?

thailand wins lol

>mfw 28 gold medals ubermensch
Feels gold man



Malaysia literally never won a single gold medal in history

Has a britcuck ever been to the moon?

Holy fuck, you retards haven't even discovered space travel yet.

Even fucking vietnam got their gold this year


It's ok malasiabro you'll win one day

>choking 3 finals
Noice silvers you got there m'sia


Stop bullying Malaysia already, Indonesia.

I'm using a toilet right now

Based Awang though

kill urself nigger


I blame jeeb and his gang. Fuckers are the root of every problem in this country

I'll give you a pokemon medal.

a lot of english teachers in this thread